Dashticz - General Discussions

Dashticz, alternative dashboard based on HTML, CSS, jQuery

Moderators: leecollings, htilburgs, robgeerts

Posts: 232
Joined: Wednesday 17 February 2016 22:55
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: Beta
Location: Germany

Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Post by sailmich »

robgeerts wrote: Sunday 10 December 2017 10:05 Will check the arrows for blinds.
It only uses your own config.js ... (in custom-folder).
But if you see strangs things, this could happen because of browser-caching..
Thanks for your quick response. I can't see anything different from my older CONFIG.js but maybe you can have a look into my CONFIG.js. I cleared the cache and have this issue on my Laptop, Tablet and Phone.

Spoiler: show
var config = {}
config['calendarlanguage'] = 'de_DE';
config['domoticz_ip'] = 'http://192.xxxxxxxxxx';
config['domoticz_refresh'] = '5';
config['dashticz_refresh'] = '60';
config['app_title'] = 'Dashticz';
config['wu_api'] = 'my own';
config['wu_city'] = 'pws:';
config['wu_name'] = 'my own';
config['wu_country'] = 'DL';
config['auto_positioning'] = false;
config['use_favorites'] = false;
config['boss_stationclock'] = 'RedBoss';
config['hide_seconds'] = 1;
config['hide_topbar'] = 0;
config['hide_seconds_stationclock'] = 1;
config['idx_moonpicture'] = 2; //index of the uservariabele MoonPicture
config['auto_swipe_back_to'] = 1;
config['auto_swipe_back_after'] = '20';
config['slide_effect'] = 'coverflow';
config['last_update'] = 0;
config['selector_instead_of_buttons'] = 0;
config['static_weathericons'] = 1;
config['standard_graph'] = 'month';

var frames = {}
frames.secpanel = {height:660,frameurl:"http://my own/secpanel/index.html",width:12}

var buttons = {}
buttons.jalousien={width:6, title:'Jalousien', slide:2}
buttons.beleuchtung= {width:6, title: 'Beleuchtung',slide: 3}
buttons.alarm= {width:6, title: 'Alarm',slide: 4}
buttons.wetterstation= {width:6, title: 'Wetter',slide: 5}
buttons.webcam = {width:12, isimage:true, refresh:2000, image: 'http://my own/mjpeg_read.php', url: 'http://my own'}
buttons.moon = {width:12, isimage:true, refreshimage:60000, image: 'moon'}
buttons.radio = {width:12, image: 'img/radio_on.png', title: 'Radio', url: 'http://www.radio21.de/musik/livestream.html'}

var blocks = {}
blocks['blocktitle_1'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_1']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_1']['title'] = 'Erdgeschoss';

blocks['blocktitle_2'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_2']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_2']['title'] = 'Wohnzimmer';

blocks['blocktitle_3'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_3']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_3']['title'] = 'Küche';

blocks['blocktitle_4'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_4']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_4']['title'] = 'Obergeschoß';

blocks['blocktitle_5'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_5']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_5']['title'] = 'Jalousien Terrasse';

blocks['blocktitle_6'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_6']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_6']['title'] = 'Jalousien';

blocks['blocktitle_7'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_7']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_7']['title'] = 'Beleuchtung';

blocks['blocktitle_8'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_8']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_8']['title'] = 'Nachtruhe';

blocks['blocktitle_9'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_9']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_9']['title'] = 'Außen';

/*blocks[40] = {}
blocks[40]['width'] = 6; //1 to 12, remove this line if you want to use the default (4)
blocks[40]['image'] = 'blinds_open.png'; //if you want to show an image instead if icon, place image in img/ folder
blocks[40]['switch'] = true; //if you want to switch the title and data
blocks[40]['hide_data'] = true; //if you want to hide the data of this block
blocks[40]['protected'] = false; //protect switching manually in Dashticz
blocks[40]['title'] = 'Links' //change name of switch against Domoticz name*/

blocks[1] = {}
blocks[1]['width'] = 4;
blocks[1]['image'] = 'blinds_open.png';
blocks[1]['switch'] = true;
blocks[1]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[1]['protected'] = false; // Jalousie Wohnzimmer mitte
blocks[1]['hide_stop'] = false;

blocks[6] = {}
blocks[6]['width'] = 6;
blocks[6]['image'] = 'blinds_open.png';
blocks[6]['switch'] = true;
blocks[6]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[6]['protected'] = false;
blocks[6]['title'] = 'Rechts'; // Jalousie Küche rechts
blocks[6]['hide_stop'] = true;

blocks[7] = {}
blocks[7]['width'] = 4;
blocks[7]['image'] = 'blinds_open.png';
blocks[7]['switch'] = true;
blocks[7]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[7]['protected'] = false; // Jalousie Wohnzimmer links
blocks[7]['hide_stop'] = true;

blocks[8] = {}
blocks[8]['width'] = 4;
blocks[8]['image'] = 'blinds_open.png';
blocks[8]['switch'] = true;
blocks[8]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[8]['protected'] = false; // Jalousie Wohnzimmer rechts
blocks[8]['hide_stop'] = true;

blocks[9] = {}
blocks[9]['width'] = 4;
blocks[9]['image'] = 'blinds_open.png';
blocks[9]['switch'] = true;
blocks[9]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[9]['protected'] = false; //Markise draußen

