Dashticz - Alternative Dashboard

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Re: Dashticz - Alternative Dashboard

Post by CaesarPL »

Don't you worry, another happy user here. First run took me around 10 minutes, then I was just amazed by possibilities of customization when taking care of them personally. I've spent hours playing and configuring it according to my needs on different tablets and computers. I had issues ONLY because of my mistakes. Probably he is really using v1. It's just not possible to do something wrong on v2, using default config and auto-positioning.
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Re: Dashticz - Alternative Dashboard

Post by rgvandenbosch »

blacksn0w wrote: Tuesday 14 November 2017 10:46
rgvandenbosch wrote: Tuesday 14 November 2017 9:12 Today.....again.....i tried to use dashticz.......again.........a white screen. From my point of view. Crappy software. It just doesn't work. Descent software should just work. Without spending hours and days to get it to work. And don't bullshit me that it's a config problem. I'm a systemdeveloper and programmer with more then 30 years of experience. And till now it still is a programming problem. There is no other explanation. If it was a config problem you suggest that al my machines (tried it on more then 10 different machines) and all the people i know (more then 10 people have tried it and nobody could get it to work) all have config problems!? The problem is that the programming issue is applied from scratch till now. Only option. Completely rebuild it without the buggy config.js file which wants me to have a plexserver and an xbmc and god knows what.

Sorry Rob.

I never ever seen it working. Just getting this:

jquery.js:8556 [Deprecation] Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check https://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/.
send @ jquery.js:8556
jquery.js:8693 [Deprecation] Subresource requests whose URLs contain embedded credentials (e.g. `https://user:pass@host/`) are blocked. See https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5669008342777856 for more details.

Both programming issues.

The second one states that you can not have usernames/passwords in the url. One of your config must haves. But not allowed anymore. No need to explain why i guess.

The exact line of code that is causing problems is:

xhr.open( options.type, options.url, options.async, options.username, options.password );

And Cross-Domain usage is also deprecated.
Maybe you should think about a sector change? Someone with "30 years of experience" should be able to configure this dashboard in minutes. My 9 year old brother would need half an hour to configure this...
Assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups!
Blaming always the others too!

But hey. If it works for you. Maybe you should make a career change ;)
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Re: Dashticz - Alternative Dashboard

Post by opentoideas »

Hi, new to Domoticz and Dashticz and hope you can point me in the right direction....

i have got as far as the attached but was expecting my favorites to be on screen - was that wrong?

i just wanted to check this before i delve into the config file

thanks for the dashboard and hope i can get it working :lol:
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Re: Dashticz - Alternative Dashboard

Post by robgeerts »

opentoideas wrote: Sunday 11 March 2018 12:17 Hi, new to Domoticz and Dashticz and hope you can point me in the right direction....

i have got as far as the attached but was expecting my favorites to be on screen - was that wrong?

i just wanted to check this before i delve into the config file

thanks for the dashboard and hope i can get it working :lol:
What does your CONFIG.js look like?
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Re: Dashticz - Alternative Dashboard

Post by ecvn »

Also new to Dashticz and already loving it...although my start is a bit rough.
I've been trying to get it to work for some days now.
I expected my favorites but until now not able to get things working.
Seems like there is no connection to Domoticz but i'm not sure where to look more after I went through all the files in the custom-folder.
I've installed through git pull (several times) but no favorites are showing on 'homescreen'.
Could you maybe help me a bit?
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Re: Dashticz - Alternative Dashboard

Post by EdwinK »

Did you edit the CONFIG.js file with your domoticz settings?
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Re: Dashticz - Alternative Dashboard

Post by ecvn »

I messed up with OpenVPN + Pi-hole three days ago so had to do a clean install of raspbian. All problems are fixed. I think I had some typos in the CONFIG.js. Thank god for (manual) backups :-)
Thanks for your support!
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Re: Dashticz - Alternative Dashboard

Post by AYAMY »

DAshticz is great... but I have a strange problem....
Inside my network (locally in wifi or with a vpn) I can see and load domoticz "elemental"UI and Dashticz .... both with element button switch etc...
Outside my network I can access domoticz UI (elemental) but DASHTICZ UI is Empty ... i can access but no buttons swhitches etc were displayed...
could you help me please?
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Re: Dashticz - Alternative Dashboard

Post by RoRoo »

I've got a strange problem.

