Compact syntax for dzVents

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Compact syntax for dzVents

Post by Eoreh »

Compact syntax for dzVents in plans its add-on to dzVents.
I noticed with my friends that many of our dzVents scripts have simple logic and too many lines :).
That's why below the module planModule.lua in which it proposes additional functionality in a compact syntax. I hope that someday similar functionality will be directly in dzVents. (Requires dzVents 2.3 or later)
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How to install: download, change extension and name to plansModule.lua, copy to folder depending on your LUA configuration
or /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/

The simplest script to check the operation of the module in spoiler
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Code: Select all

-- test work module. only need two virtual switch. And toggle test2 on change on test1.
local plans={
local oPlans = require('plansModule')
return {
	on = {
	execute = function(domoticz, device,triggerInfo)
if dont work then on top of your script add

Code: Select all

package.path = package.path .. ';' .. '/home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/?.lua'
Other examples below (not too complicated): on trigger by device with 1 rule in "one line"

and other trigger by timer and have 3 rules in one plan.

Code: Select all

-- 3 rules 
-- 1: rule for when, where, notify, email 
-- 2: simple rule   with where
-- 3: simple rule for dimTo 

local plans={
    {switchOff={'Garage Door 1', 'Garage Door 2', when='lastUpdate.minutesAgo >15' }, where={{'temperature-out', when='temperature < 25'}, {'ImNotHome', state='On'}},
      log={message='Lamp1 flash  '}, notify={subject='RULE 1',message='Auto close garage door'} , email= false },
     {switchOn={'Lamp outside 1','Lamp outside 2'}, where={'ImInHome', state='On'}},
      {dimTo={'Status Alarm',lvl='Arming'}},
local oPlans = require('plansModule')

return {
	on = {
		timer= {'at 22:00'},
	execute = function(domoticz, device,triggerInfo)
More examples in the next posts

Change log and release notices:
Version 1.8 -Future, new function, generic, openURL, dimFromTo. Now in where You can use OR=true. See example in this topis.
Version 1.5 -Future, add property cancelQueuedCommands for all function. Require dzVents 2.4. See example in this topic
Version 1.4 -fix for bug level for dimTo. Future, add color do output debug and as new property to Log object. With color= in log you can use standard color: Red, Blue, Black, Green, Brown etc. See example in this topic
Version 1.3 -fix/future for debug mode, now also dispaly current value for false condytion, lastLevel now can be name level not only number
Version 1.2 -fix/future for debug mode, now also dispaly function, fix to handling lvl, level in some situation
Version 1.1 - new syntex and build as extension in module. Previous in scripted version described here. viewtopic.php?f=59&t=21529

If You wil be interested i will do documentation on wiki. The syntax has a lot of flexible possibilities. Below short description
All of the following properties are not mandatory in plan's rules
The order of elements in the rule can be any, does not matter

FUNCTION for acction:

switchOn,switchOff,switchSelector,toggleSwitch,dimTo, updateSetPoint, openURL, dimFromTo
switchOn='test1', switchOff={'test2'}, dimTo={'test3',lvl=10}, switchSelector={'test4',lvl='Level1'}, toggleSwitch={{'test5'},{'test6'},{'test7'}}
dimTo={'test10',lvl=10, when='temperature < 10'} , switchOn={{'test20', when='temperature > 20}, 'test21'}
switchOn={'test40', fun='checkFirst().forSec(5)'}, {onDevice='test1', updateSetPoint={'Temperatura WYJAZD',setPoint=23}},

onDevice - You can use in dzVents - in on section devices = {'*'} and next by Plans filtering action On
eg onDevice={'telefon*',when='status=="On"'}
onTime - You can use in dzVents in on section timer={'every minute'} and next by Plans filtering onTime={{'at 10:00', {'at 11:00'}}

FUNCTION for filters
where is function dedicated for check other device than was triggered.
where={'test1',when='temperature>10'} , {{'test1',when='temperature>10'}, {'test2',when='temperature>20'}

You can use in al function property like this: with 3 specjal property:
when - logical condition for the device that needs to be met. eg. when='lastUpdate.minutesAgo > 10'
fun - function to run on device eg. fun='checkFirst().forSec(5)'
level, lastLevel - parameters for selectors. Can be numeric or label.
setPoint - parameter for updateSetPoint
cancelQueuedCommands - for cancel delay command (require dzVents 2.4)
Rest proporty is standard property from dzVents devices eg. state, temperature etc.

