StellaZ vs Danfoss Living connect vs Komforthaus Comet ?

For heating/cooling related questions in Domoticz

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Re: StellaZ vs Danfoss Living connect vs Komforthaus Comet ?

Post by ropske »

all materials are ordered.

just started with 1 to begin :p

and the fibaro relay (new one)
when all is working fine, i will order more popp radiotor valves.

i will check your heating script

thank you very much!!
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Re: StellaZ vs Danfoss Living connect vs Komforthaus Comet ?

Post by guantolento »

i have 7 danfoss valve, 3 danfoss termostat and 1 raspberry 8 channel relay to start and stop the boyler and all work ok !!!!
Master (pi3) - MB sensors + Dummy + Sysfs gpio + 1 NodOn MSP-3 + 1 Aeotec DSB28 Energy Meter + 3 Danfoss RS Room + 7 Danfoss Z Thermostat + 1 Swiid Inter + 9 FGS222
Slave01 (pi2) - MB sensors + Dummy + Weather Underground + 2 FGS223 + 1 FGWPE/F
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Re: StellaZ vs Danfoss Living connect vs Komforthaus Comet ?

Post by ropske »

Egregius wrote:How could you harm it?
If it's an ordinary thermostat now al it does: open the 2 wires = off, close/short circuit the 2 wires = on. Quite simple.


Q1 Off Q2 Off = No heat
Q1 On Q2 Off = room thermostat controls heater
Q1 Off Q2 On = Domoticz requested heat
Q1 On Q2 On = room thermostat and domoticz requested heat

i'm connecting this right now, but i've got a question:
for example i'm switching contact Q1 of the Fibaro relay, so voltage comes from pin4 (vaillant heater) to IN (fibaro), then from Q1 contact to thermostat and from thermostat back to pin3 (vaillant heater)
but also from thermostat to contact Q2 (fibaro)
So there is voltage at the other side of the contact of Q2?
What will happen if i close contact Q2 then? there will be 2 voltages going to pin3 (vaillant)
Or am I seeing this wrong? :lol:
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Re: StellaZ vs Danfoss Living connect vs Komforthaus Comet ?

Post by Egregius »

2 times the same wire yes, so no problem.
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