Thx manhtilburgs wrote:Just send you a PM....Wheeling wrote:Hi @htilburgshtilburgs wrote:
Nice Dash
Can you share the iPhone script with us
I've been looking for it for a long time, but do not get it to work.
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens
you forgot the / after v2
Xu4: Beta Extreme antenna RFXcomE,WU Fi Ping ip P1 Gen5 PVOutput Harmony HUE SolarmanPv OTG Winddelen Alive ESP Buienradar MySensors WOL Winddelen counting RPi: Beta SMAspot RFlinkTest Domoticz ...Different backups
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens
Hi EdKo66,EdKo66 wrote:Perhaps you can share your CONFIG.js here. Are you sure the address is correct?Trigun wrote:Hi All,
first of all, what a great dashboard!
Allthough it looks amazing, I am not able to get it working and I can't see where it goed wrong.
I changed the CONFIG-DEFAULT.js with my IP adress and saved it as CONFIG.js after putting all the files in www/dashticzv2 folder.
tried to open but get an 404 error.
Am I overlooking something??
thanks in advance!
thnks for your reply.
the code of the CONFIG.js file is as follows:
Code: Select all
var _LANGUAGE = 'nl_NL'; //or: en_US, fr_FR, hu_HU
var _HOST_DOMOTICZ = '';
var _DOMOTICZ_REFRESH = 5; //in seconds
var _DASHTICZ_REFRESH = 30; //in minutes
var _HOST_ZIGGO_HORIZON = ''; //e.g.';
var _WEATHER_CITY = 'Eindhoven';
var _WEATHER_CITYNAME = ''; //show a different city name, leave empty if same as _WEATHER_CITY
var _USE_AUTO_POSITIONING = true; //don't want to configure positions, use auto positioning
var _USE_FAVORITES = true; //only used when using auto positioning
var _HIDE_SECONDS_IN_CLOCK = false; //do not show the seconds in the clock
var _HIDE_MEDIAPLAYER_WHEN_OFF = false; //when you have a mediaplayer connected, hide it if nothing is playing
var _NEWS_RSSFEED = '';
var _USE_FAHRENHEIT = false;
var _USE_BEAUFORT = true; //Bft instead of m/s
var _TRANSLATE_SPEED = false; //windspeed, north northwest instead of NNW
var _STANDBY_AFTER_MINUTES = false; //enter amount of minutes like: 5 (5 minutes)
var _SCROLL_NEWS_AFTER = 7000; //milliseconds, so 7000 is 7 seconds
var _SHOW_LASTUPDATE = true;
var _SCREENSLIDER_EFFECT = 'slide'; //'slide' or 'fade' or 'cube' or 'coverflow' or 'flip'
var _APIKEY_MAPS = '';
var _MAPS_LATITUDE = '';
var _AUTO_SWIPEBACK_TO = 1; //when no activity, swipe back to main screen after x seconds
var _AUTO_SWIPEBACK_TIME = 10; //seconds
// Online Radio Stream Plugin, Note: you must enable plugin in column section 'streamplayer', see columns[3]['blocks'] example below.
{"track":1,"name":"Music FM","file":""},
{"track":2,"name":"Radio 1","file":""},
{"track":3,"name":"Test FM","file":""},
// iCalendar Plugin, supports all .ics calendar types like Google Calendar, Apple Calendar
var _ICALENDAR_URL = ''; //supports .ics type calendars (Google Calendar, Apple Calendar etc.)
var _ICALENDAR_DATEFORMAT = 'friendly'; //'friendly', 'MM.DD.YYYY HH:mm', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm', 'YYYY.MM.DD HH:mm'
var _ICALENDAR_LOCALE = 'en'; //en,hu, etc.
