dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
Hmmm just removed the device (kodi) and dtgbot seems to have come alive, weird.
- jvdz
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
Strange.. You have exactly the same issue! That JSON should contain a RESULT section with more information.
What is that device exactly and which version of Domoticz are you running?
I have a test version of dtg_domoticz.lua you could test to see if that ignores these type of device responses, but it clearly is a wrong response for a regular device.
test version code of dtg_domoticz.lua:
What is that device exactly and which version of Domoticz are you running?
I have a test version of dtg_domoticz.lua you could test to see if that ignores these type of device responses, but it clearly is a wrong response for a regular device.
test version code of dtg_domoticz.lua:
Code: Select all
-- A set of support functions currently aimed at dtgbot,
-- but probably more general
function form_device_name(parsed_cli)
-- joins together parameters after the command name to form the full "device name"
command = parsed_cli[2]
DeviceName = parsed_cli[3]
len_parsed_cli = #parsed_cli
if len_parsed_cli > 3 then
for i = 4, len_parsed_cli do
DeviceName = DeviceName..' '..parsed_cli[i]
return DeviceName
-- returns list of all user variables - called early by dtgbot
-- in case Domoticz is not running will retry
-- allowing Domoticz time to start
function variable_list()
local t, jresponse, status, decoded_response
t = server_url.."/json.htm?type=command¶m=getuservariables"
jresponse = nil
domoticz_tries = 1
-- Domoticz seems to take a while to respond to getuservariables after start-up
-- So just keep trying after 1 second sleep
while (jresponse == nil) do
print_to_log(1,"JSON request <"..t..">");
jresponse, status = http.request(t)
if (jresponse == nil) then
domoticz_tries = domoticz_tries + 1
if domoticz_tries > 100 then
print_to_log(0,'Domoticz not sending back user variable list')
print_to_log(0,'Domoticz returned getuservariables after '..domoticz_tries..' attempts')
decoded_response = JSON:decode(jresponse)
return decoded_response
-- returns idx of a user variable from name
function variable_list_names_idxs()
local idx, k, record, decoded_response
decoded_response = variable_list()
result = decoded_response["result"]
variables = {}
for i = 1, #result do
record = result[i]
if type(record) == "table" then
variables[record['Name']] = record['idx']
return variables
function idx_from_variable_name(DeviceName)
return Variablelist[DeviceName]
-- returns the value of the variable from the idx
function get_variable_value(idx)
local t, jresponse, decoded_response
if idx == nill then
return ""
t = server_url.."/json.htm?type=command¶m=getuservariable&idx="..tostring(idx)
print_to_log(1,"JSON request <"..t..">");
jresponse, status = http.request(t)
decoded_response = JSON:decode(jresponse)
print_to_log(0,'Decoded '..decoded_response["result"][1]["Value"])
return decoded_response["result"][1]["Value"]
function set_variable_value(idx,name,type,value)
-- store the value of a user variable
local t, jresponse, decoded_response
t = server_url.."/json.htm?type=command¶m=updateuservariable&idx="..idx.."&vname="..name.."&vtype="..type.."&vvalue="..tostring(value)
print_to_log(1,"JSON request <"..t..">");
jresponse, status = http.request(t)
function create_variable(name,type,value)
-- creates user variable
local t, jresponse, decoded_response
t = server_url.."/json.htm?type=command¶m=saveuservariable&vname="..name.."&vtype="..type.."&vvalue="..tostring(value)
print_to_log(1,"JSON request <"..t..">");
jresponse, status = http.request(t)
-- returns a device table of Domoticz items based on type i.e. devices or scenes
function device_list(DeviceType)
local t, jresponse, status, decoded_response
t = server_url.."/json.htm?type="..DeviceType.."&order=name&used=true"
print_to_log(1,"JSON request <"..t..">");
jresponse, status = http.request(t)
decoded_response = JSON:decode(jresponse)
return decoded_response
-- returns a list of Domoticz items based on type i.e. devices or scenes
function device_list_names_idxs(DeviceType)
--returns a devcie idx based on its name
