dzVents version of the Solar Data Script  [SOLVED]

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dzVents version of the Solar Data Script

Post by BakSeeDaa »

Ever wanted to automate things in your home depending on the position of the sun in the sky (Altitude and Azimuth)? Or maybe you'd just like to have a LUX meter but you are not interested to invest in any hardware?

(Requires Domoticz v3.8837 or later)
(Platform dependent, requires Linux)

With permission of the original author jmleglise I have translated the Real-time solar data : azimuth, Altitude, Lux sensor script into dzVents and I also made several changes to it.

The most important change is that it won't introduce any delays in the Domoticz event queue while waiting for external servers to respond.

Get it here:
The dzVents version of the Solar Data Script source can be found at the end of this script. The version found in the wiki is obsolete but since I have a problem to access the wiki with my user account I can not update it. (Yes, I've asked for support but I've been given none)


Cloud cover graph:
Change log and release notices

Version 2.4.0.
  • Various changes to take full advantage of dzVents 2.4.0. This change makes this script require Domoticz v3.8837 or later
Version 2.2.0.
  • Using the dzVents round() function. This change makes this script require Domoticz v3.8551 or later
Version 2.1.1.
  • Fixed so that the Cloud Cover sensor gets updated at least once an hour. Without this fix, the GUI representation of the device can get red borders if the cloud cover remains at the same value for more than an hour.
Version 2.1.0.
  • Now supports Cloud Cover sensor. To use it, create a new Domoticz virtual device (type: Percentage) and enter its idx number in the configuration parameter documented below. Cloud coverage data will update at a maximum rate of once an hour depending on the synop station that you are using.
  • New configuration value: idxCloudCover. (Integer) Domoticz Cloud Cover (PERCENTAGE TYPE) sensor device ID
Version 2.0.6.
  • New configuration value: warnNoCloudDataHours. Warn limit (hours) if no cloud cover report has been received within the time specified, an error will be thrown into the Domoticz log. This is useful because some stations don't report cloud cover regularly and in such cases a notification is needed so that you can change to a better station. (WMOID, Nearest synop station for ogimet)
  • New configuration value: jsonLib. Edit this value to show the path to the JSON Lua library on your system.
  • Querying the Ogimet API for cloud cover data in a much smarter way and only when needed. As been seen, the cloud cover data part reported by the Ogimet service (surface synopCodetic observations) only updates hourly. (With at least 20 minutes delay ). The script keeps a record of the last received data and won't make unnecessary calls. It drastically reduces the number of calls using the Ogimet API. That's good for both your server and for the Ogimet server and it will not make the results of this script less accurate or less frequently updated. Furthermore the script now handles multiple result lines from the Ogimet API. The script always reads the last report returned by Ogimet. This change has been necessary to handle situations where the Ogimet server doesn't report hourly (Which is common for some stations).
  • Various fixes, code improvements etc.
Version 2.0.5.
  • Reverted previously introduced limitation to fetch Cloud Layer Data from Ogimet only once an hour.
Version 2.0.4.
  • We shouldn't query the free Weather Information Service provided by more often than necessary. Previously a new query was made once every 5 minutes (depending on the interval that you've set) even though new data is available only once per hour. Now we only query the Ogimet API in case we expect that new Ogimet data is available (or in case the saved data in tmp folder is old or gets lost). This change will result in 1 or 2 queries per hour instead of 12 queries. Their service is free and 12 queries per hour is a bit abusive.
  • The logging level domoticz.LOG_INFO now produces less information. To see all kind of irrelevant messages, set logging level to domoticz.LOG_DEBUG. For normal use, make the level line in the script to become a comment, e.g. preceed with --


Code: Select all

	Domoticz v3.8837 or later (dzVents version 2.4 or later)


Virtual Lux sensor and other real-time solar data

-- Authors  ----------------------------------------------------------------
	V1.0 - Sébastien Joly - Great original work
	V1.1 - Neutrino - Adaptation to Domoticz
	V1.2 - Jmleglise - An acceptable approximation of the lux below 1° altitude for Dawn and dusk + translation + several changes to be more userfriendly.
	V1.3 - Jmleglise - No update of the Lux data when <=0 to get the sunset and sunrise with lastUpdate
	V1.4 - use the API instead of updateDevice to update the data of the virtual sensor to be able of using devicechanged['Lux'] in our scripts. (Due to a bug in Domoticz that doesn't catch the devicechanged event of the virtual sensor)
	V1.5 - xces - UTC time calculation.
	V2.0 - BakSeeDaa - Converted to dzVents and changed quite many things.

