Looking for a failsafe solution to control heat using Domoticz -> ESP8266

For heating/cooling related questions in Domoticz

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Looking for a failsafe solution to control heat using Domoticz -> ESP8266

Post by saiko »

Hi all,

I'm looking for a failsafe solution to heat my house using Domoticz and a wemos d1 mini pro relay switch that turns on/off the heating. It will run in paralel with my normal honeywell thermometer.

Currently I'm using a blocky and a switch with on action: ",5,1" and off action: ",5,0" which controls the relay. However if/when domoticz crashes or connection goes down and the last command is,5,1 my house will turn into a sauna... :D

SO I want to code my wemos d1 mini pro that it goes back to off when it hasn't received the off command for x amount of minutes. Is there a library I can use for this in Arduino IDE? Or do you have any other suggestions?

Kind regards,
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Re: Looking for a failsafe solution to control heat using Domoticz -> ESP8266

Post by gerardvs »

Well, this isn't a Domoticz question so I think you might get limited response to your question.

A library for doing something after a few minutes most likely doesn't exist because this usually requires a few lines of code only. Since we don't know what code you use at the moment we can't do any code suggestions.
Also if you want to make it more safe you could add a temperature sensor to the ESP and switch-off the heater above the absolute maximum limit. Just as an extra precaution.

Just my 2 cts,
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