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Dashticz, alternative dashboard based on HTML, CSS, jQuery

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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens

Post by EdwinK »

SuperMouse wrote:
EdKo66 wrote:After much work and some PM's with Wisjo, I'm happy to say that the Moonscript is finally working for me.

What was the solution?
Needed to change a line to from

Code: Select all

os.execute('curl -s '..url..' > '..tempfilename)
to read:

Code: Select all

read = os.execute('curl -s -o '..tempfilename..' "'..url..'"')
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens

Post by wizjos »

EdKo66 wrote:
SuperMouse wrote:
EdKo66 wrote:After much work and some PM's with Wisjo, I'm happy to say that the Moonscript is finally working for me.

What was the solution?
Needed to change a line to from

Code: Select all

os.execute('curl -s '..url..' > '..tempfilename)
to read:

Code: Select all

read = os.execute('curl -s -o '..tempfilename..' "'..url..'"')
Adjusted in original post added the lines:

Code: Select all

        os.execute('curl -s '..url..' > '..tempfilename)
        -- NOTE: if the command above doens't work in your situation try
        -- read = os.execute('curl -s -o '..tempfilename..' "'..url..'"')
        -- instead! Thanks to EdKo66
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens

Post by wizjos »

Does any of you know a way to incorporate another calendar than google's into Dashticz. Since I don't trust google with my calendar I use Baikal on my Synology instead. Would be nice to have this calendar data available -> WAF :mrgreen:

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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens

Post by poudenes »

Hi all,

After last update the NEWS FEED doesn't work anymore. Or i see a full list of all topics, but not anymore the topic and after 7000ms scroll to next.

Can someone help me with this?

Code: Select all

var _LANGUAGE                   = 'nl_NL';
var _HOST_DOMOTICZ                = '';
var _DOMOTICZ_REFRESH           = 5;

var _HOST_ZIGGO_HORIZON         = ''; //e.g.';
var _APIKEY_WUNDERGROUND        = '';
var _WEATHER_CITY               = 'Amsterdam';
var _WEATHER_CITYNAME           = ''; //show a different city name, leave empty if same as _WEATHER_CITY
var _WEATHER_COUNTRY            = 'NL';
var _USE_AUTO_POSITIONING       = true; //don't want to configure positions, use auto positioning
var _USE_FAVORITES              = true; //only used when using auto positioning
var _HIDE_SECONDS_IN_CLOCK      = false; //do not show the seconds in the clock
var _HIDE_MEDIAPLAYER_WHEN_OFF  = false; //when you have a mediaplayer connected, hide it if nothing is playing
var _NEWS_RSSFEED               = 'http://www.nu.nl/rss';
var _USE_FAHRENHEIT             = false;
var _USE_BEAUFORT               = false;
var _STANDBY_AFTER_MINUTES      = false; //enter amount of minutes like: 5 (5 minutes)
var _SCROLL_NEWS_AFTER          = 6000; //milliseconds, so 7000 is 7 seconds
var _LASTUPDATE_FORMAT          = 'DD-MM-YY HH:mm';

var buttons = {}
buttons.buienradar = {width:12, isimage:true, refreshimage:60000, image: 'http://api.buienradar.nl/image/1.0/RadarMapNL?w=285&h=256', ur$
buttons.radio = {width:12, image: 'img/radio_on.png', title: 'Radio', url: 'http://nederland.fm'}
buttons.nunl = {width:12, icon: 'fa-newspaper-o', title: 'Nu.nl', url: 'http://www.nu.nl'}

   {"track":2,"name":"538 Hitzone","file":"http://vip-icecast.538.lw.triple-it.nl/WEB11_MP3"},
   {"track":3,"name":"Slam! NonStop","file":"http://stream.radiocorp.nl/web10_mp3"},


var blocks = {}
blocks[1] = {} // NEST
blocks[1]['width'] = 12;

blocks[25] = {} // RAAM
blocks[25]['width'] = 6;

blocks[26] = {} // MUUR
blocks[26]['width'] = 6;

blocks[19] = {} // EETTAFEL
blocks[19]['width'] = 6;

blocks[22] = {} // DRESSOIR
blocks[22]['width'] = 6;

blocks[24] = {} // BUITEN
blocks[24]['width'] = 6;

blocks[73] = {} // SLAAPKAMER
blocks[73]['width'] = 6;

blocks[33] = {} // BADKAMER
blocks[33]['width'] = 6;

blocks[27] = {} // HAL
blocks[27]['width'] = 6;


blocks[17] = {}
blocks[17]['width'] = 3;
blocks[17]['title'] = 'RPi Temp'
blocks[17]['icon'] = 'fa-percent';
blocks[17]['switch'] = true;

blocks[14] = {}
blocks[14]['width'] = 3;
blocks[14]['title'] = 'RPi Mem'
blocks[14]['icon'] = 'fa-percent';