-- Variables to customize ------------------------------------------------
local city = 'PARIS'					-- City for Wunderground API (You can also use a pws here like 'pws:ISTOCKHO854')
local countryCode = 'FR'							-- Country code for Wunderground API
local idxSolarAzimuth = 999						-- (Integer) Virtual Azimuth Device ID
local idxSolarAltitude = 998					-- (Integer) Your virtual Solar Altitude Device I
local wuAPIkey = 'yourkeyhere'		-- Weather Underground API Key
local WMOID = '0999'									-- (String) Nearest synop station for ogimet.
local logToFile = false									-- (Boolean) Set to true if you also wish to log to a file. It might get big by time. 
local tmpLogFile = '/tmp/logSun.txt'-- Logging to this file if logging to file is activated
local fetchIntervalDayMins = 15 -- Day time scraping interval. Never set this below 4 if you have a free WU API account.
local fetchIntervalNightMins = 30 -- Night time scraping interval. 

-- Optional Domoticz devices
--local idxLux = 888 -- (Integer) Domoticz virtual Lux device ID
--local idxCloudCover = 555 -- (Integer) Domoticz Cloud Cover (PERCENTAGE TYPE) sensor device ID

-- (You don't have to configure these if you accept the value of the weather observation station)
local latitude = nil	-- Latitude. (Decimal number) Decimal Degrees. E.g. something like 50.748485
local longitude = nil	-- Longitude. (Decimal number) Decimal Degrees. E.g.something like 12.629728.
local altitude = nil	-- Altitude. (Integer) Meters above sea level.

local warnNoCloudDataHours = 12 -- Warn limit (hours) if no cloud cover report has been received.

-- Please don't make any changes below this line (Except for setting logging level)

local scriptName = 'solarData'
local scriptVersion = '2.4.0'

return {
	active = true,
	logging = {
		--level = domoticz.LOG_DEBUG, -- Uncomment to override the dzVents global logging setting
		marker = scriptName..' '..scriptVersion
	on = {
		timer = {
			'every '..tostring(fetchIntervalDayMins)..' minutes at daytime',
			'every '..tostring(fetchIntervalNightMins)..' minutes at nighttime',
		httpResponses = {
	data = {
		lastOkta = {initial=0},
		lastOgimetTime = {initial='198001010000'}
	execute = function(domoticz, item)
		if item.isTimer then
			local url = ''..wuAPIkey..'/conditions/q/'..countryCode..'/''.json'
			domoticz.log('Requesting new weather data from Wunderground...', domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
			domoticz.openURL({url = url, method = 'GET', callback = scriptName..'WU'}).afterSec(10)

			local ogimetDelay = 1140 -- Minimum anticipated Ogimet data lag (19 minutes)
			local qOgimetTime ='!%Y%m%d%H', os.time()- ogimetDelay)..'00'
			local lastOgimetTime =
			if qOgimetTime > lastOgimetTime then
				-- There might be recent ogimet data to fetch
				qOgimetTime ='!%Y%m%d%H', os.time()-(12*3600+ogimetDelay))..'00' -- Twelve hours of data
				if > qOgimetTime then
					qOgimetTime =, -2)..'1' -- Add 1 minute to it
				-- Get synopCode (surface synopCodetic observations) message from Ogimet web site
				url =''..WMOID..'&begin='..qOgimetTime
				domoticz.log('Requesting new cloud cover data from Ogimet...', domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
				domoticz.openURL({url = url, method = 'GET', callback = scriptName..'Ogimet'}).afterSec(5)
				domoticz.log('No need to request new cloud cover data from Ogimet. Using old data with UTC time stamp: '..lastOgimetTime, domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)

