Qubino ZMNHBDx using energy when switched off

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Qubino ZMNHBDx using energy when switched off

Post by petzno »

I have installed the Qubino ZMNHBDx Flush 2 Relays without any external switches connected to I1 and I2. All three switches shows up in domoticz (Q1-Q3) and it reports power usage upon usage. However the kWh does not update. I can get it to update by going to the OZW control panel and pressing "refresh" button under "Current values". Also if I enable polling it will update.

However, the bigger problem is that it seems to be "using" energy as the kWh value is increasing every time I do a forced update. As an example, only since this morning (around 9 hours ago) the total value was 25.8 kWh, now it is 30 kWh. Both Q1 and Q2 has been switched off all day.

I notice there was an issue with the individual reporting for relay Q1 and Q2 (ref https://github.com/OpenZwave/open-zwave/issues/1404), but I don't see that relate to this issue. Anyone else seing this behavior?

I am on last stable, Version 3.8153 with domoticz.
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