//Buttons or images to open webpages in an iframe, like a news website or weather forecast
var buttons = {}
buttons.buienradar = {width:12, isimage:true, refreshimage:60000, image: '', url: ''} = {width:12, image: 'img/radio_on.png', title: 'Radio', url: ''}
buttons.nunl = {width:12, icon: 'fa-newspaper-o', title: '', url: ''}
//defining wich blocks to show, de numbers represents the IDX of the device in Domoticz
//only define if you want to use a custom width instead of the default
//var blocks = {}
//blocks[1] = {}
//blocks[1]['width'] = 4; //1 to 12, remove this line if you want to use the default (4)
//blocks[1]['title'] = 'Living room' //if you want change the name of switch different then domoticz
//blocks[1]['icon'] = 'fa-eye'; //if you want an other icon instead of the default, choose from:
//blocks[1]['image'] = 'bulb_off.png'; //if you want to show an image instead if icon, place image in img/ folder
//blocks[204] = {} //dimmer
//blocks[204]['width'] = 12;
//blocks[204]['title'] = 'Living room' //if you want change the name of switch different then domoticz
//blocks['blocktitle_1'] = {}
//blocks['blocktitle_1']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
//blocks['blocktitle_1']['title'] = 'Schakelaars';
//var columns = {}
//columns[1] = {}
//columns[1]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_1',1,2,62,'144_2',204,248,295] //remark: idx 144 produces 2 blocks, so you can use: '144_1' and '144_2' (or of course, just 144 if you want one)
//columns[1]['width'] = 5;
//columns[2] = {}
//columns[2]['blocks'] = ['currentweather_big','weather',5,'144_1']
//columns[2]['width'] = 5;
//columns[3] = {}
//columns[3]['blocks'] = ['clock','sunrise','horizon','streamplayer',buttons.buienradar,,buttons.calendar,buttons.nunl,buttons.nzbget]
//columns[3]['width'] = 2;
//var columns_standby = {}
//columns_standby[1] = {}
//columns_standby[1]['blocks'] = ['clock','currentweather_big','weather']
//columns_standby[1]['width'] = 12;
//if you want to use multiple screens, use the code below:
//var screens = {}
//screens[1] = {}
//screens[1]['background'] = 'bg1.jpg';
//screens[1]['background_morning'] = 'bg_morning.jpg';
//screens[1]['background_noon'] = 'bg_noon.jpg';
//screens[1]['background_afternoon'] = 'bg_afternoon.jpg';
//screens[1]['background_night'] = 'bg_night.jpg';
//screens[1]['columns'] = [1,2,3]
//screens[2] = {}
//screens[2]['background'] = 'bg3.jpg';
//screens[2]['background_morning'] = 'bg_morning.jpg';
//screens[2]['background_noon'] = 'bg_noon.jpg';
//screens[2]['background_afternoon'] = 'bg_afternoon.jpg';
//screens[2]['background_night'] = 'bg_night.jpg';
//screens[2]['columns'] = [4,5,6]
thnks in advnce!
- htilburgs
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens
Try to open with a / at the end.Trigun wrote:EdKo66 wrote:Trigun wrote: tried to open but get an 404 error.
RPi3 - Aeon Labs Z-Stick GEN5 - Fibaro Dimmer 2 - Fibaro Roller Shutter 2 - Fibaro Smoke Sensor - Yeelight RGBW Led bulb - Yeelight Smart LED Light Strip - Neo Coolcam PIR Motion Sensor - Neo Coolcam PowerPlug - Nest Thermostat v3
RPi3 - Aeon Labs Z-Stick GEN5 - Fibaro Dimmer 2 - Fibaro Roller Shutter 2 - Fibaro Smoke Sensor - Yeelight RGBW Led bulb - Yeelight Smart LED Light Strip - Neo Coolcam PIR Motion Sensor - Neo Coolcam PowerPlug - Nest Thermostat v3
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens
It looks like the domoticz refresh is broken in the latest version, if I look in main.js there is also no code which is using the "_DOMOTICZ_REFRESH" value, only some code which is commented". Removing the comment fixes the issue
I'm also seeing a class is added to a thermostat setpoint at every domoticz refresh:
Code: Select all
//if(typeof(_DEBUG)=='undefined' || _DEBUG===false) setTimeout(function(){ getDevices(); },(_DOMOTICZ_REFRESH*1000));
else {
//if(typeof(_DEBUG)=='undefined' || _DEBUG===false) setTimeout(function(){ getDevices(); },(_DOMOTICZ_REFRESH*1000));
Last edited by Blueone on Wednesday 03 May 2017 23:12, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens
Create a DUMMY TEXT device with name "Position PERSOON" and a DUMMY % Device with name "iPhone Battery PERSOON"Wheeling wrote:Hi @htilburgshtilburgs wrote:EdKo66 wrote:
Nice Dash
Can you share the iPhone script with us
I've been looking for it for a long time, but do not get it to work.
