Three minor issues with the Qubino Smart Meter (ZMNHTDx)

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Re: Three minor issues with the Qubino Smart Meter (ZMNHTDx)

Post by octavian »

I'm using similar smart meter (ZMNHXDx - 3-phase Smart Meter from Qubino) and after countless different tests I finally managed to get the correct counter value for active energy (kWh) instead of total energy (kVAh). The secret was to set polling for the first value for Energy (the first one in the list) in ozwcp: section Function, selection Poling, check first Energy (in the drop list), select User then Submit.
Hope to be the lucky solution.
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Re: Three minor issues with the Qubino Smart Meter (ZMNHTDx)

Post by gizmocuz »

@octavian, you are replying to a very old thread (and also making an issue on github)
What version did you test against ? I made a quick patch in the latest beta version to also take the value of kVAh as kWh for this meter,
this might have caused issues, and maybe we need two different meters in domoticz and not combine them to one
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Re: Three minor issues with the Qubino Smart Meter (ZMNHTDx)

Post by octavian »

Sorry, I'm using the latest beta version of Domoticz (updated today) but still not able to see the correct value for Energy, domoticz reported kWh instead of kVAh and active energy is missing :(
Indeed I have ZMNHXDx - 3-phase Smart Meter from Qubino and not the one in the subject.I'm sorry, maybe a new thread would be a good idea.
Thank you
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Re: Three minor issues with the Qubino Smart Meter (ZMNHTDx)

Post by MikaelHakim »


Is Qubino ZMNHXDx working on domoticz? I need dataloging feature for kWh (hetapump)
Last edited by MikaelHakim on Friday 04 January 2019 21:45, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Three minor issues with the Qubino Smart Meter (ZMNHTDx)

Post by forkboy »

I just installed my ZMNHXDx today.

The latest stable of Domoticz did see it as unknown.
After updating to the latest beta I see most of the values, but I am still having troubles with the total kWh value.
It seems that the kVAh value shown by OpenZwave in Control Panel is available in Domoticz as a kWh device.
The real kWh value presented by OpenZwave in Control Panel is not available in the list of devices.
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Re: Three minor issues with the Qubino Smart Meter (ZMNHTDx)

Post by forkboy »

I now understand the problem with the kWh value. Both the kVAh and kWh values are reported to the same device in Domoticz. The kVAh value is reported last, and therefore that value is showing for the device. I have created a script that splits the kWh based on the last value + a margin of 20kWh and writes that value to a dummy device. So it is possible to get kWh value, but it takes some effort.

To me, this still looks like a bug, since the OpenZwave control panel does split the two by itself. There was already a bug opened:
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Re: Three minor issues with the Qubino Smart Meter (ZMNHTDx)

Post by Patrykwaw »

Could you share this script?
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Re: Three minor issues with the Qubino Smart Meter (ZMNHTDx)

Post by forkboy »

I have two devices. The "Warmtepomp kWh and kVAh" device is the device by Qubino.
The device "Warmtepomp kWh" has index 322, and is a virtual device.
I used to have a smaller number than 200000. But now after running for some while the difference between the kWh and kVAh values is quite large. I can run with a bigger number, which limits the risk of missing out when Domoticz has crashed.

The LUA script I created is:

Code: Select all

commandArray = {}

-- loop through all the changed devices
for deviceName,deviceValue in pairs(devicechanged) do
    if (deviceName=='Warmtepomp kWh and kVAh') then
        sPreviousCurrent, sPreviousTotal = otherdevices_svalues['Warmtepomp kWh']:match("([^;]+);([^;]+)")
        sCurrent, sTotal = otherdevices_svalues['Warmtepomp kWh and kVAh']:match("([^;]+);([^;]+)")

        if (tonumber(sTotal) >= tonumber(sPreviousTotal) and tonumber(sTotal) < (tonumber(sPreviousTotal) + tonumber(200000))) then
            -- print("New kWh found " .. sTotal)
			-- print("sPreviousCurrent " .. sPreviousCurrent)
			-- print("sPreviousTotal " .. sPreviousTotal)
			-- print("sCurrent " .. sCurrent)
			-- print("sTotal " .. sTotal)
			commandArray['UpdateDevice'] = "322|0|" .. sCurrent .. ";" .. sTotal

return commandArray
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