PROPERTY: (all property is not obligatory)
description: used in write to log end and body notify eg description = ' It is description '

notify: notify only if present and is true to system defined default in global variable NOTIFY but y can inline overwrite in object notify all or some elements NOTIFY={subject, message, priority, sound, extra, subsystem, notify=true }
email: email only if present and is true to system defined default in global variable EMAIL but y can inline overwrite in object all or some elements EMAIL={subject, message, mailTo, email=true}
sms: sms only if present and is true to system defined default in global variable SMS but y can inline overwrite in object all or some elements SMS={message, sms=true}
log : log only if present and is true to system defined default in global variable LOG but y can inline overwrite in object all or some elements LOG={message,level, log=true, time=' '}
dontLog: if true script dont write to log action. If not present or is false script will write to log when LOGGING = true eg. donLog = true dontlog=true is the same as log=false
debug: debug="debugin rules nr 1 >>>' . Log more information about excecution current rule.

If You have question about this script just ask. :?:
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Last edited by Eoreh on Sunday 11 February 2018 16:35, edited 49 times in total.
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Re: Compact syntax for dzVents

Post by Eoreh »

Next egzample of simple plans with multiple rules trigger by timer for multiple devices
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-- an example of plans with multiple rules trigger by timer  for multiple devices
-- timer  trigger rules  can be any from dzVents, see->
-- *********************************************************************************

local funToRepeat='repeatAfterSec(1,3)'  -- to make sure that espEasy will made on/off :)
local plans = {
        { switchOn  ={ 'LED - Whisky',   time= '20 minutes before sunset', description=' LED-Whisky -> ON',  fun=funToRepeat}},
        { switchOff ={ 'LED - Whisky',   time={'at 21:45 on mon,tue,wed,thu', 'at 22:30 on fri,sat,sun'},    fun=funToRepeat}},

        { switchOn  ={ 'LED - Kitchen',  time= '30 minutes after sunset',                                    fun=funToRepeat}},
        { switchOff ={ 'LED - Kitchen',  time= 'at 21:15',                                                   fun=funToRepeat}},

        { switchOn  ={ 'LED - hall',     time= '40 minutes before sunset',                                   fun=funToRepeat}}, 
        { switchOf  ={ 'LED - hall',     time= {'at 22:00 on mon,tue,wed,thu', 'at 22:35 on fri,sat,sun'},   fun=funToRepeat}},

        { switchOn  ={ 'LIGHT-home',     time= {'at 05:30', '15 minutes before sunset'},                     fun=funToRepeat}},
        { switchOff ={ 'LIGHT-Dom',      time= {'20 minutes before sunrise', 'at 23:20'},                    fun=funToRepeat}},                    

        { switchOn  ={ 'LIGHT-Halogen',  time= {'5 minutes after sunset', 'at 06:20 on mon,tue,wed,thu'},    fun=funToRepeat}}, 
        { switchOff ={ 'LIGHT-Halogen',  time= {'at 21:45', 'at 07:40 on mon,tue,wed,thu'},                  fun=funToRepeat}},
local oPlans = require('plansModule')

return {
	on = {
		timer= {'every minute'},
	execute = function(domoticz, device,triggerInfo)
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Re: Compact syntax for dzVents

Post by Eoreh »

an example of closing an automatic garage door at night. Rule testing with additional debugging in the log.
First we testing rules in virytual switch test1, test2 and with change time value of onTime={} to "every minute"
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 -- example with one rule, closing the garage door at night when it is longer than for example 15 minutes. 
-- of course, for other gates, we can add the same rules in this script
-- We check every 2 minutes and status device 
-- Message all the same for email, notify, log. sa we can define it before in local variable
local planSubject = 'Auto close garage'
local PlanMessage = 'Garage door Skody open more when 15 min after sunset'
    {description = 'Auto close garage door - skoda',
        onTime  = 'every minute',   -- 
        switchOn= 'test2', 
        where   = {'test1',state='On', when='lastUpdate.minutesAgo>1'},
        email   = {subject= planSubject, message= PlanMessage },
        notify  = {subject= planSubject, message= PlanMessage }, 
        log     = {message= PlanMessage, level='LOG_ERROR' },
        debug   = 'DEBUG Auto close garage >>>  ' 
local oPlans = require('plansModule')
return {
	on = {
		timer= {'every minute'},
	execute = function(domoticz, device,triggerInfo)
If test1 is OFF then in log you will see