blocks[15] = {}
blocks[15]['width'] = 3;
blocks[15]['title'] = 'RPi SD'
blocks[15]['icon'] = 'fa-percent';

blocks[16] = {}
blocks[16]['width'] = 3;
blocks[16]['title'] = 'RPi USB'
blocks[16]['icon'] = 'fa-percent';


blocks[86] = {}
blocks[86]['width'] = 3;
blocks[86]['title'] = 'All Off'
blocks[86]['icon'] = 'fa-power-off';

blocks[87] = {}
blocks[87]['width'] = 3;
blocks[87]['icon'] = 'fa-tv';

blocks[88] = {}
blocks[88]['width'] = 3;
blocks[88]['icon'] = 'fa-tv';

blocks[89] = {}
blocks[89]['width'] = 3;
blocks[89]['icon'] = 'fa-music';

blocks[90] = {}
blocks[90]['width'] = 3;
blocks[90]['icon'] = 'fa-file-movie-o';


blocks['news_1'] = {}
blocks['news_1']['width'] = 12;
blocks['news_1']['feed'] = 'https://crossorigin.me/http://www.nu.nl/rss';

blocks['news_2'] = {}
blocks['news_2']['width'] = 12;
blocks['news_2']['feed'] = 'https://crossorigin.me/https://www.appletips.nl/rss';


blocks['blocktitle_1'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_1']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_1']['title'] = 'Schakelaars';

blocks['blocktitle_2'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_2']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_2']['title'] = 'Rapberry Pi';

blocks['blocktitle_3'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_3']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_3']['title'] = 'Logitech';

blocks['blocktitle_4'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_4']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_4']['title'] = 'Weerverwachting';

blocks['blocktitle_5'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_5']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_5']['title'] = 'NEST Thermostaat';

blocks['blocktitle_6'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_6']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_6']['title'] = 'Nieuws Feed';


var columns = {}

columns[3] = {} // SCHAKELAARS
columns[3]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_1',25,26,19,22,24,73,33,27]
columns[3]['width'] = 6;

columns[4] = {} // WEERVERWACHTING
columns[4]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_4','currentweather_big','weather']
columns[4]['width'] = 6;

columns[5] = {}
columns[5]['blocks'] = ['clock','sunrise',buttons.buienradar,buttons.calendar]
columns[5]['width'] = 2;

columns[2] = {} // RASPBERRY PI
columns[2]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_2',17,14,15,16]
columns[2]['width'] = 6;

columns[1] = {} // LOGITECH
columns[1]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_3',86,88,89,90]
columns[1]['width'] = 6;

columns[6] = {}
columns[6]['blocks'] = ['streamplayer']
columns[6]['width'] = 10;

columns[7] = {} // NIEUWS FEED
columns[7]['blocks'] = ['news_1']
columns[7]['width'] = 10;

columns[8] = {}
columns[8]['blocks'] = ['news_2']
columns[8]['width'] = 10;

columns[9] = {}
columns[9]['blocks'] = ['news_3']
columns[9]['width'] = 10;

columns[10] = {}
columns[10]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_5',1]
columns[10]['width'] = 6;

var screens = {}
screens[1] = {}
screens[1]['background'] = 'bg1.jpg';
screens[1]['background_morning'] = 'bg_morning.jpg';
screens[1]['background_noon'] = 'bg_noon.jpg';
screens[1]['background_afternoon'] = 'bg_afternoon.jpg';
screens[1]['background_night'] = 'bg_night.jpg';
screens[1]['columns'] = [1,2,3,4,10]

screens[2] = {}
screens[2]['background'] = 'bg1.jpg';
screens[2]['background_morning'] = 'bg_morning.jpg';
screens[2]['background_noon'] = 'bg_noon.jpg';
screens[2]['background_afternoon'] = 'bg_afternoon.jpg';
screens[2]['background_night'] = 'bg_night.jpg';
screens[2]['columns'] = [5,7,8,9]
Last edited by poudenes on Sunday 23 April 2017 20:27, edited 3 times in total.
RPi3 B+, Debain Stretch, Domoticz, Homebridge, Dashticz, RFLink, Milight, Z-Wave, Fibaro, Nanoleaf, Nest, Harmony Hub, Now try to understand pass2php
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens

Post by EdwinK »

poudenes wrote:Hi all,

After last update the NEWS FEED doesn't work anymore. Or i see a full list of all topics, but not anymore the topic and after 7000ms scroll to next.

Can someone help me with this?
Can't really help you, just a few tips.

1 - Don't post your API-key in the public.
2 - Next time please post your scripts between [ code ] and [/ code ] (remove spaces from these tags), so it doesn't take up so much space.
3 - now there was a 3rd thing, but I can't remember what it was ;)
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens

Post by mvveelen »

EdKo66 wrote:
poudenes wrote:Hi all,

After last update the NEWS FEED doesn't work anymore. Or i see a full list of all topics, but not anymore the topic and after 7000ms scroll to next.