		if not item.isHTTPResponse then return end

		local response = item
		if (not response.ok) or (not response.isJSON and response.trigger ~= scriptName..'Ogimet') then
			domoticz.log('Last http response was not what expected. Trigger: '..response.trigger, domoticz.LOG_ERROR)
			domoticz.log(, domoticz.LOG_ERROR)

		if response.trigger == scriptName..'Ogimet' then

			domoticz.log('Ogimet data has been received', domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)

			local function split(s, delimiter)
				local result = {}
				for match in (s..delimiter):gmatch('(.-)'..delimiter) do
					table.insert(result, match)
				return result

			-- In meteorology, an okta is a unit of measurement used to describe the amount of cloud cover
			-- at any given location such as a weather station. Sky conditions are estimated in terms of how many
			-- eighths of the sky are covered in cloud, ranging from 0 oktas (completely clear sky) through to 8 oktas
			-- (completely overcast). In addition, in the synop code there is an extra cloud cover indicator '9'
			-- indicating that the sky is totally obscured (i.e. hidden from view),
			-- usually due to dense fog or heavy snow.
			-- Find the okta value for the last valid line in the response
			-- The response may contain multiple rows and some of them may not be valid.
			local okta, ogimetTime

			for line in"[^\r\n]+") do
				if line == nil then break end
				if (string.find(line,'NIL=') == nil)
				and (string.find(line,'Status: 500') == nil)
				and (string.find(line, WMOID) ~= nil) then
					local s = split(line, ',')
					if s and #s >= 7 then
						local x = string.sub(split(s[7], ' ')[5], 1, 1)
						if x ~= '/' then
							okta = x
							ogimetTime = s[2]..s[3]..s[4]..s[5]..s[6]

			local lastOgimetTime = 
			if (not ogimetTime) or (lastOgimetTime >= ogimetTime) then 
				local lastOkta =

				domoticz.log('Using the saved Okta value: '..lastOkta..' with UTC timestamp: '..lastOgimetTime, domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
				okta = lastOkta
				-- No cloud data. Shall we throw an error?
				local tLastOgimetTime = os.time({ year = tonumber(lastOgimetTime:sub(1,4)), month = tonumber(lastOgimetTime:sub(5,6)), 
						day = tonumber(lastOgimetTime:sub(7,8)), hour = tonumber(lastOgimetTime:sub(9,10)), min = tonumber(lastOgimetTime:sub(11,12)) })
				local elapsed_time = os.difftime(os.time("!*t")), tLastOgimetTime)
				if elapsed_time >= 3600 * warnNoCloudDataHours then
					domoticz.log('We\'ve got no cloud data from WMOID: '..WMOID..' for more than '..tostring(domoticz.utils.round(elapsed_time/3600))..' hours. Maybe you should look for a more reliable weather station to query. Read the Wiki how to do that.', domoticz.LOG_ERROR)
				okta = okta == '9' and 8 or okta
				-- We store the last fetched value here to be used as a backup value
				domoticz.log('Using the newly fetched Okta value: '..okta..' with UTC timestamp: '..ogimetTime, domoticz.LOG_DEBUG) = okta = ogimetTime

		if response.trigger ~= scriptName..'WU' then return end

		domoticz.log('Wunderground API json data has been received', domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)

		local function leapYear(year)   
			return year%4==0 and (year%100~=0 or year%400==0)

		local wuAPIData = response.json
		if not wuAPIData then
			domoticz.log('Could not find any wuAPIData in the WU API response', domoticz.LOG_ERROR)

		local arbitraryTwilightLux = 6.32 -- W/m² egal 800 Lux (the theoritical value is 4.74 but I have more accurate result with 6.32...)
		local constantSolarRadiation = 1361 -- Solar Constant W/m²