After creating the CONFIG.JS dashticz loads but doesn't show my Domoticz.
Below the screen it shows, domoticz error, check bla bla

When I open the cogwheel I see that the settings are wrong and correct them and press save. Dashticz loads and the dashboard shows some things imported from Domoticz.
I then open another browser to see if everything's ok. The same error appears..

Some questions:
a) Settings aren't saved when entered from the page itself?
b) Settings aren't loaded from CONFIG.js?
c) What am I doing wrong?

Raspbian running domoticz beta Version: 3.9530
Dashticz current.


Code: Select all

var config = {} // I've tried with and without this line 
var _LANGUAGE                           = 'nl_NL'; //or: de_DE, en_US, fr_FR, hu_HU, it_IT, pt_PT, sv_SE
var _HOST_DOMOTICZ                      = '';
var _DOMOTICZ_REFRESH           = 5; //in seconds
var _DASHTICZ_REFRESH           = 30; //in minutes
var _THEME                                      = 'default'; // default = dashticz default theme
var _APP_TITLE                          = 'Dashticz';

var _APIKEY_WUNDERGROUND        = 'fe71de02195bc08e';
var _WEATHER_CITY                       = 'Amsterdam';
var _WEATHER_CITYNAME           = ''; //show a different city name, leave empty if same as _WEATHER_CITY
var _WEATHER_COUNTRY            = 'NL';
var _USE_AUTO_POSITIONING       = true; //don't want to configure positions, use auto positioning
var _USE_FAVORITES                      = true; //only used when using auto positioning
var _HIDE_SECONDS_IN_CLOCK  = false; //do not show the seconds in the clock
var _HIDE_MEDIAPLAYER_WHEN_OFF = false; //when you have a mediaplayer connected, hide it if nothing is playing
var _HIDE_TOPBAR                        = false; //hide topbar with appname, clock and settings-icon
var _NEWS_RSSFEED                       = 'http://www.nu.nl/rss/algemeen';
var _USE_FAHRENHEIT                     = false;
var _USE_BEAUFORT                       = true; //Bft instead of m/s
var _TRANSLATE_SPEED            = false; //windspeed, north northwest instead of NNW
var _STANDBY_AFTER_MINUTES  = false; //enter amount of minutes like: 5 (5 minutes)
var _SCROLL_NEWS_AFTER          = 7000; //milliseconds, so 7000 is 7 seconds
var _SHOW_LASTUPDATE            = true;
var _LASTUPDATE_FORMAT          = 'DD-MM-YY HH:mm';
var _SCREENSLIDER_EFFECT        = 'slide'; //'slide' or 'fade' or 'cube' or 'coverflow' or 'flip'
Not all values are shown from the config (weather, RSS etc)
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Re: Dashticz - Alternative Dashboard

Post by HansieNL »

@RoRoo: you are using the old config settings. Please check the wiki https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/Dashticz_ ... figuration
The settings are only saved if you use php, otherwise you have to change them manually by hand (text editor).
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Re: Dashticz - Alternative Dashboard

Post by Julz »

Need some help getting my Xiaomi Gateway Zigbee door sensors and PIR sensor displaying in Dashticz V2. Got everything else working fine (temperature, humidity, wireless switches) but when I insert the door sensors (Open/Closed) it just displays an empty space, no icon or text.

Any ideas? My push button switches work and so do my selector switches.
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Re: Dashticz - Alternative Dashboard

Post by hoeby »

Maybe somebody can help me.
I started whit dashticz.

Did the install and update (it said it was the last version).
After that tried opening in edge, but got an error "Domoticz error! double check the path to Domoticz in Settings!"
Then tried it in google chrome, without changing a setting. And it works

After that i tried it on a samsung tab.
First tried it with samsung internet, but got the same problem. Than tried it whit google chrome on the tab, but got the same error

Is there somebody who knows where it is going wrong?

