switchOff after restart Domoticz

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switchOff after restart Domoticz

Post by Andrey95 »

I wrote a script so that after restarting domoticz some switches are turned off, but it works. tell me what is wrong

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return {
    active = true,
    on = {
        timer = {'every minute'}
    logging = { 
        level = domoticz.LOG_ERROR 
    execute = function(dz)

         local Switches = domoticz.devices().filter({2,39})
            if (domoticz.systemUptime < 10) then
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Re: switchOff after restart Domoticz

Post by dannybloe »

The timer fires every minute and systemUpTime is in seconds. So before the timer triggers your script it is very likely that more than 10 seconds have passed and your if-statement is false.

Better use a persistent data value that you compare with the uptime and when the uptime is lower than the currently stored value then you pull the switches. You get the idea.
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Re: switchOff after restart Domoticz

Post by waaren »

Please be aware that domoticz.systemUpTime returns the number of seconds the whole system is Up.

domoticz.startTime.getISO() will give you the date/time domoticz was started. (domoticz.startTime is a time object)
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