		-- In case of that latitude, longitude and altitude has not been defined in the configuration,
		-- we simply use the values that is returned for the current observation location.
		-- Reading longitude, latitude and altitude from the observation_location instead of from 
		-- display_location. API documentation is not so clear about what display_location is.
		if not latitude then latitude = wuAPIData.current_observation.observation_location.latitude end
		if not longitude then longitude = wuAPIData.current_observation.observation_location.longitude end
		if not altitude then
			altitude = wuAPIData.current_observation.observation_location.elevation
			altitude = domoticz.utils.round(tonumber((altitude:gsub('[%a%s]',''))) / 3.2808, 1)

		local WULocWMO = wuAPIData.current_observation.display_location.wmo
		local relativePressure = wuAPIData.current_observation.pressure_mb -- if you have an another way to get the Pressure, (local barometer ...) then you may optimize the script and avoid the call to api.wunderground)

		local year ='%Y')
		local numOfDay ='%j')
		local nbDaysInYear = (leapYear(year) and 366 or 365)

		local angularSpeed = 360/365.25
		local declination = math.deg(math.asin(0.3978 * math.sin(math.rad(angularSpeed) *(numOfDay - (81 - 2 * math.sin((math.rad(angularSpeed) * (numOfDay - 2))))))))
		local timeDecimal = ('!%H') +'!%M') / 60) -- Coordinated Universal Time  (UTC)
		local solarHour = timeDecimal + (4 * longitude / 60 )    -- The solar Hour
		local hourlyAngle = 15 * ( 12 - solarHour )          -- hourly Angle of the sun
		local sunAltitude = math.deg(math.asin(math.sin(math.rad(latitude))* math.sin(math.rad(declination)) + math.cos(math.rad(latitude)) * math.cos(math.rad(declination)) * math.cos(math.rad(hourlyAngle))))-- the height of the sun in degree, compared with the horizon

		local azimuth = math.acos((math.sin(math.rad(declination)) - math.sin(math.rad(latitude)) * math.sin(math.rad(sunAltitude))) / (math.cos(math.rad(latitude)) * math.cos(math.rad(sunAltitude) ))) * 180 / math.pi -- deviation of the sun from the North, in degree
		local sinAzimuth = (math.cos(math.rad(declination)) * math.sin(math.rad(hourlyAngle))) / math.cos(math.rad(sunAltitude))
		if(sinAzimuth<0) then azimuth=360-azimuth end
		local sunstrokeDuration = math.deg(2/15 * math.acos(- math.tan(math.rad(latitude)) * math.tan(math.rad(declination)))) -- duration of sunstroke in the day . Not used in this calculation.
		local RadiationAtm = constantSolarRadiation * (1 +0.034 * math.cos( math.rad( 360 * numOfDay / nbDaysInYear ))) -- Sun radiation  (in W/m²) in the entrance of atmosphere.
		-- Coefficient of mitigation M
		local absolutePressure = relativePressure - domoticz.utils.round((altitude/ 8.3),1) -- hPa
		local sinusSunAltitude = math.sin(math.rad(sunAltitude))
		local M0 = math.sqrt(1229 + math.pow(614 * sinusSunAltitude,2)) - 614 * sinusSunAltitude
		local M = M0 * relativePressure/absolutePressure

		domoticz.log('', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
		domoticz.log('==============  SUN  LOG ==================', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
		domoticz.log(city .. ', latitude: ' .. latitude .. ', longitude: ' .. longitude, domoticz.LOG_INFO)
		domoticz.log('Home altitude = ' .. tostring(altitude) .. ' m', domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
		domoticz.log('WU Location WMO = ' .. WULocWMO, domoticz.LOG_INFO)
		domoticz.log('Angular Speed = ' .. angularSpeed .. ' per day', domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
		domoticz.log('Declination = ' .. declination .. '°', domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
		domoticz.log('Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) '.. timeDecimal ..' H.dd', domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
		domoticz.log('Solar Hour '.. solarHour ..' H.dd', domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
		domoticz.log('Altitude of the sun = ' .. sunAltitude .. '°', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
		domoticz.log('Angular hourly = '.. hourlyAngle .. '°', domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
		domoticz.log('Azimuth of the sun = ' .. azimuth .. '°', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
		domoticz.log('Duration of the sun stroke of the day = ' .. domoticz.utils.round(sunstrokeDuration,2) ..' H.dd', domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
		domoticz.log('Radiation max in atmosphere = ' .. domoticz.utils.round(RadiationAtm,2) .. ' W/m²', domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
		domoticz.log('Local relative pressure = ' .. relativePressure .. ' hPa', domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
		domoticz.log('Absolute pressure in atmosphere = ' .. absolutePressure .. ' hPa', domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
		domoticz.log('Coefficient of mitigation M = ' .. M ..' M0 = '..M0, domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
		domoticz.log('', domoticz.LOG_INFO)