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2018-01-28 11:30:00.577 dzVents: !Info: 1.1 +++ DEBUG Auto close garage >>> OK-> test1 when lastUpdate.minutesAgo>1
2018-01-28 11:30:00.577 dzVents: !Info: 1.1 +++ DEBUG Auto close garage >>> test1 ! state On
After manualy switch "test1" ON. Log should he should show something like that (becouse we change test1 few seconds ago :) ).

Code: Select all

2018-01-28 11:32:00.475 dzVents: !Info: 1.1 +++ DEBUG Auto close garage >>> not-> test1 when= lastUpdate.minutesAgo>1
Atfer more whan 1 minute show like this:

Code: Select all

2018-01-28 11:33:00.459 dzVents: !Info: 1.1 +++ DEBUG Auto close garage >>> OK-> test1 when lastUpdate.minutesAgo>1
2018-01-28 11:33:00.459 dzVents: !Info: 1.1 +++ DEBUG Auto close garage >>> OK-> test1 state On
2018-01-28 11:33:00.459 dzVents: !Info: 1.1 +++ DEBUG Auto close garage >>> domoticz.devices('test2').switchOn()
2018-01-28 11:33:00.461 dzVents: Error (2.4.1): Garage door Skody open more when 15 min after sunset
Now We can simple swap device names and change onTime to target.
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-- example with one rule, closing the garage door at night when it is longer than for example 15 minutes. 
-- of course, for other gates, we can add the same rules in this script
-- We check every 2 minutes and status device 
-- Message all the same for email, notify, log. sa we can define it before in local variable
local planSubject = 'Auto close garage'
local PlanMessage = 'Garage door Skody open more when 15 min after sunset'
    {description = 'Auto close garage door - skoda',
        onTime  = 'every 2 minutes between 20 minutes after sunset and 30 minutes after sunrise',
        switchOn= 'Garage door Skoda - pushbutton', 
        where   = {'Garage door - Skoda -status',state='Unlocked', when='lastUpdate.minutesAgo>15'},
        email   = {subject= planSubject, message= PlanMessage },
        notify  = {subject= planSubject, message= PlanMessage }, 
        log     = {message= PlanMessage, level='LOG_ERROR' },
local oPlans = require('plansModule')
return {
	on = {
		timer= {'every minute'},
	execute = function(domoticz, device,triggerInfo)
Of course, with one rule instead of using onTime in a rule, we could set it in the dzVents timer.
But if we have many rules in one script with different times, it can not be done in the dzVents timer. so we have to use onTime function from plansModule
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Re: Compact syntax for dzVents

Post by Eoreh »

Example with combine selector and switch. We can choose to turn on for 1h, 2h, 3h, always, off and it switches this OFF or ON switch to the right time. When You selected for example 1h - selector back to OFF after 1h and turn OFF switch.
NOTE: for test You can change fun on aferSec(10), 20, 30 etc. Code to copy in spoiler
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Code: Select all

-- egzample with combine  selector and switch 
-- we can choose to turn on for 1h, 2h, 3h, always, off
-- and it switches this OFF or ON switch to the right time
        {switchOff  ={switch}, where={selector, state='Off'}},
	    {switchOn   ={switch}, where={selector,  state='always'}}, 
	    {onDevice={selector, state='1h'},  switchOn  ={switch},  dimTo={selector,level='Off',fun='afterHour(1)'}},
	    {onDevice={selector, state='2h'},  switchOn  ={switch},  dimTo={selector,level='Off',fun='afterHour(2)'}},
	    {onDevice={selector, state='3h'},  switchOn  ={switch},  dimTo={selector,level='Off',fun='afterHour(3)'}},
local oPlans = require('plansModule')
return {
	on = {
	execute = function(domoticz, device,triggerInfo)
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Last edited by Eoreh on Sunday 28 January 2018 23:40, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Compact syntax for dzVents

Post by Eoreh »

ver 2 previous script selector+switch. Now also handle the situation when we click on TEST1 (eg when we operate through a hardware button).
Note: to correct work requires the 1.2 or newer version of the plansModule to be downloaded from the first post
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Code: Select all

