I tried to edit index.html title in the header section:
Code: Select all
<title>Domoticz 2</title>
Moderator: leecollings
Code: Select all
<title>Domoticz 2</title>
arkoko wrote: ↑Wednesday 11 January 2017 22:41 I have multiple Domoticz instances and often they are open into differenet tabs in the browser. It would be great to have customized tabs titles to quick select.
I tried to edit index.html title in the header section:but it does not have effect, even with "-nocache" switch.Code: Select all
<title>Domoticz 2</title>
Screenshot 2017-01-11 23.24.39.png
Is there any way to do it?
Code: Select all
titel = location.href;
if (titel.indexOf('#') >= 0) {
titel = titel.split('#')[1];
titel = titel.split('?')[0];
titel = titel.replace('/', '') + ' - DZ';
titel = titel.trim(' ').trim('-');
document.title = titel;
}, 500);
Indeed, that is the way to go. No need to change the source code for this.mark.sellwood wrote: ↑Saturday 18 May 2024 22:23 Have you tried the following:-
Go to Setup then Settings, on the System tab under the Location enter what ever you want to be displayed in the name field.
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