		local function split(s, delimiter)
			local result = {}
			for match in (s..delimiter):gmatch('(.-)'..delimiter) do
				table.insert(result, match)
			return result

		local okta =
		local Kc = 1-0.75*math.pow(okta/8,3.4)  -- Factor of mitigation for the cloud layer

		local directRadiation, scatteredRadiation, totalRadiation, Lux, weightedLux
		if sunAltitude > 1 then -- Below 1° of Altitude , the formulae reach their limit of precision.
			directRadiation = RadiationAtm * math.pow(0.6,M) * sinusSunAltitude
			scatteredRadiation = RadiationAtm * (0.271 - 0.294 * math.pow(0.6,M)) * sinusSunAltitude
			totalRadiation = scatteredRadiation + directRadiation
			Lux = totalRadiation / 0.0079  -- Radiation in Lux. 1 Lux = 0,0079 W/m²
			weightedLux = Lux * Kc   -- radiation of the Sun with the cloud layer
		elseif sunAltitude <= 1 and sunAltitude >= -7  then -- apply theoretical Lux of twilight
			directRadiation = 0
			scatteredRadiation = 0
			totalRadiation = scatteredRadiation + directRadiation + arbitraryTwilightLux 
			Lux = totalRadiation / 0.0079  -- Radiation in Lux. 1 Lux = 0,0079 W/m²
			weightedLux = Lux * Kc   -- radiation of the Sun with the cloud layer
		elseif sunAltitude < -7 then  -- no management of nautical and astronomical twilight...
			directRadiation = 0
			scatteredRadiation = 0
			totalRadiation = 0
			Lux = 0
			weightedLux = 0  --  should be around 3,2 Lux for the nautic twilight. Nevertheless.

		domoticz.log('SYNOP Station = ' .. WMOID, domoticz.LOG_INFO)
		domoticz.log('Okta = '..okta, domoticz.LOG_INFO)
		domoticz.log('Kc = ' .. Kc, domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
		domoticz.log('Direct Radiation = '.. domoticz.utils.round(directRadiation,2) ..' W/m²', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
		domoticz.log('Scattered Radiation = '.. domoticz.utils.round(scatteredRadiation,2) ..' W/m²', domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
		domoticz.log('Total radiation = ' .. domoticz.utils.round(totalRadiation,2) ..' W/m²', domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
		domoticz.log('Total Radiation in lux = '.. domoticz.utils.round(Lux,2)..' Lux', domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
		domoticz.log('Total weighted lux  = '.. domoticz.utils.round(weightedLux,2)..' Lux', domoticz.LOG_INFO)

		-- No update if Lux is already 0. So lastUpdate of the Lux sensor will keep the time when Lux has reached 0.
		-- (Kind of timeofday['SunsetInMinutes'])
		if idxLux and domoticz.devices(idxLux).lux + domoticz.utils.round(weightedLux, 0) > 0 then
		local oktaPercent = domoticz.utils.round(okta*100/8)
		local fetchIntervalMins = (domoticz.time.matchesRule('at daytime') and fetchIntervalDayMins or fetchIntervalNightMins)
		if idxCloudCover and ((domoticz.devices(idxCloudCover).percentage ~= oktaPercent)
		or (domoticz.devices(idxCloudCover).lastUpdate.minutesAgo >= (60 - fetchIntervalMins))) then

