I did use the latest Buster lite images for my Raspberry. What else do I need to install for Python? What Plugins? And from where?
Just the basic install and reboot did not gave me the Eq3 Gateway hardware in Domotica setting hardware panel.
Followed this instruction:
From (
https://github.com/mvzut/maxcube-Domoti ... /README.md )
One of the easiest ways to install the plugin is by entering the following commands in a terminal to your machine running Domoticz (at least if this machine is a Raspberry Pi or something similar):
cd ~/domoticz/plugins
git clone
https://github.com/mvzut/maxcube-Domoticz-plugin MaxCube
(or choose your own folder name instead of "MaxCube")
For updating from an existing version, type the following:
cd ~/domoticz/plugins/MaxCube (assuming you installed the plugin in this folder)
git reset --hard
git pull
After installing or updating the plugin, always restart Domoticz. You can find the plugin under Settings > Hardware. Activate the plugin by selecting it from the "Type" drop-down menu, fill in the parameters (explanation see below) and click "Add" (only for first-time installation).
After some extra Python plugins ( sudo apt install libpython3.x, python3-dev) and again reboot it did show up.
But now it looks like it fails after item 5 of 9 Eq3 devices I use. All radiator control in seperate rooms.
2020-03-28 18:24:50.052 (Gateway) Checking device '@Behandel kamer' in room 6
2020-03-28 18:24:50.053 Error: (Gateway) 'onHeartbeat' failed 'TypeError':''>' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'int''.
2020-03-28 18:24:50.053 Error: (Gateway) ----> Line 318 in '/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/MaxCube/plugin.py', function onHeartbeat
2020-03-28 18:24:50.053 Error: (Gateway) ----> Line 277 in '/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/MaxCube/plugin.py', function onHeartbeat
No problem to start from scratch, but what shoudl I change.
Thanks Ron