Can someone help me with this?
Can't really help you, just a few tips.

1 - Don't post your API-key in the public.
2 - Next time please post your scripts between [ code ] and [/ code ] (remove spaces from these tags), so it doesn't take up so much space.
3 - now there was a 3rd thing, but I can't remember what it was ;)
Maybe the part with

Code: Select all

in the URL ?

Oh, and you CAN use 'nano' on the Synology. Just install it from the package center :)
RPi3b+/RFXCOM rfxtrx433E/Shelly/Xiaomi Gateway/Philips HUE Lights/Atag Zone One/2 SunnyBoy inverters/AirconWithMe/P1 smartmeter/Domoticz latest Beta
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens

Post by poudenes »

normal i remove all those things... was to fast. Removed it Thanks for the offtopic tips
EdKo66 wrote:
poudenes wrote:Hi all,

After last update the NEWS FEED doesn't work anymore. Or i see a full list of all topics, but not anymore the topic and after 7000ms scroll to next.

Can someone help me with this?
Can't really help you, just a few tips.

1 - Don't post your API-key in the public.
2 - Next time please post your scripts between [ code ] and [/ code ] (remove spaces from these tags), so it doesn't take up so much space.
3 - now there was a 3rd thing, but I can't remember what it was ;)
RPi3 B+, Debain Stretch, Domoticz, Homebridge, Dashticz, RFLink, Milight, Z-Wave, Fibaro, Nanoleaf, Nest, Harmony Hub, Now try to understand pass2php
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens

Post by poudenes »

without https://crossorigin.me/ it doesn't work at all. This link was in the NOTE to add if you not see any rss feed
mvveelen wrote:
EdKo66 wrote:
poudenes wrote:Hi all,

After last update the NEWS FEED doesn't work anymore. Or i see a full list of all topics, but not anymore the topic and after 7000ms scroll to next.

Can someone help me with this?
Can't really help you, just a few tips.

1 - Don't post your API-key in the public.
2 - Next time please post your scripts between [ code ] and [/ code ] (remove spaces from these tags), so it doesn't take up so much space.
3 - now there was a 3rd thing, but I can't remember what it was ;)
Maybe the part with

Code: Select all

in the URL ?

Oh, and you CAN use 'nano' on the Synology. Just install it from the package center :)
RPi3 B+, Debain Stretch, Domoticz, Homebridge, Dashticz, RFLink, Milight, Z-Wave, Fibaro, Nanoleaf, Nest, Harmony Hub, Now try to understand pass2php
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens

Post by SuperMouse »

I hate to quote myself but my question is maybe overseen :

Is it also possible to alter or empty the 'data' value ?

You can change the title like this.

Code: Select all

blocks[121] = {}
blocks[121]['icon'] = 'fa-female';
blocks[121]['title'] = 'Femmy';
But I want to change or empty the data values also
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens

Post by Dropshot »

pvm wrote:For Android tablet users turn screen on when motion

Still thinking about whether I will be using the Dashticz screensaver mode or totally turn the screen off based on the mentioned topic
Hi, thanks for putting it out here. Did you already try this out? I did, but each time I 'wake up' the screen by motion, the Dashticz dashboard 'hangs', it isn't active anymore. Do you have the same issue?

Edit: the problem seems to be the app I use to hide the notification and navigation bars (named 'Hide System Bar'). Will seek for another way to have it full screen.

Edit2: using the Dolphin browser (with full screen on) worked for me.
Last edited by Dropshot on Monday 24 April 2017 0:34, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens

Post by DvD »

Moon LUA script working but in Dashboard no Picture is displayed. I can see the picture frame but there is no moon in it.

What am I doing wrong ?
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens

Post by Maartenkr »

DvD wrote:Moon LUA script working but in Dashboard no Picture is displayed. I can see the picture frame but there is no moon in it.

What am I doing wrong ?

I have the same problem
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens

Post by HansieNL »

Maartenkr wrote:
DvD wrote:Moon LUA script working but in Dashboard no Picture is displayed. I can see the picture frame but there is no moon in it.
What am I doing wrong ?
I have the same problem
Have you both installed latest Dashticz version?
The moon.XX.png pictures should be installed in subfolder of image folder. If you don't have this folder there are no pictures to load.
@Maartenkr: I don't see a picture frame on your image. There must be something else wrong.
Last edited by HansieNL on Monday 24 April 2017 3:09, edited 1 time in total.
Blah blah blah
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens

Post by HansieNL »

SuperMouse wrote:I hate to quote myself but my question is maybe overseen :

Is it also possible to alter or empty the 'data' value ?

You can change the title like this.