blocks[10] = {}
blocks[10]['width'] = 4;
blocks[10]['image'] = 'blinds_open.png';
blocks[10]['switch'] = true;
blocks[10]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[10]['protected'] = false;
blocks[10]['title'] = 'Seite'; //Jalousie seite draußen

blocks[11] = {}
blocks[11]['width'] = 4;
blocks[11]['image'] = 'blinds_open.png';
blocks[11]['switch'] = true;
blocks[11]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[11]['protected'] = false;
blocks[11]['title'] = 'Vorne'; //Jalousie vorne draußen

blocks[40] = {}
blocks[40]['width'] = 6;
blocks[40]['image'] = 'blinds_open.png';
blocks[40]['switch'] = true;
blocks[40]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[40]['protected'] = false;
blocks[40]['title'] = 'Links'; //Jalousie Küche linke Seite
blocks[40]['hide_stop'] = true;

blocks[128] = {}
blocks[128]['width'] = 6;
blocks[128]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[128]['title'] = 'Innen';// Wetterstation Außen Temperatur

blocks[134] = {}
blocks[134]['width'] = 6;
blocks[134]['image'] = 'white-arrow-down.png';
blocks[134]['switch'] = true;
blocks[134]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[134]['protected'] = false;
blocks[134]['title'] = 'Ein';// Nachtruhe ein

blocks[135] = {}
blocks[135]['width'] = 6;
blocks[135]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[135]['title'] = 'Außen';// Wetterstation Innen Temperatur

blocks[139] = {}
blocks[139]['width'] = 6;
blocks[139]['image'] = 'bulb_on.png';
blocks[139]['switch'] = false;
blocks[139]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[139]['protected'] = false; // Wohnzimmer Licht

blocks[140] = {}
blocks[140]['width'] = 6;
blocks[140]['image'] = 'bulb_on.png';
blocks[140]['switch'] = false;
blocks[140]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[140]['protected'] = false; //Küche Licht

blocks[142] = {}
blocks[142]['width'] = 6;
/*blocks[142]['icon'] = 'fa-arrow-circle-left';*/

blocks[148] = {}
blocks[148]['width'] = 6;
blocks[148]['icon'] = '';
blocks[148]['title'] = 'Boen'; // Wind_gust
blocks[148]['graph'] = true;

blocks[151] = {}
blocks[151]['width'] = 6;
blocks[151]['image'] = 'white-arrow-up.png';
blocks[151]['switch'] = true;
blocks[151]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[151]['protected'] = false;
blocks[151]['title'] = 'Aus'// Nachtruhe aus

blocks[152] = {}
blocks[152]['width'] = 6;
blocks[152]['image'] = 'bulb_on.png';
blocks[152]['switch'] = false;
blocks[152]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[152]['protected'] = false; // Flur oben Licht

blocks[153] = {}
blocks[153]['width'] = 6;
blocks[153]['image'] = 'bulb_on.png';
blocks[153]['switch'] = false;
blocks[153]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[153]['protected'] = false; // Schlafzimmer Licht

blocks[174] = {}
blocks[174]['width'] = 6;
blocks[174]['icon'] = 'fa-tint';
/*blocks[174]['image'] = '6.svg';*/
blocks[174]['title'] = '24 Stunden'; //Regen

blocks[175] = {}
blocks[175]['width'] = 6;
blocks[175]['icon'] = 'fa-tint';
blocks[175]['title'] = 'Aktuell'; // Rain_rate

blocks[191] = {}
blocks[191]['width'] = 6;
blocks[191]['icon'] = 'fa-moon-o';
blocks[191]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[191]['protected'] = true;
blocks[191]['title'] = ''; // Mondphase

/*blocks[192] = {}
blocks[192]['width'] = 4;
blocks[192]['image'] = 'Moon-stars.png';
blocks[192]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[192]['protected'] = true;
blocks[192]['title'] = ''; //Moonage*/

blocks[193] = {}
blocks[193]['width'] = 6;
blocks[193]['icon'] = 'fa-moon-o';
blocks[193]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[193]['graph'] = false;
blocks[193]['protected'] = true;
blocks[193]['title'] = ''; // Mondprozente

blocks[194] = {}
blocks[194]['width'] = 4;
blocks[194]['image'] = 'blinds_open.png';
blocks[194]['switch'] = true;
blocks[194]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[194]['protected'] = false;
blocks[194]['hide_stop'] = true;// Jalousie Badezimmer

blocks[209] = {}
blocks[209]['width'] = 6;
blocks[209]['image'] = 'bulb_on.png';
blocks[209]['switch'] = false;
blocks[209]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[209]['protected'] = false; // Steinel Außenlicht

blocks[203] = {}
blocks[203]['width'] = 6;
blocks[203]['title'] = 'Auge Oben';

blocks[213] = {}
blocks[213]['width'] = 6;
blocks[213]['title'] = 'Steinel'; // Steinel Bewegungsmelder

blocks[215] = {}
blocks[215]['width'] = 6;
blocks[215]['title'] = 'Steinel'; // Steinel Helligkeit

blocks[231] = {}
blocks[231]['width'] = 6;
blocks[231]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[231]['title'] = 'Bewegung'; // Bewegung um das Haus herum

blocks[232] = {}
blocks[232]['width'] = 6;
blocks[232]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[232]['title'] = 'Reset'; // Rücksetzen von Bewegung