My config.js (i changed the ip in the printscreen, in the config.js is the right ip)

Code: Select all

var config = {}
config['domoticz_ip'] = 'http://192.168.XX.XX:8080';
config['app_title'] = 'Dashticz';
config['domoticz_refresh'] = '5';
config['dashticz_refresh'] = '60';


var publictransport = {}
publictransport.ovinfobus = { show_via: false, station: 'son-en-breugel/bushalte-penseelkever', provider: '9292-bus', icon: 'bus', width:5, results: 6 }

var tvguide = {}
tvguide.dutch = { key:'dutch', icon: 'fa-television', width:7, channels: [1,3,4,17,46,92], maxitems: 5 }

	{"track":2,"name":"538 Hitzone","file":"http://vip-icecast.538.lw.triple-it.nl/WEB11_MP3"},
	{"track":3,"name":"Slam! NonStop","file":"http://stream.radiocorp.nl/web10_mp3"},

var buttons = {}
buttons.nunl = {key: 'nunl',  width:12, icon: 'fa-newspaper-o', title: 'Nu.nl', newwindow:true, url: 'http://www.nu.nl'}
buttons.nos = {key: 'nos',  width:12, icon: 'fa-newspaper-o', title: 'Nos', url: 'http://www.nos.nl'}

var blocks = {}
blocks['blocktitle_1'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_1']['key'] = 'blocktitle_1';
blocks['blocktitle_1']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_1']['title'] = 'Example';

var columns = {}
columns['bar'] = {}
columns['bar']['blocks'] = ['logo','miniclock','settings']
columns[1] = {}
columns[1]['blocks'] = ['currentweather_big','weather']
columns[1]['width'] = 5;

columns[2] = {}
columns[2]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_1',tvguide.dutch,publictransport.ovinfobus]
columns[2]['width'] = 5; 

columns[3] = {}
columns[3]['blocks'] = ['sunrise','streamplayer',buttons.nunl,buttons.nos]
columns[3]['width'] = 2; 

var columns_standby = {}
columns_standby[1] = {}
columns_standby[1]['blocks'] = ['clock','weather']
columns_standby[1]['width'] = 12;

var screens = {}
screens[1] = {}
screens[1]['background'] = 'bg2.jpg';
screens[1]['columns'] = [1,2,3]
Used the function F12 to look what is going wrong and did some tests.
First i give my directory all the permisions

Tested by using a login/password like = user:[email protected]:8080
When doing that, my google chrome also gives the same error. And edge doesn't make any differance.
Also the samsung tab doesn't change anything

When opening dashticz at http://192.168.xx.xx/dashboard/ i get the following answers

Code: Select all

16 SCRIPT7016: SCRIPT7016: Gebruik van XMLHttpRequest waarvoor de synchrone vlag is ingesteld op waar, is afgewezen vanwege de impact ervan op de door de gebruiker ervaren site-prestaties.

Code: Select all

 Domoticz error!
Please, double check the path to Domoticz in Settings!
When putting that in google for a search. I looks like java.
Updatet java to be sure. But nothing changed :(
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Re: Dashticz - Alternative Dashboard

Post by rfvdboom »

I'm using dashticz, last beta. Problem, I want to hide last update status of multiple blocks. Dashticz only hide data from switches, not dimmers, thermometer and p1 meter. Is this a bug. Or is there some kind of trick to hide the data?
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Re: Dashticz - Alternative Dashboard

Post by Thuurke »

Installed Domoticz and Dashticz and I get the default page. My favorites from Domoticz are shown. When I remove the /* */ from the CONFIG.js the extra settings are shown, but the favorites from Domoticz disappear. How can both be shown?
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Re: Dashticz - Alternative Dashboard

Post by HansieNL »

Thuurke wrote: Sunday 02 September 2018 19:45 Installed Domoticz and Dashticz and I get the default page. My favorites from Domoticz are shown. When I remove the /* */ from the CONFIG.js the extra settings are shown, but the favorites from Domoticz disappear. How can both be shown?
You have to add the blocks you want to use to your CONFIG.js.
Blah blah blah
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