local idx, k, record, decoded_response
decoded_response = device_list(DeviceType)
result = decoded_response['result']
devices = {}
devicesproperties = {}
for i = 1, #result do
record = result[i]
if type(record) == "table" then
if DeviceType == "plans" then
devices[record['Name']] = record['idx']
devices[string.lower(record['Name'])] = record['idx']
devices[record['idx']] = record['Name']
if DeviceType == 'scenes' then
devicesproperties[record['idx']] = {Type=record['Type'], SwitchType = record['Type']}
return devices, devicesproperties
function idx_from_name(DeviceName,DeviceType)
--returns a devcie idx based on its name
if DeviceType == "devices" then
return Devicelist[string.lower(DeviceName)]
elseif DeviceType == "scenes" then
return Scenelist[string.lower(DeviceName)]
return Roomlist[DeviceName]
function retrieve_status(idx,DeviceType)
local t, jresponse, status, decoded_response
t = server_url.."/json.htm?type="..DeviceType.."&rid="..tostring(idx)
print_to_log(1,"JSON request <"..t..">");
jresponse, status = http.request(t)
decoded_response = JSON:decode(jresponse)
return decoded_response
-- support function to scan through the Devices and Scenes idx tables and retrieve the required information for it
function devinfo_from_name(idx,DeviceName,DeviceScene)
local k, record, Type,DeviceType,SwitchType
local found = 0
local rDeviceName=""
local status=""
local MaxDimLevel=100
local ridx=0
local tvar
if DeviceScene~="scenes" then
-- Check for Devices
-- Have the device name
if DeviceName ~= "" then
idx = idx_from_name(DeviceName,'devices')
print_to_log(2,"==> start devinfo_from_name", idx,DeviceName)
if idx ~= nil then
test = retrieve_status(idx,"devices")['result']
if test ~= nil then
record = test[1]
--~ record = retrieve_status(idx,"devices")['result'][1]
print_to_log(2,'device ',DeviceName,record.Name,idx,record.idx)
if type(record) == "table" then
ridx = record.idx
rDeviceName = record.Name
-- as default simply use the status field
-- use the dtgbot_type_status to retrieve the status from the "other devices" field as defined in the table.
if dtgbot_type_status[Type] ~= nil then
if dtgbot_type_status[Type].Status ~= nil then
status = ''
CurrentStatus = dtgbot_type_status[Type].Status
for i=1, #CurrentStatus do
if status ~= '' then
status = status .. ' - '
cindex, csuffix = next(CurrentStatus[i])
status = status .. tostring(record[cindex])..tostring(csuffix)
status = tostring(record.Status)
found = 1
print_to_log(2," !!!! found device",record.Name,rDeviceName,record.idx,ridx)
print_to_log(2," !!!! found device",rDeviceName,ridx)
-- Check for Scenes
if DeviceScene=="scenes" then
if found == 0 then
if DeviceName ~= "" then
idx = idx_from_name(DeviceName,'scenes')
DeviceName = idx_from_name(idx,'scenes')
if idx ~= nil then
DeviceName = Scenelist[idx]
ridx = idx
rDeviceName = DeviceName
SwitchType = Sceneproperties[tostring(idx)]['SwitchType']
Type = Sceneproperties[tostring(idx)]['Type']
found = 1
-- Check for Scenes
if found == 0 then
ridx = 9999
print_to_log(2," --< devinfo_from_name:",found,ridx,rDeviceName,DeviceType,Type,SwitchType,status)
return ridx,rDeviceName,DeviceType,Type,SwitchType,MaxDimLevel,status
function file_exists(name)
local f=io.open(name,"r")
if f~=nil then io.close(f) return true else return false end
function domoticz_language()
local t, jresponse, status, decoded_response
t = server_url.."/json.htm?type=command¶m=getlanguage"
jresponse = nil
print_to_log(1,"JSON request <"..t..">");
jresponse, status = http.request(t)
decoded_response = JSON:decode(jresponse)
local language = decoded_response['language']
if language ~= nil then
return language
return 'en'
New Garbage collection scripts: https://github.com/jvanderzande/GarbageCalendar
- G3rard
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
My Ubuntu server is 64 bit.maomanna wrote:but do you have a x86 or x64 ubuntu server?G3rard wrote:I have dtgbot working on my Ubuntu server. It took some extra steps which I think I have written down. Will have a look at it this weekend and share the steps here.
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
How did you compile the lua libraries?
In the OP is a 32bit version supplied.
In the OP is a 32bit version supplied.