-- ver 2. egzample with combine  selector and switch 
-- we can choose to turn on for 1h, 2h, 3h, always, off
-- and it switches this OFF or ON switch to the right time
local selector='SELECTOR1'
local switch='TEST1' 
	    {onDevice={switch, state='Off'},       where={selector, when="state~='Off'"}, dimTo={selector,level='Off',    fun='silent()'}},
        {onDevice={switch, state='On'},        where={selector, state='Off'},         dimTo={selector,level='always', fun='silent()'}},
        {onDevice={selector, state='Off'},     switchOff ={switch}},
	    {onDevice={selector, state='always'},  switchOn  ={switch}}, 
	    {onDevice={selector, state='1h'},      switchOn  ={switch},  dimTo={selector,level='Off',fun='afterHour(1)'}},
	    {onDevice={selector, state='2h'},      switchOn  ={switch},  dimTo={selector,level='Off',fun='afterHour(2)'}},
	    {onDevice={selector, state='3h'},      switchOn  ={switch},  dimTo={selector,level='Off',fun='afterHour(3)'}},
local oPlans = require('plansModule')
return {
	on = {
		devices={selector, switch}
	execute = function(domoticz, device,triggerInfo)
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Last edited by Eoreh on Monday 29 January 2018 14:57, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Compact syntax for dzVents

Post by Eoreh »

new Version 1.2 -fix/future for debug mode, now also dispaly function, fix to handling lvl, level in some situation.
Check first post.
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Re: Compact syntax for dzVents

Post by Eoreh »

Version 1.3 -fix/future for debug mode, now also dispaly current value for false condytion, lastLevel now can be name level not only number
but in debug mode will show number value. Egzample new debug mode.

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2018-01-29 13:36:35.601 dzVents: !Info: 1.3 +++ 1 onDevice SELECTOR1 OK -> level always
2018-01-29 13:36:35.602 dzVents: !Info: 1.3 +++ 1 onDevice SELECTOR1 NOT-> lastLevel 10 is -> 20
2018-01-29 13:36:35.602 dzVents: !Info: 1.3 +++ 2 onDevice SELECTOR1 OK -> level 1h
2018-01-29 13:36:35.603 dzVents: !Info: 1.3 +++ 2 onDevice SELECTOR1 NOT-> lastLevel 10 is -> 20
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Re: Compact syntax for dzVents

Post by TomBod »

Great job Andrzej.
Thanks to this script I have reduced many of my scripts and many lines of code to a few simple commands.
For example, I use such formulas as:
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2xRPi - Synology DS212 - RFLink433 - Mi-Light lights - Kaku switches - Conrad RSL wall-mounted switches - Sonoff switches - IP Cameras
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Re: Compact syntax for dzVents

Post by Eoreh »

TomBod wrote: Tuesday 30 January 2018 20:18 Great job Andrzej.
Thx, Tom. I'm glad that someone is using this library.
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Re: Compact syntax for dzVents

Post by Eoreh »

Version 1.4 -fix for bug to level in dimTo function. Future: add color to output for debug and as new property to object Log. Default color for log is green.
But now You can change log text from default color green to other. eg, Red, Blue, Green, Black, Brown, etc. See example.

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-- colored log. 
local selector='SELECTOR1'

    {where={selector, state='Off'},    log={message='Log color is default Green, cos no color property specyfied'}},  
    {where={selector, state='always'}, log={message='Log color is Red', color='Red'}}, 
    {where={selector, state='1h'},     log={message='Log color is Blue', color='Blue'}},
    {where={selector, state='2h'},     log={message='Log color is default Green, cos => wrong color type XXX', color='XXX'}}, 
local oPlans = require('plansModule')
return {
	on = {
	execute = function(domoticz, device,triggerInfo)
After run this script and change levels in selector log should look like this
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Re: Compact syntax for dzVents

Post by Eoreh »

Version 1.5 -Future, add property cancelQueuedCommands for all function. Require dzVents 2.4. See example below

ver 3 previous script "selector+switch". Now also handle the situation when we will change mind and click from shorter time 1h to 2h.
Note: to correct work requires the 1.5 or newer version of the plansModule to be downloaded from the first post
and of course dzVents 2.4 (with cancelQueuedCommands)
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Spoiler: show

