Nexa Motion sensor

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Joined: Wednesday 27 December 2017 15:28
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Nexa Motion sensor

Post by steffo »

Hello all,
I have a Domoticz Version: 4.9700 on a Rpi.
It is connected to a RFXtrx433 USB 433.92MHz .

I am trying to add the Nexa device LMDT-810 motion sensor but I can not get Domoticz to find it.
It was working today in another Synology based installation but I moved the RFXtrx to Raspberry as this is where I will be in the future.

Can anyone suggest how to add this device?
Thanks for help and supprt!
Posts: 13
Joined: Wednesday 07 November 2018 20:06
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: 4.97
Location: Jessheim, Norway

Re: Nexa Motion sensor

Post by gamlebardun »

I just added one, the outdoor type. I read the manual, and flipped the switch. The unit can easily be dismounted, so I brought it close to my pi+433trx. I left it alone for a minute, then waved my hand over it, and domoticz registered a signal.
I did try a few times before success. Make sure lighting sensitivity is "always on" when adding it. You can set another value after.
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