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
I'm running the latest beta 3.7450, but i think i figured it out. Because the hardware i removed (kodi) can't be found in the hardware list any more (now called kodi players). So i figure it has to do with that and not with the script. Maybe this is the solution for maomanna and his raspberry pi, remove the device that doesn't give any results and add the new "updated" hardware.jvdz wrote:Strange.. You have exactly the same issue! That JSON should contain a RESULT section with more information.
What is that device exactly and which version of Domoticz are you running?
I have a test version of dtg_domoticz.lua you could test to see if that ignores these type of device responses, but it clearly is a wrong response for a regular device.
test version code of dtg_domoticz.lua:Code: Select all
-- A set of support functions currently aimed at dtgbot, -- but probably more general function form_device_name(parsed_cli) -- joins together parameters after the command name to form the full "device name" command = parsed_cli[2] DeviceName = parsed_cli[3] len_parsed_cli = #parsed_cli if len_parsed_cli > 3 then for i = 4, len_parsed_cli do DeviceName = DeviceName..' '..parsed_cli[i] end end return DeviceName end -- returns list of all user variables - called early by dtgbot -- in case Domoticz is not running will retry -- allowing Domoticz time to start function variable_list() local t, jresponse, status, decoded_response t = server_url.."/json.htm?type=command¶m=getuservariables" jresponse = nil domoticz_tries = 1 -- Domoticz seems to take a while to respond to getuservariables after start-up -- So just keep trying after 1 second sleep while (jresponse == nil) do print_to_log(1,"JSON request <"..t..">"); jresponse, status = http.request(t) if (jresponse == nil) then socket.sleep(1) domoticz_tries = domoticz_tries + 1 if domoticz_tries > 100 then print_to_log(0,'Domoticz not sending back user variable list') break end end end print_to_log(0,'Domoticz returned getuservariables after '..domoticz_tries..' attempts') decoded_response = JSON:decode(jresponse) return decoded_response end -- returns idx of a user variable from name function variable_list_names_idxs() local idx, k, record, decoded_response decoded_response = variable_list() result = decoded_response["result"] variables = {} for i = 1, #result do record = result[i] if type(record) == "table" then variables[record['Name']] = record['idx'] end end return variables end function idx_from_variable_name(DeviceName) return Variablelist[DeviceName] end -- returns the value of the variable from the idx function get_variable_value(idx) local t, jresponse, decoded_response if idx == nill then return "" end t = server_url.."/json.htm?type=command¶m=getuservariable&idx="..tostring(idx) print_to_log(1,"JSON request <"..t..">"); jresponse, status = http.request(t) decoded_response = JSON:decode(jresponse) print_to_log(0,'Decoded '..decoded_response["result"][1]["Value"]) return decoded_response["result"][1]["Value"] end function set_variable_value(idx,name,type,value) -- store the value of a user variable local t, jresponse, decoded_response t = server_url.."/json.htm?type=command¶m=updateuservariable&idx="..idx.."&vname="..name.."&vtype="..type.."&vvalue="..tostring(value) print_to_log(1,"JSON request <"..t..">"); jresponse, status = http.request(t) return end function create_variable(name,type,value) -- creates user variable local t, jresponse, decoded_response t = server_url.."/json.htm?type=command¶m=saveuservariable&vname="..name.."&vtype="..type.."&vvalue="..tostring(value) print_to_log(1,"JSON request <"..t..">"); jresponse, status = http.request(t) return end -- returns a device table of Domoticz items based on type i.e. devices or scenes function device_list(DeviceType) local t, jresponse, status, decoded_response t = server_url.."/json.htm?type="..DeviceType.."