Replace PERSOON to what you want and replace that as well in the script
Code: Select all
-- test if they are "home" and represent this using virtual switches
commandArray = {}
-- polling interval in minutes (1-59), setting this too low may drain the phones' batteries
interval = 10
local m ='%M')
if (m % interval == 0) then
json = (loadfile "/home/osmc/domoticz/scripts/lua/JSON.lua")()
-- Array of users to be checked
users = {
PERSOON = {username = "APPLE ID EMAIL" ; password = "PASSWORD" ; devicename = "iPhone Peter"};
-- The latitude and longitude of your house (use Google Maps or similar to find this)
homelongitude = 4.870349
homelatitude = 52.333368
-- Radius (in km) which will be used to determine if a device is at home
radius = 0.1
function address(longitude, latitude)
command = "curl -s" .. latitude .. "," .. longitude .. "&sensor=false"
local handle = io.popen(command)
local result = handle:read("*a")
output = json:decode(result)
return output.results[1].formatted_address
for user,credentials in pairs(users) do
getlocation = "curl -s -X POST -L -u '" .. credentials.username .. ":" .. credentials.password .. "' -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -H 'X-Apple-Find-Api-Ver: 2.0' -H 'X-Apple-Authscheme: UserIdGuest' -H 'X-Apple-Realm-Support: 1.0' -H 'User-agent: Find iPhone/1.3 MeKit (iPad: iPhone OS/4.2.1)' -H 'X-Client-Name: iPad' -H 'X-Client-UUID: d98c8ae0db3311e687b92890643032df' -H 'Accept-Language: en-us' -H 'Connection: keep-alive'" .. credentials.username .."/initClient"
local handle = io.popen(getlocation)
local result = handle:read("*a")
output = json:decode(result)
for key,value in pairs(output.content) do
if == credentials.devicename then
lon = value.location.longitude
lat = value.location.latitude
bat = value.batteryLevel * 100 / 1
powerstateval = value.batteryStatus
table.insert(commandArray,{['UpdateDevice'] = otherdevices_idx['iPhone Battery ' .. user] .. '|0|' .. bat})
distance = math.sqrt(((lon - homelongitude) * 111.320 * math.cos(math.rad(lat)))^2 + ((lat - homelatitude) * 110.547)^2) -- approximation
position = address(lon,lat)
position_text = string.gsub(position, ', Netherlands', '') .. ' (' .. (math.floor(distance*10+0.5)/10) .. ' km)'
prev_distance_str = string.match(otherdevices['Position ' .. user], '%(.*%)') or '(1000 km)'
prev_distance = tonumber(string.sub(prev_distance_str, 2,-5))
-- update text device, but only if postion has changed more than defined in "radius" to reduce log size
if math.abs(prev_distance - distance) > radius then
table.insert(commandArray,{['UpdateDevice'] = otherdevices_idx['Position ' .. user] .. '|0|' .. position_text})
print('iPhone ' .. user .. ': ' .. math.floor(distance*100+0.5)/100 .. ' km from home, ' .. bat .. '% battery remaining. PowerState: '.. powerstateval ..' ')
if distance < radius then
if otherdevices['iPhone ' .. user] == 'Off' then
commandArray['iPhone ' .. user] = 'On'
table.insert(commandArray, {['SendNotification'] = 'Presence update#' .. user .. ' came home'})
if otherdevices['iPhone ' .. user] == 'On' then
commandArray['iPhone ' .. user] = 'Off'
table.insert(commandArray, {['SendNotification'] = 'Presence update#' .. user .. ' left home'})
return commandArray
RPi3 B+, Debain Stretch, Domoticz, Homebridge, Dashticz, RFLink, Milight, Z-Wave, Fibaro, Nanoleaf, Nest, Harmony Hub, Now try to understand pass2php
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens
Unfortunately not workinghtilburgs wrote:Try to open with a / at the end.Trigun wrote:EdKo66 wrote:
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
- htilburgs
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens
In which folder have you installed Dashticz ??Trigun wrote:Unfortunately not workinghtilburgs wrote:Try to open with a / at the end.Trigun wrote:
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
/domoticz/www/dashticzv2 ??
