Update speed between HomeKit and Domoticz and reality?

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Update speed between HomeKit and Domoticz and reality?

Post by Sudden81 »

Hello everybody!

Is there any way to speed up the status on devices in homekit?

If I turn off a lamp via Domoticz web interface, it takes several minutes before HomeKit to updated the status of the devices.

One more problem that I have is if I create a scene in HomeKit to turn off 5 to 10 lights, 2-3 of them reacts during a secund and the rest will take several minutes before being switched off or lit upp. It seems that the Z-Wave network becomes overloaded?

I also notice that the light has been extinguished in Domoticz web Interfac but in reality, the lamp is lit, for several minutes?
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Re: Update speed between HomeKit and Domoticz and reality?

Post by drbrains »

You might want to setup your own MQTT broker and use that in combination with Domoticz and Homebridge-edomoticz. If I switch a light on/off on my laptop with the Domoticz webpage I see the change directly on my iPad in the "Home" app.

As for the scenes. Mine work, but I don't have any z-wave devices.
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Re: Update speed between HomeKit and Domoticz and reality?

Post by Sudden81 »

Got help with that. OMG it is fast!

Best thing ever.

This should rely be a part of the hombridge installation from the beginning.
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Joined: Sunday 26 February 2017 16:45
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: v3.6799

Re: Update speed between HomeKit and Domoticz and reality?

Post by drbrains »

Excellent !
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