&order=name&used=true" print_to_log(1,"JSON request <"..t..">"); jresponse, status = http.request(t) decoded_response = JSON:decode(jresponse) return decoded_response end -- returns a list of Domoticz items based on type i.e. devices or scenes function device_list_names_idxs(DeviceType) --returns a devcie idx based on its name local idx, k, record, decoded_response decoded_response = device_list(DeviceType) result = decoded_response['result'] devices = {} devicesproperties = {} for i = 1, #result do record = result[i] if type(record) == "table" then if DeviceType == "plans" then devices[record['Name']] = record['idx'] else devices[string.lower(record['Name'])] = record['idx'] devices[record['idx']] = record['Name'] if DeviceType == 'scenes' then devicesproperties[record['idx']] = {Type=record['Type'], SwitchType = record['Type']} end end end end return devices, devicesproperties end function idx_from_name(DeviceName,DeviceType) --returns a devcie idx based on its name if DeviceType == "devices" then return Devicelist[string.lower(DeviceName)] elseif DeviceType == "scenes" then return Scenelist[string.lower(DeviceName)] else return Roomlist[DeviceName] end end function retrieve_status(idx,DeviceType) local t, jresponse, status, decoded_response t = server_url.."/json.htm?type="..DeviceType.."&rid="..tostring(idx) print_to_log(1,"JSON request <"..t..">"); jresponse, status = http.request(t) decoded_response = JSON:decode(jresponse) return decoded_response end -- support function to scan through the Devices and Scenes idx tables and retrieve the required information for it function devinfo_from_name(idx,DeviceName,DeviceScene) local k, record, Type,DeviceType,SwitchType local found = 0 local rDeviceName="" local status="" local MaxDimLevel=100 local ridx=0 local tvar if DeviceScene~="scenes" then -- Check for Devices -- Have the device name if DeviceName ~= "" then idx = idx_from_name(DeviceName,'devices') end print_to_log(2,"==> start devinfo_from_name", idx,DeviceName) if idx ~= nil then test = retrieve_status(idx,"devices")['result'] if test ~= nil then record = test[1] --~ record = retrieve_status(idx,"devices")['result'][1] print_to_log(2,'device ',DeviceName,record.Name,idx,record.idx) if type(record) == "table" then ridx = record.idx rDeviceName = record.Name DeviceType="devices" Type=record.Type -- as default simply use the status field -- use the dtgbot_type_status to retrieve the status from the "other devices" field as defined in the table. if dtgbot_type_status[Type] ~= nil then if dtgbot_type_status[Type].Status ~= nil then status = '' CurrentStatus = dtgbot_type_status[Type].Status for i=1, #CurrentStatus do if status ~= '' then status = status .. ' - ' end cindex, csuffix = next(CurrentStatus[i]) status = status .. tostring(record[cindex])..tostring(csuffix) end end else SwitchType=record.SwitchType MaxDimLevel=record.MaxDimLevel status = tostring(record.Status) end found = 1 print_to_log(2," !!!! found device",record.Name,rDeviceName,record.idx,ridx) end end end print_to_log(2," !!!! found device",rDeviceName,ridx) end -- Check for Scenes if DeviceScene=="scenes" then if found == 0 then if DeviceName ~= "" then idx = idx_from_name(DeviceName,'scenes') else DeviceName = idx_from_name(idx,'scenes') end if idx ~= nil then DeviceName = Scenelist[idx] DeviceType="scenes" ridx = idx rDeviceName = DeviceName SwitchType = Sceneproperties[tostring(idx)]['SwitchType'] Type = Sceneproperties[tostring(idx)]['Type'] found = 1 end end end -- Check for Scenes if found == 0 then ridx = 9999 DeviceType="command" Type="command" SwitchType="command" end print_to_log(2," --< devinfo_from_name:",found,ridx,rDeviceName,DeviceType,Type,SwitchType,status) return ridx,rDeviceName,DeviceType,Type,SwitchType,MaxDimLevel,status end function file_exists(name) local f=io.open(name,"r") if f~=nil then io.close(f) return true else return false end end function domoticz_language() local t, jresponse, status, decoded_response t = server_url.."/json.htm?type=command¶m=getlanguage" jresponse = nil print_to_log(1,"JSON request <"..t..">"); jresponse, status = http.request(t) decoded_response = JSON:decode(jresponse) local language = decoded_response['language'] if language ~= nil then return language else return 'en' end end
Thanks for the help!
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
nice findings!
Meaning that there will be some check if a JSON request is failed, that the device will be skipped and the script will continue.
Meaning that there will be some check if a JSON request is failed, that the device will be skipped and the script will continue.
- jvdz
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
That is what I have tried to do in the posted updated script... It should at least continue in case data is missing.
New Garbage collection scripts: https://github.com/jvanderzande/GarbageCalendar
- G3rard
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
I did the following steps to make dtgbot working on my Ubuntu server 14.04 x64.maomanna wrote:How did you compile the lua libraries?
In the OP is a 32bit version supplied.