RPi3 - Aeon Labs Z-Stick GEN5 - Fibaro Dimmer 2 - Fibaro Roller Shutter 2 - Fibaro Smoke Sensor - Yeelight RGBW Led bulb - Yeelight Smart LED Light Strip - Neo Coolcam PIR Motion Sensor - Neo Coolcam PowerPlug - Nest Thermostat v3
RPi3 - Aeon Labs Z-Stick GEN5 - Fibaro Dimmer 2 - Fibaro Roller Shutter 2 - Fibaro Smoke Sensor - Yeelight RGBW Led bulb - Yeelight Smart LED Light Strip - Neo Coolcam PIR Motion Sensor - Neo Coolcam PowerPlug - Nest Thermostat v3
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens
Yes correct, should be ok right?htilburgs wrote:In which folder have you installed Dashticz ??Trigun wrote:Unfortunately not workinghtilburgs wrote:
Try to open with a / at the end.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
/domoticz/www/dashticzv2 ??
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Re: RE: Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens
Tried adding /index.html ?Trigun wrote:Unfortunately not workinghtilburgs wrote:Try to open with a / at the end.Trigun wrote:
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
- Phantom
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens
i have a request, can you also make a variable for the "state" just like you did for "lastupdate"
Now i see my name with my state below it and i would like to remove that.
Now i see my name with my state below it and i would like to remove that.
- HansieNL
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens
Have you tried blocks[idx]['hide_data'] = truePhantom wrote:i have a request, can you also make a variable for the "state" just like you did for "lastupdate"
Now i see my name with my state below it and i would like to remove that.
Blah blah blah
- Phantom
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens
Great thanks that worked, where did you find that before i ask a silly question here again xDHansieNL wrote:Have you tried blocks[idx]['hide_data'] = truePhantom wrote:i have a request, can you also make a variable for the "state" just like you did for "lastupdate"
Now i see my name with my state below it and i would like to remove that.
- HansieNL
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens
I can't remember when I've added it to my config.js. Must be some time ago. Just added to the Wiki.Phantom wrote:Great thanks that worked, where did you find that before i ask a silly question here again xDHansieNL wrote:Have you tried blocks[idx]['hide_data'] = truePhantom wrote:i have a request, can you also make a variable for the "state" just like you did for "lastupdate"
Now i see my name with my state below it and i would like to remove that.
AND There are no silly questions as it is not added to the Wiki
Blah blah blah
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens
Got some output...
Looks great!!
Please a first step to simple begin.
When i put off the favorites and the automatic.
I don't have any screen [ see no thing ] anymore
Now try to to customizing.Looks great!!
Please a first step to simple begin.
When i put off the favorites and the automatic.
I don't have any screen [ see no thing ] anymore
Xu4: Beta Extreme antenna RFXcomE,WU Fi Ping ip P1 Gen5 PVOutput Harmony HUE SolarmanPv OTG Winddelen Alive ESP Buienradar MySensors WOL Winddelen counting RPi: Beta SMAspot RFlinkTest Domoticz ...Different backups
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens
Okay, that solved it I don't have a black screen anymore... I think I missed that step somehow. I just don't want the clock but the same screen with all my blocks and have it dim after a while... looking into more details...robgeerts wrote:Ah, please specify blocks for the standby mode, like:
Code: Select all
var columns_standby = {} columns_standby[1] = {} columns_standby[1]['blocks'] = ['clock'] columns_standby[1]['width'] = 12;
Thanks Rob
- Phantom
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens
When you turn those off you need to activate the the custom position: wrote:Got some output...
Now try to to customizing.
Looks great!!
Please a first step to simple begin.
When i put off the favorites and the automatic.
I don't have any screen [ see no thing ] anymore
There you can add the devices you want to see and the location where you want to see them.
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens
Unfortunately not working eitherrobgeerts wrote:Tried adding /index.html ?Trigun wrote:Unfortunately not workinghtilburgs wrote:
Try to open with a / at the end.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Shouldn't be that hard right?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens
If I would like to make the block of the traffic map twice as high as it is now, how would I need to do that?