Code: Select all

blocks[121] = {}
blocks[121]['icon'] = 'fa-female';
blocks[121]['title'] = 'Femmy';
But I want to change or empty the data values also
You can add some code to custom.js. I don't know exactly... so maybe someone can complete the code?

Code: Select all

function getExtendedBlockTypes(blocktypes){
   blocktypes.Name['Femmy'] = { icon: 'fa fa-female', title: '<Name>', value: '' }
   return blocktypes;
Blah blah blah
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens

Post by pvdhelm »

When i want to slide a dimmer so the light burns harder or softer the whole page is scrolling left or right. Only when i tap the dimmer slider i can dim the lights but this is not so accurate.

tnx patrick
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens

Post by DvD »

HansieNL wrote:
Maartenkr wrote:
DvD wrote:Moon LUA script working but in Dashboard no Picture is displayed. I can see the picture frame but there is no moon in it.
What am I doing wrong ?
I have the same problem
Have you both installed latest Dashticz version?
The moon.XX.png pictures should be installed in subfolder of image folder. If you don't have this folder there are no pictures to load.
@Maartenkr: I don't see a picture frame on your image. There must be something else wrong.
Yes, the moon folder with its pictures is in the img folder in dashboard. And yes, latest git version installed

both user variables are also filled with data

consol is showing 404 :
http://ipdomoticz:port/dashboard/img/moon/true .....
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Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens

Post by madrian »

pvdhelm wrote:When i want to slide a dimmer so the light burns harder or softer the whole page is scrolling left or right. Only when i tap the dimmer slider i can dim the lights but this is not so accurate.
tnx patrick
I noticed this too.
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Re: RE: Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens

Post by robgeerts »

DvD wrote:
HansieNL wrote:
Maartenkr wrote: I have the same problem
Have you both installed latest Dashticz version?
The moon.XX.png pictures should be installed in subfolder of image folder. If you don't have this folder there are no pictures to load.
@Maartenkr: I don't see a picture frame on your image. There must be something else wrong.
Yes, the moon folder with its pictures is in the img folder in dashboard. And yes, latest git version installed

both user variables are also filled with data

consol is showing 404 :
http://ipdomoticz:port/dashboard/img/moon/true .....
It looks like your idx numbers are not right... Please check them again. Now it gets the value of another device..
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Re: RE: Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens

Post by robgeerts »

madrian wrote:
pvdhelm wrote:When i want to slide a dimmer so the light burns harder or softer the whole page is scrolling left or right. Only when i tap the dimmer slider i can dim the lights but this is not so accurate.
tnx patrick
I noticed this too.
Will fix this asap!
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Re: RE: Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens

Post by DvD »

robgeerts wrote:
DvD wrote:
HansieNL wrote: .........

consol is showing 404 :
http://ipdomoticz:port/dashboard/img/moon/true .....
It looks like your idx numbers are not right... Please check them again. Now it gets the value of another device..

Code: Select all

local moonpicture = "MoonPicture"           -- name of the uservar to write the name of the moonphase picture to
local checkvar = "MoonphaseCheck"           -- name of the uservar to check if update is allowed
local checktime = 3600                      -- check allowed every x seconds 3600 = 60 min. Check the wundergroud API limitation before changing this
local city = "Spijkenisse"                        -- Your city for Wunderground API
local countryCode = "NL"                    -- Your country code for Wunderground API
local idxmoonpercentage ='165'              -- Your virtual moon percentage illuminated Device ID
local idxmoonage ='167'                     -- Your virtual moon age Device ID
local idxmoonphase ='168'                   -- Your virtual moon phase Device ID
local idxmoonrise='164'                     -- Your virtual moon rise variable ID
local idxmoonset='166'                      -- Your virtual moon set variable ID
local wuAPIkey = "key"         -- Your Weather Underground API Key
local DOMO_IP = "ip...."            -- Domoticz ip address
local DOMO_PORT = "port"                    -- Domoticz port
local tempfilename = '/var/tmp/phase.tmp'   -- can be anywhere writeable
local debug=true                            -- false, true for domoticz log
164 Dummy 00082164 1 Moon rise General Text 5:53 - - Set UnusedRename Device Log 2017-04-24 07:54:00
165 Dummy 00082165 1 Moonpercentage General Custom Sensor 7 Percentage Set UnusedRename Device Log 2017-04-24 07:54:00
166 Dummy 00082166 1 Moon set General Text 18:14 - - Set UnusedRename Device Log 2017-04-24 07:54:00
167 Dummy 00082167 1 Moon age General Custom Sensor 27 Days - - Set UnusedRename Device Log 2017-04-24 07:54:00
168 Dummy 00082168 1 Moonphase General Text Afnemende halve maan

Look correct to me

UPDATE : Working !! in CONFIG.js it was not clear to me that you have to set your VAR IDX!

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