- Follow instruction from https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/Remote_Co ... legram_Bot
- sudo apt-get install lua-sec
- Follow instruction from http://www.domoticz.com/forum/viewtopic ... 23&t=10783
- Copy ssl.so from /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/lua/5.2 to /usr/local/lib/lua/5.2/ssl.so
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
Strange question, when somebody enters our house and both me and the wife aren't at home, i get a msg (telegram) that somebody is in my house. Would it be possible to interact with that via dtgbot so that you get a question which you can answer yes or no. So for example: Somebody is in your home, is that correct? If you will reply with yes, nothing will happen and you will get no further notifications, answering no would mean sounding the alarm etc.
- jvdz
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
Anything is possible as long as DTGBOT understands the Yes/No command. So maybe your script that sends the warning should also set a uservariable which you then check when a Yes/No command is received... just thinking out loud here.
New Garbage collection scripts: https://github.com/jvanderzande/GarbageCalendar
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
Good thinking, i have to come up with something!
Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
Hi Jos,
I wanted to try DTGBOT, but I can't seem to get it to work. I have tried changing all kinds of settings, but DTGBOT starts, than exits after a minute or two.
The TelegramBotOffset variable stays at 1.
setting the TelegramBotLoglevel variable to 1 or 2 does not create more log output.
My error log:
These messages are repeated every exit and always the same.
Setting IP to, changes nothing
Setting IP to NOT use login credentials also changes nothing.
I did notice one thing: The chatID is single quoted ('TOKEN'), while the rest of the data is double quoted ("DATA"). is this correct?
If you have any pointers on how I can overcome this problem and get the system working, I would much appreciate it!
I feel a bit stupid right now.... found the problem: I entered the external domoticz port (8010) which is forwarded to internal 8080, so changing the port number to 8080 in DomoticzData.sh solved the problem....duh...
I wanted to try DTGBOT, but I can't seem to get it to work. I have tried changing all kinds of settings, but DTGBOT starts, than exits after a minute or two.
The TelegramBotOffset variable stays at 1.
setting the TelegramBotLoglevel variable to 1 or 2 does not create more log output.
My error log:
Code: Select all
/usr/bin/lua5.2: /usr/local/share/lua/5.2/JSON.lua:383: nil passed to JSON:decode()
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'assert'
/usr/local/share/lua/5.2/JSON.lua:383: in function 'onDecodeOfNilError'
/usr/local/share/lua/5.2/JSON.lua:644: in function 'decode'
/home/pi/dtgbot//dtg_domoticz.lua:40: in function 'variable_list'
/home/pi/dtgbot//dtg_domoticz.lua:47: in function 'variable_list_names_idxs'
/home/pi/dtgbot/dtgbot.lua:184: in function 'dtgbot_initialise'
/home/pi/dtgbot/dtgbot.lua:229: in main chunk
[C]: in ?
Code: Select all
2017-05-22 15:51:59 - DomoticzIP: USER:[email protected]
2017-05-22 15:51:59 - DomoticzPort: 8010
2017-05-22 15:51:59 - BotHomePath: /home/pi/dtgbot/
2017-05-22 15:51:59 - BotLuaScriptPath: /home/pi/dtgbot/lua/
2017-05-22 15:51:59 - TempFileDir: /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/temp/
2017-05-22 15:51:59 - BotBashScriptPath: /home/pi/dtgbot/bash/
2017-05-22 15:51:59 - TelegramBotToken: BOT:Token
2017-05-22 15:51:59 - TelegramBotOffset: TelegramBotOffset
2017-05-22 15:51:59 - -----------------------------------------
2017-05-22 15:51:59 - Starting Telegram api Bot message handler
2017-05-22 15:51:59 - -----------------------------------------
2017-05-22 15:51:59 - Using DTGBOT config file:/home/pi/dtgbot//dtgbot.cfg
2017-05-22 15:53:39 - Domoticz not sending back user variable list
2017-05-22 15:53:39 - Domoticz returned getuservariables after 101 attempts
Setting IP to NOT use login credentials also changes nothing.
I did notice one thing: The chatID is single quoted ('TOKEN'), while the rest of the data is double quoted ("DATA"). is this correct?
If you have any pointers on how I can overcome this problem and get the system working, I would much appreciate it!