columns[2] = {}
columns[2]['blocks'] = [buttons.jalousien, buttons.beleuchtung, buttons.alarm, buttons.wetterstation, 'blocktitle_8', 134, 151, 128, 135, 'sunrise' , 231, 232, buttons.radio]
columns[2]['width'] = 4;

columns[3] = {}
columns[3]['blocks'] = [buttons.webcam]
columns[3]['width'] = 6;

columns[4] = {}
columns[4]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_1', 'blocktitle_2', 7, 1, 8, 'blocktitle_3', 40, 6, 'blocktitle_4', 194]
columns[4]['width'] = 8;

columns[5] = {}
columns[5]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_7', 'blocktitle_1', 139, 140, 'blocktitle_4', 152, 153, 'blocktitle_9', 209]
columns[5]['width'] = 8;

columns[6] = {}
columns[6]['blocks'] = [frames.secpanel]
columns[6]['width'] = 12;

columns[7] = {}
columns[7]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_4']
columns[7]['width'] = 8;

columns[10] = {}
columns[10]['blocks'] = ['currentweather_big', 'weather', 174, 175, 148, 142]
columns[10]['width'] = 4;

columns[11] = {}
columns[11]['blocks'] = [buttons.moon, 191, 193]
columns[11]['width'] = 4;

var screens = {}
screens[1] = {}
screens[1]['background'] = 'bg3.jpg';
screens[1]['columns'] = [2,3]

screens[2] = {}
screens[2]['background'] = 'bg3.jpg';
screens[2]['columns'] = [2,4]

screens[3] = {}
screens[3]['background'] = 'bg3.jpg';
screens[3]['columns'] = [2,5]

screens[4] = {}
screens[4]['background'] = 'bg3.jpg';
screens[4]['columns'] = [6]

screens[5] = {}
screens[5]['background'] = 'bg3.jpg';
screens[5]['columns'] = [2,10,11]
Posts: 317
Joined: Thursday 12 January 2017 15:30
Target OS: Linux
Domoticz version: Beta Ch
Location: Finland

Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Post by tontze »

robgeerts wrote: Sunday 10 December 2017 10:05 Will check the arrows for blinds.
It only uses your own config.js ... (in custom-folder).
But if you see strangs things, this could happen because of browser-caching..
I was just wondering, i did remove whole dashticz folder, but somewhere new install found my calendar ics, it was allready filled in config page ?
RFLink 433mhz / Nrf 2.4Ghz
Mi Light
esp8266MiLight Hub
HP T610 & Debian 5.10.19-1 x86_64[/b]
Posts: 127
Joined: Sunday 13 September 2015 18:58
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: stable
Location: Nieuwegein, NL

Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Post by aiolos »

tontze wrote: Sunday 10 December 2017 15:24
robgeerts wrote: Sunday 10 December 2017 10:05 Will check the arrows for blinds.
It only uses your own config.js ... (in custom-folder).
But if you see strangs things, this could happen because of browser-caching..
I was just wondering, i did remove whole dashticz folder, but somewhere new install found my calendar ics, it was allready filled in config page ?
It can be in your 'local storage' in the browser.
Contributor to Dashticz
More on my Github profile
Posts: 1273
Joined: Saturday 24 January 2015 22:12
Target OS: NAS (Synology & others)
Domoticz version: 3.7067
Location: NL

Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Post by robgeerts »

sailmich wrote: Sunday 10 December 2017 13:55
robgeerts wrote: Sunday 10 December 2017 10:05 Will check the arrows for blinds.
It only uses your own config.js ... (in custom-folder).
But if you see strangs things, this could happen because of browser-caching..
Thanks for your quick response. I can't see anything different from my older CONFIG.js but maybe you can have a look into my CONFIG.js. I cleared the cache and have this issue on my Laptop, Tablet and Phone.

Spoiler: show
var config = {}
config['calendarlanguage'] = 'de_DE';
config['domoticz_ip'] = 'http://192.xxxxxxxxxx';
config['domoticz_refresh'] = '5';
config['dashticz_refresh'] = '60';
config['app_title'] = 'Dashticz';
config['wu_api'] = 'my own';
config['wu_city'] = 'pws:';
config['wu_name'] = 'my own';
config['wu_country'] = 'DL';
config['auto_positioning'] = false;
config['use_favorites'] = false;
config['boss_stationclock'] = 'RedBoss';
config['hide_seconds'] = 1;
config['hide_topbar'] = 0;
config['hide_seconds_stationclock'] = 1;
config['idx_moonpicture'] = 2; //index of the uservariabele MoonPicture
config['auto_swipe_back_to'] = 1;
config['auto_swipe_back_after'] = '20';
config['slide_effect'] = 'coverflow';
config['last_update'] = 0;
config['selector_instead_of_buttons'] = 0;
config['static_weathericons'] = 1;
config['standard_graph'] = 'month';

var frames = {}
frames.secpanel = {height:660,frameurl:"http://my own/secpanel/index.html",width:12}

var buttons = {}
buttons.jalousien={width:6, title:'Jalousien', slide:2}
buttons.beleuchtung= {width:6, title: 'Beleuchtung',slide: 3}
buttons.alarm= {width:6, title: 'Alarm',slide: 4}
buttons.wetterstation= {width:6, title: 'Wetter',slide: 5}
buttons.webcam = {width:12, isimage:true, refresh:2000, image: 'http://my own/mjpeg_read.php', url: 'http://my own'}
buttons.moon = {width:12, isimage:true, refreshimage:60000, image: 'moon'}
buttons.radio = {width:12, image: 'img/radio_on.png', title: 'Radio', url: 'http://www.radio21.de/musik/livestream.html'}