		if logToFile then
			local logDebug ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',os.time())
			logDebug=logDebug..' Azimuth:' .. azimuth .. ' Height:' .. sunAltitude
			logDebug=logDebug..' Okta:' .. okta..'  KC:'.. Kc
			logDebug=logDebug..' Direct:'..directRadiation..' inDirect:'..scatteredRadiation..' TotalRadiation:'..totalRadiation..' LuxCloud:'.. domoticz.utils.round(weightedLux,2)
			os.execute('echo '..logDebug..' >>'..tmpLogFile)  -- compatible Linux & Windows

Last edited by BakSeeDaa on Friday 26 January 2018 9:03, edited 23 times in total.
Posts: 22
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Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version:

Re: dzVents version of the Solar Data Script

Post by Bishop »

Awesome job!

Will test it soon!
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Re: dzVents version of the Solar Data Script

Post by Neutrino »

Yeah ! Thank you !
It works like a charm !
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Re: dzVents version of the Solar Data Script

Post by Bishop »

It works like a charm indeed.

I understand that running scripts from Domoticz can, in some cases, slow Domoticz down because the system is waiting. Therefore I have some scripts running as a cronjob. Is there a way to run this script as a cronjob every 5 minutes? What do I change/add do besides adding it to crontab?

Or.. is dzVents ment to lower the burden on Domoticz?
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Re: dzVents version of the Solar Data Script

Post by BakSeeDaa »

You are right about that. As the script is designed now it will not put Domoticz on hold. As it was designed previously it had the potential to lock Domoticz for 10+10 seconds every time it run. That could happen if external servers responded slowly or not at all.

There is really no benefits from putting parts of the script in crontab as it is designed now. It should run really quick. It's beyond the scope of this topic but from what I understand dzVents has improved performance compared to legacy Lua scripting.
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Re: dzVents version of the Solar Data Script

Post by Bishop »

BakSeeDaa wrote: Sunday 03 September 2017 14:17 As the script is designed now it will not put Domoticz on hold. As it was designed previously it had the potential to lock Domoticz for 10+10 seconds every time it run. That could happen if external servers responded slowly or not at all.
All I needed to know, thank you!
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Domoticz version:

Re: dzVents version of the Solar Data Script

Post by BakSeeDaa »

Updated the script to version 2.0.4.

Changes made:
  • We shouldn't query the free Weather Information Service provided by more often than necessary. Previously a new query was made once every 5 minutes (depending on the interval that you've set) even though new data is available only once per hour. Now we only query the Ogimet API in case we expect that new Ogimet data is available (or in case the saved data in tmp folder is old or gets lost). This change will result in 1 or 2 queries per hour instead of 12 queries. Their service is free and 12 queries per hour is a bit abusive.
  • The logging level domoticz.LOG_INFO now produces less information. To see all kind of irrelevant messages, set logging level to domoticz.LOG_DEBUG. For normal use, make the level line in the script to become a comment, e.g. preceed with --
Last edited by BakSeeDaa on Monday 04 September 2017 15:23, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 22
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Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version:

Re: dzVents version of the Solar Data Script

Post by Bishop »

BakSeeDaa wrote: Monday 04 September 2017 13:11 Updated the script to version 2.0.4.

Changes made:
  • We shouldn't query the free Weather Information Service provided by more often than necessary. Previously a new query was made once every 5 minutes (depending on the interval that you've set) even though new data is available only once per hour.
Does this mean that my Lux will only be updated once per hour... or? I might not understand correctly what we use the ogiment data for. Can you explain?
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Re: dzVents version of the Solar Data Script

Post by BakSeeDaa »

Bishop wrote: Monday 04 September 2017 13:27
BakSeeDaa wrote: Monday 04 September 2017 13:11 Updated the script to version 2.0.4.

