I have a sp009a to and these commands work for me:GSVNoFixedAbode wrote:Please excuse the bumping of an old thread but I'm hoping someone may be able to assist.
I've got a Sricam sp009a camera that I can get a good feed displaying on VLC (on a PC) using rtsp://[IPaddress]:554/onvif1 and also surprisingly works on rtsp://[IPaddress]/onvif1 (without the explicit 554 port). However, when I try to save an image on the Raspberry Pi using ffmpeg or avconv using the examples in the scripts here I'm constantly getting "invalid data found when processing input".
Any suggestions on troubleshooting?
10 sec video:
ffmpeg -rtsp_transport -udp_multicast -i rtsp://user:password@ipcam:554/onvif1 -vcodec copy -t 10 -y /home/user/sricam.avi
ffmpeg -rtsp_transport -udp_multicast -i rtsp://user:password@ipcam:554/onvif1 -f image2 -vframes 1 -pix_fmt yuvj420p /home/user/test.jpeg