I feel a bit stupid right now.... found the problem: I entered the external domoticz port (8010) which is forwarded to internal 8080, so changing the port number to 8080 in DomoticzData.sh solved the problem....duh...
- jvdz
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
Glad you solved it.
New Garbage collection scripts: https://github.com/jvanderzande/GarbageCalendar
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
Did you manage to find a solution for this? I'm also thinking of implementing a couple of yes/no questions on certain times.DennisD wrote:Good thinking, i have to come up with something!
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
@ebooz, no sorry still haven't found the time to dig into it.
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
Thanks for the awesome project including the pre-made scripts which really help you to get started! Sometimes when there is something "hectic" going on at home it might be difficult to reach anyone by phone. So I thought it might be nice if I send a message to Dtgbot and it would read it aloud at home as there are speakers all around and I already was using the iZsynth script to make Domoticz talk. This was relatively easy to do, I chose a shell script and it just takes the sent message (input variable $2, after the keyword) and passes that string to the already existing script that reads it aloud with iZsynth.
But then it came to my mind that you can send voice message to chats as well so would there be anyway for the bot to capture this kind of message and store the audio file somewhere so that the script could play it? Has anyone played with anything like that or do you have any thoughts whether it could be achievable in some "not too difficult" way?
But then it came to my mind that you can send voice message to chats as well so would there be anyway for the bot to capture this kind of message and store the audio file somewhere so that the script could play it? Has anyone played with anything like that or do you have any thoughts whether it could be achievable in some "not too difficult" way?
- jvdz
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
This is indeed possible and just needs some support added for downloading files that are send to the bot.
the original message contains something like this in the received message:
in stead of text message containing:
DTGBot would then have to perform this API call:
Which returns:
It would then be able to retrieve the OGA file with this API call:
That is all to it and just needs to be coded now
the original message contains something like this in the received message:
Code: Select all
voice: {
duration: 1,
mime_type: "audio/ogg",
file_size: 4067
Code: Select all
text: "Test"
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
ok: true,
result: {
file_size: 4067,
file_path: "voice/111111088413725018.oga"
Code: Select all
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
Thanks! Need to start looking into the code a bit more carefully to see how to maybe catch the audio messages for further processing...
By the way, now I implemented the text based notification so that is sent like "Announcement This-is-a-test-announcement" as I noticed the script needs to strip the spaces away. Is there perhaps some more elegant way to allow the use of spaces in the announcement text and just catch this in the script so that it would not strip the spaces in this case? Also, it has happened a couple of times now that dtgbot is still running but not acting on any received messages. I've enabled full logging to hopefully get into bottom of this but do you already know what could be causing this? Restarting the service always solves it.
By the way, now I implemented the text based notification so that is sent like "Announcement This-is-a-test-announcement" as I noticed the script needs to strip the spaces away. Is there perhaps some more elegant way to allow the use of spaces in the announcement text and just catch this in the script so that it would not strip the spaces in this case? Also, it has happened a couple of times now that dtgbot is still running but not acting on any received messages. I've enabled full logging to hopefully get into bottom of this but do you already know what could be causing this? Restarting the service always solves it.
- jvdz
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
I will wip something up probably this evening to support voice files. What I am considering is to have it perform the following command when a voice file is received:
So you would need to have a voice.sh or lua that will download the file with curl and then process it.
As to your question: How do you process the Announcement commands? Need to check but though all parameters are copied to the shelled process.
Code: Select all
voice url-for-filedownload
As to your question: How do you process the Announcement commands? Need to check but though all parameters are copied to the shelled process.
New Garbage collection scripts: https://github.com/jvanderzande/GarbageCalendar
- Posts: 722
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Re: dtgbot - Domoticz TeleGram BOT
Great, looking forward to this!jvdz wrote: ↑Thursday 10 August 2017 9:32 I will wip something up probably this evening to support voice files. What I am considering is to have it perform the following command when a voice file is received:So you would need to have a voice.sh or lua that will download the file with curl and then process it.Code: Select all
voice url-for-filedownload
As to your question: How do you process the Announcement commands? Need to check but though all parameters are copied to the shelled process.
I cannot access the script now, but basically what I first tried was something like
Code: Select all
Announcement This is a test announcement
Code: Select all
Announcement This-is-a-test-announcement
Announcement This_is_a_test_announcement
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