RFG100 Setpoint manually

For heating/cooling related questions in Domoticz

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RFG100 Setpoint manually

Post by CafedelmarNL »

Hi All!,

I known there are allot of topics going on about the rfg en wireless modules,
But.. i cant fingure out what to with scripting or not...,

I have the Honeywell Rouond Connect On/Off with the rfg100, controlled by webapi, manual setting temps etc works perfect,
but... i want make the blockly possibility with some default setpoints by presence detection day/night like that,
The most scripts i could find, are dated and based on 2015 etc, not that will be any problem but it looks like the script are before implementing the webapi,

Can some one help me out ?

Thanks a lot!
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Joined: Wednesday 14 February 2018 9:16
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: 3.8153
Location: Netherlands

Re: RFG100 Setpoint manually

Post by CafedelmarNL »


Thx for you're reaction!

Is there any solution to make it work ?, like coming home / leaving home kind of thing ?,
the EvoHome Device button aren't al so not working when i push the same button twice the overwrite kicks in and domoticz temp drops also twice :s,
even the "planning" from the app it self ignors the calendar functions...
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