var blocks = {}
blocks['blocktitle_1'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_1']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_1']['title'] = 'Erdgeschoss';

blocks['blocktitle_2'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_2']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_2']['title'] = 'Wohnzimmer';

blocks['blocktitle_3'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_3']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_3']['title'] = 'Küche';

blocks['blocktitle_4'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_4']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_4']['title'] = 'Obergeschoß';

blocks['blocktitle_5'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_5']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_5']['title'] = 'Jalousien Terrasse';

blocks['blocktitle_6'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_6']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_6']['title'] = 'Jalousien';

blocks['blocktitle_7'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_7']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_7']['title'] = 'Beleuchtung';

blocks['blocktitle_8'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_8']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_8']['title'] = 'Nachtruhe';

blocks['blocktitle_9'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_9']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_9']['title'] = 'Außen';

/*blocks[40] = {}
blocks[40]['width'] = 6; //1 to 12, remove this line if you want to use the default (4)
blocks[40]['image'] = 'blinds_open.png'; //if you want to show an image instead if icon, place image in img/ folder
blocks[40]['switch'] = true; //if you want to switch the title and data
blocks[40]['hide_data'] = true; //if you want to hide the data of this block
blocks[40]['protected'] = false; //protect switching manually in Dashticz
blocks[40]['title'] = 'Links' //change name of switch against Domoticz name*/

blocks[1] = {}
blocks[1]['width'] = 4;
blocks[1]['image'] = 'blinds_open.png';
blocks[1]['switch'] = true;
blocks[1]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[1]['protected'] = false; // Jalousie Wohnzimmer mitte
blocks[1]['hide_stop'] = false;

blocks[6] = {}
blocks[6]['width'] = 6;
blocks[6]['image'] = 'blinds_open.png';
blocks[6]['switch'] = true;
blocks[6]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[6]['protected'] = false;
blocks[6]['title'] = 'Rechts'; // Jalousie Küche rechts
blocks[6]['hide_stop'] = true;

blocks[7] = {}
blocks[7]['width'] = 4;
blocks[7]['image'] = 'blinds_open.png';
blocks[7]['switch'] = true;
blocks[7]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[7]['protected'] = false; // Jalousie Wohnzimmer links
blocks[7]['hide_stop'] = true;

blocks[8] = {}
blocks[8]['width'] = 4;
blocks[8]['image'] = 'blinds_open.png';
blocks[8]['switch'] = true;
blocks[8]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[8]['protected'] = false; // Jalousie Wohnzimmer rechts
blocks[8]['hide_stop'] = true;

blocks[9] = {}
blocks[9]['width'] = 4;
blocks[9]['image'] = 'blinds_open.png';
blocks[9]['switch'] = true;
blocks[9]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[9]['protected'] = false; //Markise draußen

blocks[10] = {}
blocks[10]['width'] = 4;
blocks[10]['image'] = 'blinds_open.png';
blocks[10]['switch'] = true;
blocks[10]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[10]['protected'] = false;
blocks[10]['title'] = 'Seite'; //Jalousie seite draußen

blocks[11] = {}
blocks[11]['width'] = 4;
blocks[11]['image'] = 'blinds_open.png';
blocks[11]['switch'] = true;
blocks[11]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[11]['protected'] = false;
blocks[11]['title'] = 'Vorne'; //Jalousie vorne draußen

blocks[40] = {}
blocks[40]['width'] = 6;
blocks[40]['image'] = 'blinds_open.png';
blocks[40]['switch'] = true;
blocks[40]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[40]['protected'] = false;
blocks[40]['title'] = 'Links'; //Jalousie Küche linke Seite
blocks[40]['hide_stop'] = true;

blocks[128] = {}
blocks[128]['width'] = 6;
blocks[128]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[128]['title'] = 'Innen';// Wetterstation Außen Temperatur

blocks[134] = {}
blocks[134]['width'] = 6;
blocks[134]['image'] = 'white-arrow-down.png';
blocks[134]['switch'] = true;
blocks[134]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[134]['protected'] = false;
blocks[134]['title'] = 'Ein';// Nachtruhe ein

blocks[135] = {}
blocks[135]['width'] = 6;
blocks[135]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[135]['title'] = 'Außen';// Wetterstation Innen Temperatur

blocks[139] = {}
blocks[139]['width'] = 6;
blocks[139]['image'] = 'bulb_on.png';
blocks[139]['switch'] = false;
blocks[139]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[139]['protected'] = false; // Wohnzimmer Licht

blocks[140] = {}
blocks[140]['width'] = 6;
blocks[140]['image'] = 'bulb_on.png';
blocks[140]['switch'] = false;
blocks[140]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[140]['protected'] = false; //Küche Licht

blocks[142] = {}
blocks[142]['width'] = 6;
/*blocks[142]['icon'] = 'fa-arrow-circle-left';*/

blocks[148] = {}
blocks[148]['width'] = 6;
blocks[148]['icon'] = '';
blocks[148]['title'] = 'Boen'; // Wind_gust
blocks[148]['graph'] = true;

