Strange problem with LightwaveRF relay

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Strange problem with LightwaveRF relay

Post by lukeredpath »

I've just had a replacement LightwaveRF switch sent to me after my old one shorted out and I've been trying to repair the new one with my switches. I'm using the relay to power an outdoor ELV transformer for some path lights.

I have two switches I want to pair - a LightwaveRF wireless dimmer switch and a virtual switch in Domoticz (which I want to expose using Homebridge so I can use Homekit to control the outside lights).

I can put the relay in pairing mode and successfully pair the wireless dimmer. It works reliably and up to about 20 metres or so away - fine for the range I need as the switch is near the back door.

The RFXCOM unit is about another 10 metres away but it used to work just fine. The odd thing is, it does seem to be able to communicate with the switch to pair but then it just doesn't work. I create a new switch in Domoticz, setting it to LightwaveRF, give it a unique ID, put the relay in pairing mode and then press the test button. The relay receives this, clicks and indicates that it is paired. I add the switch and I can turn the lights on once and then it just stops working. Pressing on and off doesn't do anything and the relay does not seem to be receiving anything. The wireless switch continues to work just fine.

Any ideas what the problem could be? I haven't updated Domoticz for a while, could there be a bug that has been fixed?
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Re: Strange problem with LightwaveRF relay

Post by b_weijenberg »

Are you able to control the relay using RFXmngr?

There is a limit of remotes that can be paired with the relay. Reset the relay to remove all paired remotes and pair the RFXtrx again.
RFXtrx433, RFXtrx433E, RFXtrx433XL, RFX433XL, RFX868XL
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