ErikJ wrote:Hi,
Are there are some more users who have difficulties to get the right warm white color? In my configuration the color is between very warm white (little orange) or warm white with a slightly green. At this moment I use the code: ff8800 (hue 30). I also have Hue bulbs but they have a different code for the same color: d0ff00 (hue 71). If I switch the codes between the hue and the Yeelight they are not the same (Hue color on Yeelight turns green, and Yeelight color on hue more orange).
If I use the Yeelink app on my iPhone, I can configure the perfect color. A color which is more similar with a traditional warm white bulb. The annoying thing is that I cannot recreate that color within Domoticz.
Are there some more options to adjust the colors different?
Can you experiment to find the correct code for warm light?
I've tried the two hex codes, and can confirm I'm getting orange for FF8800 and green for D0FF00.
I don't know what warm white should look like - maybe take a screenshot from the iPhone App?
Also you could try experimenting by with this command, just change the decimal value and ip address-
0xFF8800 - 16746496 (Decimal)
Code: Select all
echo -ne '{"id":1,"method":"set_rgb","params":[16746496, "smooth", 500]}\r\n' | nc -w1 55443
Code: Select all
Method: set_rgb
Usage: This method is used to change the color of a smart LED.
Parameters: 3.
"rgb_value" is the target color, whose type is integer. It should be
expressed in decimal integer ranges from 0 to 16777215 (hex: 0xFFFFFF).
"effect": Refer to "set_ct_abx" method.
"duration": Refer to "set_ct_abx" method.
Request Example: {"id":1,"method":"set_rgb","params":[255, "smooth", 500]}
Response Example: {"id":1, "result":["ok"]}
NOTE: Only accepted if the smart LED is currently in "on" state.