blocks[151] = {}
blocks[151]['width'] = 6;
blocks[151]['image'] = 'white-arrow-up.png';
blocks[151]['switch'] = true;
blocks[151]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[151]['protected'] = false;
blocks[151]['title'] = 'Aus'// Nachtruhe aus

blocks[152] = {}
blocks[152]['width'] = 6;
blocks[152]['image'] = 'bulb_on.png';
blocks[152]['switch'] = false;
blocks[152]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[152]['protected'] = false; // Flur oben Licht

blocks[153] = {}
blocks[153]['width'] = 6;
blocks[153]['image'] = 'bulb_on.png';
blocks[153]['switch'] = false;
blocks[153]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[153]['protected'] = false; // Schlafzimmer Licht

blocks[174] = {}
blocks[174]['width'] = 6;
blocks[174]['icon'] = 'fa-tint';
/*blocks[174]['image'] = '6.svg';*/
blocks[174]['title'] = '24 Stunden'; //Regen

blocks[175] = {}
blocks[175]['width'] = 6;
blocks[175]['icon'] = 'fa-tint';
blocks[175]['title'] = 'Aktuell'; // Rain_rate

blocks[191] = {}
blocks[191]['width'] = 6;
blocks[191]['icon'] = 'fa-moon-o';
blocks[191]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[191]['protected'] = true;
blocks[191]['title'] = ''; // Mondphase

/*blocks[192] = {}
blocks[192]['width'] = 4;
blocks[192]['image'] = 'Moon-stars.png';
blocks[192]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[192]['protected'] = true;
blocks[192]['title'] = ''; //Moonage*/

blocks[193] = {}
blocks[193]['width'] = 6;
blocks[193]['icon'] = 'fa-moon-o';
blocks[193]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[193]['graph'] = false;
blocks[193]['protected'] = true;
blocks[193]['title'] = ''; // Mondprozente

blocks[194] = {}
blocks[194]['width'] = 4;
blocks[194]['image'] = 'blinds_open.png';
blocks[194]['switch'] = true;
blocks[194]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[194]['protected'] = false;
blocks[194]['hide_stop'] = true;// Jalousie Badezimmer

blocks[209] = {}
blocks[209]['width'] = 6;
blocks[209]['image'] = 'bulb_on.png';
blocks[209]['switch'] = false;
blocks[209]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[209]['protected'] = false; // Steinel Außenlicht

blocks[203] = {}
blocks[203]['width'] = 6;
blocks[203]['title'] = 'Auge Oben';

blocks[213] = {}
blocks[213]['width'] = 6;
blocks[213]['title'] = 'Steinel'; // Steinel Bewegungsmelder

blocks[215] = {}
blocks[215]['width'] = 6;
blocks[215]['title'] = 'Steinel'; // Steinel Helligkeit

blocks[231] = {}
blocks[231]['width'] = 6;
blocks[231]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[231]['title'] = 'Bewegung'; // Bewegung um das Haus herum

blocks[232] = {}
blocks[232]['width'] = 6;
blocks[232]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[232]['title'] = 'Reset'; // Rücksetzen von Bewegung

columns[2] = {}
columns[2]['blocks'] = [buttons.jalousien, buttons.beleuchtung, buttons.alarm, buttons.wetterstation, 'blocktitle_8', 134, 151, 128, 135, 'sunrise' , 231, 232, buttons.radio]
columns[2]['width'] = 4;

columns[3] = {}
columns[3]['blocks'] = [buttons.webcam]
columns[3]['width'] = 6;

columns[4] = {}
columns[4]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_1', 'blocktitle_2', 7, 1, 8, 'blocktitle_3', 40, 6, 'blocktitle_4', 194]
columns[4]['width'] = 8;

columns[5] = {}
columns[5]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_7', 'blocktitle_1', 139, 140, 'blocktitle_4', 152, 153, 'blocktitle_9', 209]
columns[5]['width'] = 8;

columns[6] = {}
columns[6]['blocks'] = [frames.secpanel]
columns[6]['width'] = 12;

columns[7] = {}
columns[7]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_4']
columns[7]['width'] = 8;

columns[10] = {}
columns[10]['blocks'] = ['currentweather_big', 'weather', 174, 175, 148, 142]
columns[10]['width'] = 4;

columns[11] = {}
columns[11]['blocks'] = [buttons.moon, 191, 193]
columns[11]['width'] = 4;

var screens = {}
screens[1] = {}
screens[1]['background'] = 'bg3.jpg';
screens[1]['columns'] = [2,3]

screens[2] = {}
screens[2]['background'] = 'bg3.jpg';
screens[2]['columns'] = [2,4]

screens[3] = {}
screens[3]['background'] = 'bg3.jpg';
screens[3]['columns'] = [2,5]

screens[4] = {}
screens[4]['background'] = 'bg3.jpg';
screens[4]['columns'] = [6]

screens[5] = {}
screens[5]['background'] = 'bg3.jpg';
screens[5]['columns'] = [2,10,11]
Your config looks fine... (that sentence about the config in my previous response was for Tontze ;))
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Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Post by DewGew »

I found this in settings.js:

Code: Select all

settings['lineColors'] = ['#eee', '#eee', '#eee'];
What is this for?
Raspberry Pi 3 | domoticz | Aeon Labs Z-Stick GEN5 | RFlink gateway
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Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Post by gielie »