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens
I am handling my thermostat setpoint buttons in the custom.js but I had to change the "Add thermostatFunction" a little bit to make it work:
I had to change this in main.js so you can also use the function from custom.js:
I changed "$(thermelement+' .btn-number').click(function(e) {" to "$(document).delegate((thermelement+' .btn-number'),"click",function(e){". otherwise the clickevent doesn't work when it is added from custom.js with the following code:
I had to change this in main.js so you can also use the function from custom.js:
Code: Select all
function addThermostatFunctions(thermelement){
//$(thermelement+' .btn-number').click(function(e) {
$(document).delegate((thermelement+' .btn-number'),"click",function(e){
fieldName = $(this).attr('data-field');
type = $(this).attr('data-type');
var input = $(thermelement+" strong");
var currentVal = input.text().split('°');
currentVal = parseFloat(currentVal[0]);
if (!isNaN(currentVal)) {
if (type == 'minus') {
if (currentVal > input.attr('min')) {
input.text(currentVal - 0.5 + _TEMP_SYMBOL).change();
if (parseFloat(input.text()) == input.attr('min')) {
$(this).attr('disabled', true);
} else if (type == 'plus') {
if (currentVal < input.attr('max')) {
input.text(currentVal + 0.5 + _TEMP_SYMBOL).change();
if (parseFloat(input.text()) == input.attr('max')) {
$(this).attr('disabled', true);
} else {
$(thermelement+' .input-number').focusin(function() {
$(this).data('oldValue', $(this).text());
$(thermelement+' .input-number').change(function() {
minValue = parseFloat($(this).attr('min'));
maxValue = parseFloat($(this).attr('max'));
valueCurrent = parseFloat($(this).text());
name = $(this).attr('name');
if (valueCurrent >= minValue) {
$(thermelement+" .btn-number[data-type='minus']").removeAttr('disabled')
} else {
if (valueCurrent <= maxValue) {
$(thermelement+" .btn-number[data-type='plus']").removeAttr('disabled')
} else {
Code: Select all
function getBlock_628(device,idx){ //Setpoint block
//CHstate = getDevicestatus(224)
//DHWstate = getDevicestatus(225)
//debug with dummy devices
CHstate = getDevicestatus(631)
DHWstate = getDevicestatus(632)
console.log('CHstate: ' + CHstate)
console.log('DHWstate: ' + DHWstate)
var html='';
html+=iconORimage(idx+'_1','','heating.png','on icon','style="max-height:35px;"');
html+='<div class="col-xs-8 col-data">';
if(typeof(blocks[idx])!=='undefined' && typeof(blocks[idx]['switch'])!=='undefined' && blocks[idx]['switch']==true){
html+='<strong class="title">'+device['Name']+'</strong><br />';
html+='<span class="state">'+device['Data']+_TEMP_SYMBOL+'</span>';
else {
html+='<strong class="title">'+device['Data']+_TEMP_SYMBOL+'</strong><br />';
html+='<span class="state">'+device['Name']+'</span>';
if(_SHOW_LASTUPDATE && (typeof(blocks[idx])=='undefined' || typeof(blocks[idx]['hide_lastupdate'])=='undefined' || blocks[idx]['hide_lastupdate']===false)){
html+='<br /><span class="lastupdate">'+moment(device['LastUpdate']).format(_LASTUPDATE_FORMAT)+'</span>';
var random = getRandomInt(1,100000);
html+='<ul class="col-thermostat input-groupBtn">';
html+='<li class="up"><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="btn btn-number plus" data-type="plus" data-field="quant['+device['idx']+']" onclick="this.blur();">';
html+='<em class="fa fa-plus fa-small fa-thermostat"></em>';
html+='<li class="down"><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="btn btn-number min" data-type="minus" data-field="quant['+device['idx']+']" onclick="this.blur();">';
html+='<em class="fa fa-minus fa-small fa-thermostat"></em>';
if(DHWstate == 'On') {
html+=iconORimage(idx+'_2','','hotwater.png','on icon iconheating','','2');
else if(CHstate == 'On') {
html+=iconORimage(idx+'_2','','CH_Active.png','on icon iconheating','','2');
else {
html+=iconORimage(idx+'_2','','heating.png','on icon iconheating','','2');
html+='<div class="col-xs-8 col-data">';
html+='<strong class="title input-number title-input" min="12" max="25" data-light="'+device['idx']+'">'+device['Data']+_TEMP_SYMBOL+'</strong>';
html+='<div class="state stateheating">'+device['Name']+'</div>';
thermelement = ('.thermostat'+random);
return html;
Last edited by Blueone on Thursday 04 May 2017 9:48, edited 1 time in total.
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