Nest 3rd Gen here. No protect.
I removed these lines and now it works fine:
del self.protect_list[:]
if self.status['topaz']:
for protect in self.status['topaz']:
Search found 3 matches
- Friday 06 December 2019 14:49
- Forum: Heating/cooling
- Topic: NEST Account migration
- Replies: 278
- Views: 62484
- Wednesday 27 November 2019 10:10
- Forum: Heating/cooling
- Topic: Drayton Wiser heating system with Domoticz
- Replies: 34
- Views: 5921
Re: Drayton Wiser heating system with Domoticz
Ignore the above - I was using the stable docker image of domoticz. Once I updated to latest, it seems to be ok. Managed to get a dashticz dashboard setup and heating display and control work fine. Great work ! Now need to come up with an easy to use dashboard to be able to display and control all ...
- Tuesday 26 November 2019 19:28
- Forum: Heating/cooling
- Topic: Drayton Wiser heating system with Domoticz
- Replies: 34
- Views: 5921
Re: Drayton Wiser heating system with Domoticz
Appreciate the work you've done on this plugin. I'm new to Domoticz and to Wiser (only installed for a day), but have setup a docker container using your plugin. I noticed an error earlier which stopped the plugin collecting data until domoticz was restarted: 2019-11-26 16:19:42.777 Status: (Wiser1 ...