I have a question about my thermostat.
This is what i see.
My normal temp sensors work as i want them but my themostat setpoint doesn't, i can't change the font size also the text and number are too close together, how do i make more space between them and how do i change the font size.
Another question is the selector switch of my thermostat, i want to change the color of the activated part, now it is hard to see on which program it is running.
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Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Post by johansson »

ensingg wrote: Friday 01 December 2017 12:49 I created a folder under ../www and named it dash.
Now when I go to I get a white page with the tile of Dashticz.
Don't know if you solved this one already, but you are missing the port, ie should work.
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Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Post by aiolos »

DewGew wrote: Tuesday 12 December 2017 8:50 #robgeerts
I found this in settings.js:

Code: Select all

settings['lineColors'] = ['#eee', '#eee', '#eee'];
What is this for?
You can change the colors of the lines in the graphs. For example, if you add the following to your CONFIG.js, you have graphs like below. Very ugly in this example, but you get the idea. This graph shows the values of a temp and humidity sensor.

Code: Select all

config['lineColors'] = ['#e00', '#0e0', '#00e'];
Screen Shot 2017-12-12 at 17.30.54.png
Screen Shot 2017-12-12 at 17.30.54.png (39.17 KiB) Viewed 2691 times
And yes, it is pretty cold in my kitchen at the moment...
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Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Post by DewGew »

aiolos wrote: Tuesday 12 December 2017 18:34
DewGew wrote: Tuesday 12 December 2017 8:50 #robgeerts
I found this in settings.js:

Code: Select all

settings['lineColors'] = ['#eee', '#eee', '#eee'];
What is this for?
You can change the colors of the lines in the graphs. For example, if you add the following to your CONFIG.js, you have graphs like below. Very ugly in this example, but you get the idea. This graph shows the values of a temp and humidity sensor.

Code: Select all

config['lineColors'] = ['#e00', '#0e0', '#00e'];
Screen Shot 2017-12-12 at 17.30.54.png

And yes, it is pretty cold in my kitchen at the moment...
Great now I know. Im trying to put in the settingmenu.
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Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Post by joostnl »

I tried to update to latest beta. (First update ever)
Removed all dashboard files, uploaded new ones, add my old config file.

The UI loads fine with buienradar etc only it is not showing any of my Domoticz devices it is just blank empty.
Do i have to do something to regain acces to domoticz? (it is not working on my tablet/laptop diffrent browsers)

If i reupload my backup it is working great again.

Code: Select all

var config = {}
config['domoticz_ip'] = '';
config['domoticz_refresh'] = '5';
config['dashticz_refresh'] = '60';
config['auto_positioning'] = 0;
config['use_favorites'] = 0;
config['last_update'] = 1;
config['hide_topbar'] = 1;
config['last_update'] = 0;
config['wu_api'] = 'secretttt';
config['wu_city'] = 'secretttt';
config['wu_name'] = '';
config['spot_clientid'] = 'secretttt';

var buttons = {}
buttons.buienradar = {width:12, isimage:true, refreshimage:60000, image: 'http://api.buienradar.nl/image/1.0/RadarMapNL?w=285&h=256', url: 'http://www.weer.nl/verwachting/nederland/son/189656/'}
buttons.radio = {width:12, image: 'img/radio_on.png', title: 'Radio', url: 'http://nederland.fm'}
buttons.nunl = {width:12, icon: 'fa-newspaper-o', title: 'Nu.nl', url: 'http://www.nu.nl'}

var screens = {}
screens[1] = {}
screens[1]['background'] = 'bg10.jpg';
screens[1]['columns'] = [1,2,3]

screens[2] = {}
screens[2]['background'] = 'bg10.jpg';
screens[2]['columns'] = [4]

blocks['blocktitle_1'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_1']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_1']['title'] = 'Light';
blocks['blocktitle_2'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_2']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_2']['title'] = 'Temperature'
blocks['blocktitle_3'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_3']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_3']['title'] = 'Power';
blocks['blocktitle_4'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_4']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_4']['title'] = 'Plants';
blocks['blocktitle_5'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_5']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_5']['title'] = 'Multimedia';
blocks['blocktitle_6'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_6']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_6']['title'] = 'Graph';

columns[1] = {}
columns[1]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_1',418,446,137,'blocktitle_3',8,9,117] 
columns[1]['width'] = 4;
columns[2] = {}
columns[2]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_2',6,4,3,2,460,'blocktitle_4',159,163,173,'blocktitle_5',12,16,14,'spotify']
columns[2]['width'] = 5;
columns[3] = {}
columns[3]['blocks'] = ['clock','sunrise','weather',buttons.buienradar,'traffic']
columns[3]['width'] = 3;
columns[4] = {}
columns[4]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_6']
columns[4]['width'] = 3;
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Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Post by robgeerts »

Is it possible it does not show any devices because it cannot login?
What type of login did you choose in Domoticz settings?
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Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Post by joostnl »

robgeerts wrote: Wednesday 13 December 2017 21:22 Is it possible it does not show any devices because it cannot login?
What type of login did you choose in Domoticz settings?
Basic Auth, what is diffrents anyway haha? :D
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Dashticz - General Discussions

Post by johnvantuijl »

Hoi! Nu een week of 4 aan t rommelen met dashticz en een touchscreen aan t maken. Ben erg blij met dashticz! Geweldig en als je een beetje handig Bent kun je er al een hoop mee. het mogelijk om met bijvoorbeeld een htaccess bestand dashticz alleen beschikbaar te maken vanaf mijn lokale netwerk en bijvoorbeeld van buitenaf een user/password te vragen?

