MQTT in Domoitcz 4.9700.

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MQTT in Domoitcz 4.9700.

Post by johan9610 »


I've tried everything tot get Mosquitto to be active at after reboot Domoticz.
The basic installatie from domoticz doesn't work, i've to activate "mosquitto" manual true puuty, of mosquitto -d, so i can logout from putty.
I read about de config file from mosquitto.conf (in 2 different dir's) but in the initial installatiion there is no mention about this.
I changed some options in this file from all info i could get. (f.i: pid_file /var/run/
But initial there isn't a pid file? So why isn't this in de domoticz manual?
What can i do, is it so difficult to have mosquitto service active after a reboot of my rpi?

I've on Sonoff switch configured and flashed, i can put it on/off via the website. Ip and ports works fine.
When ik manual start "mosquitto" the switch works fine.

Who can help me?
Regards, Johan.

Synology NAS DS 713+ (Docker running Domoticz & MQTT), R-Pi2 with P1 Interface. 4xKUKA devices. 3 x Camera's.
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Re: MQTT in Domoitcz 4.9700.

Post by bjacobse »

I think you need to set service, enable service and start service

Enable the service

Code: Select all

sudo systemctl enable mosquitto.service
taken from here: ... ebsockets/
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