Changes made:
  • We shouldn't query the free Weather Information Service provided by more often than necessary. Previously a new query was made once every 5 minutes (depending on the interval that you've set) even though new data is available only once per hour.
Does this mean that my Lux will only be updated once per hour... or? I might not understand correctly what we use the ogiment data for. Can you explain?
Only information about the cloud layer is fetched from Ogimet. Other weather parameters is still fetched from Weather Underground at same intervals as before.

There is no change in what the script produces. The Domoticz Lux device will be updated on the same interval using the same parameters as before. The only difference is that the script doesn't go out and fetch old information that we already have. (We can not get fresher cloud layer data by querying more frequently) This is just an optimization that will save resources on your server and on the Ogimet server. So, same functionality as before. :D
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Domoticz version:

Re: dzVents version of the Solar Data Script

Post by Bishop »

Awesome, you're doing a good job. Keep at it! :)
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Re: dzVents version of the Solar Data Script

Post by BakSeeDaa »

Bishop wrote: Monday 04 September 2017 13:59 Awesome, you're doing a good job. Keep at it! :)

It seems though that the Ogimet Data can indeed update more than once an hour. That is, I was wrong. :oops:

I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I will release a new version within a short while.
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Re: dzVents version of the Solar Data Script

Post by Luigi87 »

Wow, Looks very nice.
I was searching for a way to add Solar power data to my system, to decide if the sunscreen should be activated or not.
Does this script also adjust when there are clouds hovering above your Location?
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Re: dzVents version of the Solar Data Script

Post by BakSeeDaa »

Luigi87 wrote: Monday 04 September 2017 16:03 Wow, Looks very nice.
I was searching for a way to add Solar power data to my system, to decide if the sunscreen should be activated or not.
Does this script also adjust when there are clouds hovering above your Location?
Yes it should do that. That's what the Ogimet service is for.
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Re: dzVents version of the Solar Data Script

Post by Luigi87 »

BakSeeDaa wrote: Monday 04 September 2017 16:06
Luigi87 wrote: Monday 04 September 2017 16:03 Wow, Looks very nice.
I was searching for a way to add Solar power data to my system, to decide if the sunscreen should be activated or not.
Does this script also adjust when there are clouds hovering above your Location?
Yes it should do that. That's what the Ogimet service is for.
Nice i will try the script also :D
(btw. your Ubiquity script is working like a charm :D )
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Re: dzVents version of the Solar Data Script

Post by BakSeeDaa »

Luigi87 wrote: Monday 04 September 2017 16:08 Nice i will try the script also :D
(btw. your Ubiquity script is working like a charm :D )
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Re: dzVents version of the Solar Data Script

Post by BakSeeDaa »

Updated the script to version 2.0.5.

Changes made:
  • Reverted previously introduced limitation to fetch Cloud Layer Data from Ogimet only once an hour.
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Re: dzVents version of the Solar Data Script

Post by digimate »


Thanks a lot!!!
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Re: dzVents version of the Solar Data Script

Post by EdwinK »

Trying on Synology, but then I've problems with line 142 (reading the JSON.lua file)
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Re: dzVents version of the Solar Data Script

Post by BakSeeDaa »

EdwinK wrote: Monday 04 September 2017 19:06 Trying on Synology, but then I've problems with line 142 (reading the JSON.lua file)
Please try to change the line:

Code: Select all

				local JSON = (loadfile '/home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/JSON.lua')() -- For Linux

Code: Select all

				local JSON = (loadfile './scripts/lua/JSON.lua')() -- For Linux
I believe it will work. Please let me know.
If it works I will move that part into the configuration. But it'll have to wait until tomorrow. :D
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Re: dzVents version of the Solar Data Script

Post by EdwinK »

Seems to work. Need to let it run a few times

Edit: Spoke too soon:
2017-09-04 20:21:00.655 Error: dzVents: Error: SOLAR 2.0.4: An error occured when calling event handler Solar Data
2017-09-04 20:21:00.655 Error: dzVents: Error: SOLAR 2.0.4: ...icz/var/scripts/dzVents/generated_scripts/Solar Data.lua:142: attempt to call a nil value
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