Can't get email to work on my second Rpi With Domoticz

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Can't get email to work on my second Rpi With Domoticz

Post by steffo »

I have been running Domoticz on a Rpi for a while.
Since I got issues with SD card I bought a new Rpi3+ and boots from USB HDD.
Installed from scratch.
In the new installation I cant get email to work properly, I just see the SMTP error.
Is there a way to get more details on why it
s not working, I think exact the same settings as in the old Rpi but obviously I have made a misstake somewhere, is there a way to get more data from the logs?
Thanx in advance.
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Re: Can't get email to work on my second Rpi With Domoticz

Post by steffo »

Now I have both pi's running together.
I made a back-up of the database from the old that is working and installed on the new - did not work.
I compared all settings in the System,Notification and email screen and the are exact match.

The working version is V4.9700
the not working version is V4.10181

Can it be a BUG in the new version?
The backup from V4.10181 is not possible to restore in the V4.9700 so can't test this.
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Re: Can't get email to work on my second Rpi With Domoticz

Post by nigels0 »

Are you using gmail?
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Re: Can't get email to work on my second Rpi With Domoticz

Post by steffo »

I tried both gmail and also my home mail-server that is on a synology.
This uses for relay though.

I cant get it to work on the new version of Domoticz.. -
Any tip for setting it up?
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Re: Can't get email to work on my second Rpi With Domoticz

Post by nigels0 »

Try setting up a device specific password on gmail. It won’t work with your regular email password
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