Replace old wired room thermostat (UK)

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Replace old wired room thermostat (UK)

Post by Scones »

I have an ACL dial room thermostat, which is connected via wire to a Honeywell controller for my oil fired boiler. The controller has a very basic timer on it.

I'm looking to replace the dial thermostat and then connect that to Domoticz so that I can manage the heating (e.g. home / away / night). I've tried looking at the hardware compatibility list and Google but haven't found any recommendations. I did see some for the USA, and one that included having to edit XML files.

Ideally I would like a Z-Wave room thermostat that will directly replace the dial one, and will connect to Domoticz easily, giving me the ability to set setpoints etc.

I have looked at UK Automation, and Vesternet but these don't say which work with Domiticz. For example would ... ay-srt323/

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Re: Replace old wired room thermostat (UK)

Post by lonebaggie »

Does it have to be Zwave ?

I used a Netamo Thermostat has a link to Domoticz but only via the cloud portal . Simple to setup fairly cheap good replacement for a wired thermostat . Clever software and links to Alexa , you are however dependant on the cloud for the intelligence.
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Re: Replace old wired room thermostat (UK)

Post by Scones »

Like many, I want to avoid cloud based services where possible. Not only am I paranoid about my personal data, but I don't want a system that will fail if the WiFi or internet go down.

I already have a RFCOMM and a Z-Wave controller connected to my Rpi / Domoticz so I would rather use one of these if possible. As Z-Wave seems more capable that's my preference
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Re: Replace old wired room thermostat (UK)

Post by C4rtm4N »

I picked up a new Horstmann HRT4-ZW really cheaply on ebay UK (it is exactly the same as the Secure branded version in your link) in a pack along with the 1 channel controller (I can see one currently for sale for £35). I needed a dual channel controller so bought that from Vesternet (it was twice the price of the other 2 put together) & after a bit of messing around I've got everything working fine with Domoticz. I left my old thermostat on the wall but simply turned right up just in case I ever choose to revert back to my old non-zwave controller.

Stability of my Zwave installation is my only gripe (but this is longstanding and unrelated to the heating control) - occasionally commands get missed or my zwave stick locks up and a hard reboot is needed.
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