i'm also pretty lost.
when i run python3 tradfri.tac i get the data below. So for all i know it's working including the plugin. right?
Code: Select all
IKEA-tradfri COAP-adaptor version 0.3 started (command line)!
Waiting for connection
Connected from IPv4Address(TCP, '', 35828)
Data received: b'{"action": "setConfig", "gateway": "", "key": "CODE", "observe": "False"}'
Data received: b'{"action": "getLights"}'
Device settings not found for TRADFRI bulb GU10 W 400lm. Creating defaults!
Device settings not found for TRADFRI bulb E27 opal 1000lm. Creating defaults!
Device settings not found for TRADFRI bulb E27 CWS opal 600lm. Creating defaults !
Device settings not found for TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm. Creating defaults!
Device settings not found for TRADFRI bulb E27 W opal 1000lm. Creating defaults!
{"action": "getLights", "status": "Ok", "result": [{"DeviceID": 65546, "Name": " TRADFRI bulb GU10 W 400lm 3", "Type": "Light", "Dimmable": true, "HasWB": true, "HasRGB": false}, {"DeviceID": 65539, "Name": "lamp2 tv", "Type": "Light", "Dimm able": true, "HasWB": true, "HasRGB": false}, {"DeviceID": 65540, "Name": "lamp1 tv", "Type": "Light", "Dimmable": true, "HasWB": true, "HasRGB": false}, {"Devi ceID": 65547, "Name": "hal", "Type": "Light", "Dimmable": true, "HasWB": true, " HasRGB": false}, {"DeviceID": 65545, "Name": "TRADFRI bulb GU10 W 400lm 4", "Typ e": "Light", "Dimmable": true, "HasWB": true, "HasRGB": false}, {"DeviceID": 655 48, "Name": "eettafel", "Type": "Light", "Dimmable": true, "HasWB": true, "HasRG B": false}, {"DeviceID": 65537, "Name": "kleurlamp woonkamer", "Type": "Light", "Dimmable": true, "HasWB": true, "HasRGB": false}, {"DeviceID": 65543, "Name": " trapkast", "Type": "Light", "Dimmable": true, "HasWB": true, "HasRGB": false}, { "DeviceID": 65542, "Name": "wc beneden", "Type": "Light", "Dimmable": true, "Has WB": true, "HasRGB": false}, {"DeviceID": 65538, "Name": "overloop", "Type": "Li ght", "Dimmable": true, "HasWB": true, "HasRGB": false}, {"DeviceID": 176742, "N ame": "Group - slaapkamer", "Type": "Group", "Dimmable": true, "HasWB": false}, {"DeviceID": 134152, "Name": "Group - gang", "Type": "Group", "Dimmable": true, "HasWB": false}, {"DeviceID": 173639, "Name": "Group - groep woonkamer", "Type": "Group", "Dimmable": true, "HasWB": false}, {"DeviceID": 147804, "Name": "Group - Groep wc en trapkast", "Type": "Group", "Dimmable": true, "HasWB": false}]}
{'action': 'deviceUpdate', 'status': 'Ok', 'result': [{'DeviceID': 65546, 'Name' : 'TRADFRI bulb GU10 W 400lm 3', 'State': False, 'Level': 35, 'Hex': None}]}
{'action': 'deviceUpdate', 'status': 'Ok', 'result': [{'DeviceID': 65539, 'Name' : 'lamp2 tv', 'State': True, 'Level': 68, 'Hex': None}]}
{'action': 'deviceUpdate', 'status': 'Ok', 'result': [{'DeviceID': 65540, 'Name' : 'lamp1 tv', 'State': True, 'Level': 73, 'Hex': None}]}
{'action': 'deviceUpdate', 'status': 'Ok', 'result': [{'DeviceID': 65547, 'Name' : 'hal', 'State': False, 'Level': 35, 'Hex': None}]}
{'action': 'deviceUpdate', 'status': 'Ok', 'result': [{'DeviceID': 65545, 'Name' : 'TRADFRI bulb GU10 W 400lm 4', 'State': False, 'Level': 35, 'Hex': None}]}
{'action': 'deviceUpdate', 'status': 'Ok', 'result': [{'DeviceID': 65548, 'Name' : 'eettafel', 'State': True, 'Level': 76, 'Hex': 'f1e0b5'}]}
{'action': 'deviceUpdate', 'status': 'Ok', 'result': [{'DeviceID': 65537, 'Name' : 'kleurlamp woonkamer', 'State': True, 'Level': 152, 'Hex': '0'}]}
{'action': 'deviceUpdate', 'status': 'Ok', 'result': [{'DeviceID': 65543, 'Name' : 'trapkast', 'State': False, 'Level': 81, 'Hex': None}]}
{'action': 'deviceUpdate', 'status': 'Ok', 'result': [{'DeviceID': 65542, 'Name' : 'wc beneden', 'State': True, 'Level': 71, 'Hex': None}]}
{'action': 'deviceUpdate', 'status': 'Ok', 'result': [{'DeviceID': 65538, 'Name' : 'overloop', 'State': False, 'Level': 10, 'Hex': None}]}
{'action': 'deviceUpdate', 'status': 'Ok', 'result': [{'DeviceID': 176742, 'Name ': 'slaapkamer', 'State': False, 'Level': 0}]}
{'action': 'deviceUpdate', 'status': 'Ok', 'result': [{'DeviceID': 134152, 'Name ': 'gang', 'State': False, 'Level': 0}]}
{'action': 'deviceUpdate', 'status': 'Ok', 'result': [{'DeviceID': 173639, 'Name ': 'groep woonkamer', 'State': False, 'Level': 0}]}
{'action': 'deviceUpdate', 'status': 'Ok', 'result': [{'DeviceID': 147804, 'Name ': 'Groep wc en trapkast', 'State': False, 'Level': 0}]}
When i add it in domoticz (see below) it won't add the devices. and it looks like won't do anything. How can i find the error in domoticz?