Domoticz settings for sending P1 smart meter data over network

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Domoticz settings for sending P1 smart meter data over network

Post by noppes123 »

I just started using Domoticz (on a Pi3) and it looks very promising!
Having a Smart Meter with P1 interface (DSMR v4.2 Landis+Gyr 350), I would like to collect usage data over the network as my Pi is not near the Smart Meter. I stumbled upon this very nice article ( ... z-esp8266/) with ready to run code based on a ESP8266 WiFi SoC.

One thing that puzzles me is what to do on the Domoticz side to receive and collect the data. I installed a 'P1 Smart Meter with LAN interface' in Domoticz, but that seems to be the wrong device since it wants to collect data on its own by polling a remote device, while the code on the ESP8266 wants to send the data to Domoticz as well.

I need a little help to point me in the right direction. Where should I configure what, to have Domoticz receive and collect data sent by the ESP8266?
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Re: Domoticz settings for sending P1 smart meter data over network

Post by jurgen »

Hi Noppes,

I have configured ser2net which is a program that can transport serial over tcp, for example a small device like a raspberry configured with ser2net which has an IP adres and has a listener on port 3000. With this you are able to select in domoticz hardware P1 Smart meter with lan interface and set the IP adres of and port 3000.

I have no experience with ESP8266 but i think it will work like this.
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Re: Domoticz settings for sending P1 smart meter data over network

Post by noppes123 »

Thanks for this suggestion. That should work ;o).
Preferably, I would like to do it the other way around: have the P1 interface send it's data to Domoticz instead of having Domoticz poll the device.
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Re: Domoticz settings for sending P1 smart meter data over network

Post by Arsenius »

so the script updates the domoticz device using json:

Code: Select all

sprintf(url, "http://%s:%d/json.htm?type=command&param=udevice&idx=%d&nvalue=%d&svalue=%s", domoticzIP, domoticzPort, idx, nValue, sValue);
You should read the wiki regarding json

If i remember correctly under hardware you need to add a dummy node.
when this is created you can press the Create Virtual Sensors button on it and select a Gas\Energy sensor.
This sensor will then be updated using Json. (test this using your own browser before testing it with the ESP8266
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Re: Domoticz settings for sending P1 smart meter data over network

Post by noppes123 »

Thanks. I will give it a try.
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Re: Domoticz settings for sending P1 smart meter data over network

Post by noppes123 »

That worked like a charm, both for electricity and gas. :)
Thanks again.
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Re: Domoticz settings for sending P1 smart meter data over network

Post by jdemas »


it seem to work in your network.

can you help to get it work to.

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