Code: Select all

-- ver 3. require dzVents 2.4 or neweer egzample with combine  selector and switch 
-- we can choose to turn on for 1h, 2h, 3h, always, off
-- and it switches this OFF or ON switch to the right time
local selector='SELECTOR1'
local switch='TEST1' 
	    {onDevice={switch, state='Off'},       where={selector, when="state~='Off'"}, dimTo={selector,level='Off',    fun='silent()'}},
        {onDevice={switch, state='On'},        where={selector, state='Off'},         dimTo={selector,level='always', fun='silent()'}},
        {onDevice={selector, state='Off'},     switchOff ={switch}},
	    {onDevice={selector, state='always'},  switchOn  ={switch}}, 
	    {onDevice={selector, state='1h'},      switchOn  ={switch},  dimTo={selector,level='Off',cancelQueuedCommands=true,fun='afterHour(1)'}},
	    {onDevice={selector, state='2h'},      switchOn  ={switch},  dimTo={selector,level='Off',cancelQueuedCommands=true,fun='afterHour(2)'}},
	    {onDevice={selector, state='3h'},      switchOn  ={switch},  dimTo={selector,level='Off',cancelQueuedCommands=true,fun='afterHour(3)'}},
local oPlans = require('plansModule')
return {
	on = {
		devices={selector, switch}
	execute = function(domoticz, device,triggerInfo)
Text version script's code for copy in spoiler.
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Re: Compact syntax for dzVents

Post by Eoreh »

Version 1.8:
New function:
1. generic
- the generic function has been added to run all other functions not directly supported by the library but exist in dzVents now and in future.
Of course everything else for the rule with function generic is also allowed as time, when or where
Here is an example of "setRGB(0, 255,0)"
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-- generic function 
local selector='SELECTOR1'
local plans={
	    {generic={'Lamp-RGB', fun='setRGB(0, 255,0)'}},  
local oPlans = require('plansModule')
return {
	on = {
	execute = function(domoticz, device,triggerInfo)
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2. openURL
added special support becouse is not support by generic. Function openURL requires 2 parameters.
a) Some names - it may be a name from a device from domoticz or not (then it is just a description)
b) url = 'http: // domain / path / to / something? withparameters = 1'

As we will give as the name of the device from domoticza then
openURL = {'TEST2', state = 'On', url = 'http: // 8080 / json.htm? type = command & param = switchlight & idx = 256 & switchcmd = Toggle'}

Means that the command will only be executed when TEST2 has state = 'On'
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Code: Select all

local switch='TEST2'
local selector='SELECTOR1'
local plans={
local oPlans = require('plansModule')
return {
	on = {
	execute = function(domoticz, device,triggerInfo)

3. dimFromTo
Added special function which is not implemented in dzVents. This function it is used to change the dimmer value depending on the time.
a) syntax:
dimFromTo = {<name>, lvlFromTo = <array {from proc, to proc} or one number>, timeFromTo = {time1, time2}}
b) we can light up, for example, from 10 percent to 70 percent from 22.00 to sunrise. or vice versa (then from proc> to percent)
c) Time parameters you can use all the allowed syntax for dzVents but of course for a given moment. "at" is not necessary.
d) If lvlFromTo is a constant number (or maybe) then the total is the same as regular dimTo, i.e. such records are equivalent to
   {dimFromTo = {ledR, lvlFromTo = 70, timeFromTo = {'08:01', '60 minutes before sunset'}},
   {dimTo = {ledR, lvl = 70, time = 'between 08:01 and 60 minutes before sunset'},
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local ledR = 'Aqua-Red'
local plans={
    {dimFromTo={ledR,lvlFromTo={0,70},  timeFromTo={'22:01','15 minutes after sunrise'}}, where={{'Test', state='Off'},{'PIR', state='Off'}}}, 
    {dimFromTo={ledR,lvlFromTo=70,      timeFromTo={'08:01','60 minutes before sunset'}}},   
    {dimFromTo={ledR,lvlFromTo={70,10}, timeFromTo={'18:02','22:00'}}}, 
--  {dimTo={ledR, lvl=70, time='08:01-18.00'}}, 
local oPlans = require('plansModule')
return {
	on = {
		time={'every minute'}
	execute = function(domoticz, device,triggerInfo)
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