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Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Post by DewGew »

joostnl wrote: Wednesday 13 December 2017 19:36 I tried to update to latest beta. (First update ever)
Removed all dashboard files, uploaded new ones, add my old config file.

The UI loads fine with buienradar etc only it is not showing any of my Domoticz devices it is just blank empty.
Do i have to do something to regain acces to domoticz? (it is not working on my tablet/laptop diffrent browsers)

If i reupload my backup it is working great again.

Code: Select all

var config = {}
config['domoticz_ip'] = '';
config['domoticz_refresh'] = '5';
config['dashticz_refresh'] = '60';
config['auto_positioning'] = 0;
config['use_favorites'] = 0;
config['last_update'] = 1;
config['hide_topbar'] = 1;
config['last_update'] = 0;
config['wu_api'] = 'secretttt';
config['wu_city'] = 'secretttt';
config['wu_name'] = '';
config['spot_clientid'] = 'secretttt';

var buttons = {}
buttons.buienradar = {width:12, isimage:true, refreshimage:60000, image: 'http://api.buienradar.nl/image/1.0/RadarMapNL?w=285&h=256', url: 'http://www.weer.nl/verwachting/nederland/son/189656/'}
buttons.radio = {width:12, image: 'img/radio_on.png', title: 'Radio', url: 'http://nederland.fm'}
buttons.nunl = {width:12, icon: 'fa-newspaper-o', title: 'Nu.nl', url: 'http://www.nu.nl'}

var screens = {}
screens[1] = {}
screens[1]['background'] = 'bg10.jpg';
screens[1]['columns'] = [1,2,3]

screens[2] = {}
screens[2]['background'] = 'bg10.jpg';
screens[2]['columns'] = [4]

blocks['blocktitle_1'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_1']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_1']['title'] = 'Light';
blocks['blocktitle_2'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_2']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_2']['title'] = 'Temperature'
blocks['blocktitle_3'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_3']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_3']['title'] = 'Power';
blocks['blocktitle_4'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_4']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_4']['title'] = 'Plants';
blocks['blocktitle_5'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_5']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_5']['title'] = 'Multimedia';
blocks['blocktitle_6'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_6']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_6']['title'] = 'Graph';

columns[1] = {}
columns[1]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_1',418,446,137,'blocktitle_3',8,9,117] 
columns[1]['width'] = 4;
columns[2] = {}
columns[2]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_2',6,4,3,2,460,'blocktitle_4',159,163,173,'blocktitle_5',12,16,14,'spotify']
columns[2]['width'] = 5;
columns[3] = {}
columns[3]['blocks'] = ['clock','sunrise','weather',buttons.buienradar,'traffic']
columns[3]['width'] = 3;
columns[4] = {}
columns[4]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_6']
columns[4]['width'] = 3;
Settings are store at local storage in your browser. Sometimes the settings are not updated when you upgrade dashticz. Try to clear Local Storage in your browser. For chrome:
Hit F12. Go to Application tab. Expand Local storage folder. Selct your dashticz address then right click and select Clear.
For Edge:
Hit F12. Go to debugger. Click the folder icon. Expand Local Storage. Selct your dashticz address. selct all and then delete.
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Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Post by pvm »

johnvantuijl wrote:Hoi! Nu een week of 4 aan t rommelen met dashticz en een touchscreen aan t maken. Ben erg blij met dashticz! Geweldig en als je een beetje handig Bent kun je er al een hoop mee. het mogelijk om met bijvoorbeeld een htaccess bestand dashticz alleen beschikbaar te maken vanaf mijn lokale netwerk en bijvoorbeeld van buitenaf een user/password te vragen?

Verzonden vanaf mijn iPhone met Tapatalk Pro
Using .htaccess is purely related to the machine/software you run dashticz on. Are you running an apache server?
No direct relation to dashticz itself
Synology NAS, slave PI3, ZWave (Fibaro), Xiaomi zigbee devices, BTLE plant sensor, DzVents, Dashticz on tablet, Logitech Media Server
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Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Post by johnvantuijl »

pvm wrote:
johnvantuijl wrote:Hoi! Nu een week of 4 aan t rommelen met dashticz en een touchscreen aan t maken. Ben erg blij met dashticz! Geweldig en als je een beetje handig Bent kun je er al een hoop mee. het mogelijk om met bijvoorbeeld een htaccess bestand dashticz alleen beschikbaar te maken vanaf mijn lokale netwerk en bijvoorbeeld van buitenaf een user/password te vragen?

Verzonden vanaf mijn iPhone met Tapatalk Pro
Using .htaccess is purely related to the machine/software you run dashticz on. Are you running an apache server?
No direct relation to dashticz itself
Yes, hosting my dashticz-site on my synology webstation which uses apache server 2.4

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Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Post by pvm »

Oké you should be able to implement this then
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Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Post by gielie »

Id like to adjust the color and size of some icons, i know how to do this with the fa-icons but how do i do this with the png icons stored within dashticz?
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Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Post by tontze »

im puzzled .. why doesnt my config work ? It just gives me empty screen ? Blanko white screen ..

