2 Zwave usb in paralell (EU and US)

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2 Zwave usb in paralell (EU and US)

Post by morilm »


I have just moved from UE to USA. I discovered the usb Gen5 is different, ZW090-A for US and ZW090-C for USA with different frequencies.

The problem is, are there any way to run both at the same time on the same domoticz installation and HW (raspberry pi)

I have done the setup, but domoticz crash when both z-wave adaptors are run. Running one or the other works ok.

I do need both as I do have some z-wave devices from EU (smoke, flood sensors) but the new ones here in the US, specially the wall switches are only available on the US frequency.

If running on the same HW doesn't work, I might need to think on a master-slave domoticz setup, but it will complicate everything just for 5 zwave devices.

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Re: 2 Zwave usb in paralell (EU and US)

Post by antwan »

Operating EU Zwave is not legal in the us! That freq can fa be used by the army, or cell phone providers.

I would not take the risk.
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Re: 2 Zwave usb in paralell (EU and US)

Post by Tonio16 »

How do you manage the USB ports in Domoticz? Do you use persistent port or not? If not I would try to use this. Probably the vendor and product ID are the sames, so you should use this solution: Alternative filtering via Devpath.


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Re: 2 Zwave usb in paralell (EU and US)

Post by gizmocuz »

It is not possible to use more then two openzwave hardware types as the driver is not made for this
You could buy a second raspberry pi for this.
Also take note of what Antwan is saying, you are not allowed to use the EU frequency in your country. If it will jam anything, and they measure that it originates from your place, they will confiscate a lot of hardware from you, down to the wall socket.
You've be warned....
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Re: 2 Zwave usb in paralell (EU and US)

Post by morilm »

Wow!!! I didn't know about the jam issue... thanks for the tip...

I already got a second PI... nice way to test the server-slave features.... :D

I only was looking to use the EU ones for the 5 devices, but seems I would need to sell all of them and get US devices (smoke sensor, flood etc..)

Great help as usual
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