can't get domoticz installed/running

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can't get domoticz installed/running

Post by Doomic »

I tried to install domoticz, but i can't get it to work.
its a ubuntu 12.04LTS i686 system.

first error was when trying:
'sudo curl -L | bash'
*sidenote: sudo is not nessesery, because i am logged in as root. however, thats not the problem.
The scripts runs, asks some questions.. and stops. because of a 404 (can't download the package).
Problem was found quick; the ${Mach} var output was i686.. but if i go to the url.. it doesn't support that...
so downloaded the script... changed ${Mach} to x64_i686 and runs the script again (looks like x64_i686 is the only available download if i go to the download page of domoticz).

now setup is running fine... however... nothing is running at 8080 or 443...
Trying to run /etc/init.d/ start gives the following error:
start-stop-daemon: unable to start /home/root/domoticz/domoticz (Exec format error)
can't find anything on the web about this.
i also tried to compile and install from source.. but looks like that is far above my knowledge how to manage that.

any suggestions what to do next?

Re: can't get domoticz installed/running

Post by SweetPants »

Install/compile from source?
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Re: can't get domoticz installed/running

Post by Doomic »

Well... That i tried already but brings me into other errors. Looks to me this is a much longer and harder road...
Something about a package that wasn't installed... However it is installed. I can give you tommorrow more details. But prefere to get it fixed the normal way.

Re: can't get domoticz installed/running

Post by SweetPants »

I'm running Domoticz (from source) on two Ubuntu 14.04LTS systems without any problem. 12.04LTS will be end-off-life april 2017, then you have to upgrade anyway.
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Re: can't get domoticz installed/running

Post by Doomic »

Didn't realised that 12 was almost out of date. Made an upgrade, luckily that went well (initial installation gives a lot of driver issues). However, the domoticz install script hold the same issue as previously described. Maybe someone have to look at it?
But building from source did work! Some issues, but they were described in the wiki.
Thanks for the support.
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