Code: Select all

var config = {}
config['language'] = 'en_US'; //or: en_US, de_DE, fr_FR, hu_HU, it_IT, pt_PT, sv_SE
config['domoticz_ip'] = 'http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8080';
config['app_title'] = 'Dashticz';
config['domoticz_refresh'] = '5';
config['dashticz_refresh'] = '60';

var trashnames = {}
trashnames['Gft'] = 'GFT';
trashnames['Pmd'] = 'Plastic';
trashnames['Rest'] = ''; //LEAVE EMPTY IF YOU WANT TO HIDE IT

//var calendars = {}
//calendars.hobbydeed = { url: 'https://www.hobbydeed.com/api/v2/public/calendar-share/fi/user/-s5895b91c4e2be4.56780603/file/all.ics', icalurl:'https://www.hobbydeed.com/api/v2/public/calendar-share/fi/user/-s5895b91c4e2be4.56780603/fi\
e/all.ics' }

var blocks = {}
blocks[163] = {}
blocks[163]['width'] = 4;
blocks[163]['title'] = 'BMW'
blocks[163]['image'] = 'fa_bmw.png';

blocks[184] = {}
blocks[184]['width'] = 4;
blocks[184]['title'] = 'KiA'
blocks[184]['image'] = 'kia-128.png';

blocks[36] = {}
blocks[36]['width'] = 4;
blocks[36]['title'] = 'Ulkopistoke'
blocks[36]['icon'] = 'fa-pause-circle-o';

blocks[185] = {}
blocks[185]['width'] = 4;
blocks[185]['title'] = 'Vierashuone'
blocks[185]['icon'] = 'fa-lightbulb-o';

var columns = {}

columns[10] = {}
columns[10]['blocks'] = ['clock',calendars.hobbydeed,119,120,121,2,185,144,1]
columns[10]['width'] = 5;

columns[20] = {}
columns[20]['blocks'] = ['currentweather_big','weather',149,163,184,93,99,27,98,33,28,105,36,162]
columns[20]['width'] = 5;

columns[30] = {}
columns[30]['blocks'] = ['sunrise',buttons.moon]
//columns[30]['blocks'] = ['sunrise',buttons.moon,'streamplayer']
columns[30]['width'] = 2;

var screens = {}

screens[1] = {}
screens[1]['background'] = 'bg_1.jpg';
screens[1]['columns'] = [10,20,30]
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Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Post by DewGew »

tontze wrote: Monday 18 December 2017 6:33 im puzzled .. why doesnt my config work ? It just gives me empty screen ? Blanko white screen ..

Code: Select all

var config = {}
config['language'] = 'en_US'; //or: en_US, de_DE, fr_FR, hu_HU, it_IT, pt_PT, sv_SE
config['domoticz_ip'] = 'http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8080';
config['app_title'] = 'Dashticz';
config['domoticz_refresh'] = '5';
config['dashticz_refresh'] = '60';

var trashnames = {}
trashnames['Gft'] = 'GFT';
trashnames['Pmd'] = 'Plastic';
trashnames['Rest'] = ''; //LEAVE EMPTY IF YOU WANT TO HIDE IT

//var calendars = {}
//calendars.hobbydeed = { url: 'https://www.hobbydeed.com/api/v2/public/calendar-share/fi/user/-s5895b91c4e2be4.56780603/file/all.ics', icalurl:'https://www.hobbydeed.com/api/v2/public/calendar-share/fi/user/-s5895b91c4e2be4.56780603/fi\
e/all.ics' }

var blocks = {}
blocks[163] = {}
blocks[163]['width'] = 4;
blocks[163]['title'] = 'BMW'
blocks[163]['image'] = 'fa_bmw.png';

blocks[184] = {}
blocks[184]['width'] = 4;
blocks[184]['title'] = 'KiA'
blocks[184]['image'] = 'kia-128.png';

blocks[36] = {}
blocks[36]['width'] = 4;
blocks[36]['title'] = 'Ulkopistoke'
blocks[36]['icon'] = 'fa-pause-circle-o';

blocks[185] = {}
blocks[185]['width'] = 4;
blocks[185]['title'] = 'Vierashuone'
blocks[185]['icon'] = 'fa-lightbulb-o';

var columns = {}

columns[10] = {}
columns[10]['blocks'] = ['clock',calendars.hobbydeed,119,120,121,2,185,144,1]
columns[10]['width'] = 5;

columns[20] = {}
columns[20]['blocks'] = ['currentweather_big','weather',149,163,184,93,99,27,98,33,28,105,36,162]
columns[20]['width'] = 5;

columns[30] = {}
columns[30]['blocks'] = ['sunrise',buttons.moon]
//columns[30]['blocks'] = ['sunrise',buttons.moon,'streamplayer']
columns[30]['width'] = 2;

var screens = {}

screens[1] = {}
screens[1]['background'] = 'bg_1.jpg';
screens[1]['columns'] = [10,20,30]
Are you running lateste beta or master?
Try remove this code. This function has been changed in latetest beta.

Code: Select all

var trashnames = {}
trashnames['Gft'] = 'GFT';
trashnames['Pmd'] = 'Plastic';
trashnames['Rest'] = ''; //LEAVE EMPTY IF YOU WANT TO HIDE IT
Raspberry Pi 3 | domoticz | Aeon Labs Z-Stick GEN5 | RFlink gateway
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