Dear all, I have registered in order to thank everyone, especially those who provided the information necessary to get my Max!Buddy started under Linux.
I very much hope i can also help others, with similar problems. My excuses for not contributing to this interesting project myself, but due to time constraints I stick with my existing Max!Cube.
As of today, the software is still available under
For Linux MAXBuddy-r9.16.2-linux.tar.gz suffices. Download and unpack.
Let me start with the theory before I give a short practical guide on how to make it work:
The trick is that the files
are correctly tried to be updated at each start of Max!Buddy via ./ from the webpages of the manufacturer. Alas, those don't exist any longer.
Everything can be found under ~/.maxbuddy/ext-libs/. Including the file links-{version_number}.xml. This contains the URLs of the message digest as well as those of the most recent 2 files as mentioned above.
Since the Max!Buddy needs these two, it will never start on its own. Therefore, one has to provide these two in advance. Cleverly written, Max!Buddy uses the existing ones - if they are there! - in case of e.g. no Internet connection.
The folder structure under ~/.maxbuddy/ext-libs/ is identical to the one on the (former) web server of ELV, with ~/.maxbuddy/ext-libs/ as virtual root.
That much to theory, here is how to make it work:
Copy the most recent available versions of MaxEssentialsBackend and MaxLocalBackend into subdirectory ~/.maxbuddy/ext-libs/.
Next, Max!Buddy needs to know where the (local) files are. Therefore one need to edit this file, links-{version_number}.xml, to contain a web address (so I imagine), the subdirectory as used (here the virtual webroot '/'), and the file names.
The easiest solution is just using that subdirectory itself for all files. I simply use as webpages. Since the files don't exist there, Max!Buddy will use the local versions.
For e.g. Max!Buddy 9.16 a file links-916.xml is necessary, that may for example contain the following:
<set checksums="">
<ext> ... 1.jar</ext>
Like this, Max!Buddy works as expected.
Firstly, it checks if there are updated versions (there can't be!), so that the local files are to be used. Of course these must be there. As of today, one can still find locations from where these can be downloaded.
On my PC it looks like this:
$ ls -l
-rw-rw-r-- 1 me myself 206 Jan 12 13:05 links-916.xml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 me myself 295023 Jan 10 16:51 MaxEssentialsBackend-1.4.1.jar
-rw-rw-r-- 1 me myself 161225 Jan 10 16:51 MaxLocalBackend-1.4.1.jar
And with this, Max!Buddy works great here.
Thanks again, kind regards,