Search found 7 matches

by Skydesign
Monday 06 April 2020 8:33
Forum: Python
Topic: Python-vl53l1x
Replies: 0
Views: 443


I am asking for help in changing the script from this project: ...
I want the running cron script to take a measurement and send data via json to Domoticz.
Python is not my strong point.
by Skydesign
Thursday 03 January 2019 21:49
Forum: dzVents
Topic: Turning the relay on depends on the temperature
Replies: 6
Views: 1272

Re: Turning the relay on depends on the temperature

waaren wrote: Thursday 03 January 2019 21:12 Hope I understood you correctly this time.
Thank you very much, it works great.
by Skydesign
Thursday 03 January 2019 19:08
Forum: dzVents
Topic: Turning the relay on depends on the temperature
Replies: 6
Views: 1272

Re: Turning the relay on depends on the temperature

Can you please test this dzVents script and report your findings ? Thx. Thank you for your work. I have a problem: At the beginning I have switch S1 off Temp T1=19 increases to T=22 then S1 changes state to ON the temperature increases to T1=41 and S1 changes to off. It's OK. Then the temperature ...
by Skydesign
Wednesday 02 January 2019 14:11
Forum: dzVents
Topic: Turning the relay on depends on the temperature
Replies: 6
Views: 1272

Re: Turning the relay on depends on the temperature

What are the relevant (temperature sensor and output switch) device names, types and subtypes as shown on the domoticz devices tab ? Temperature sensor DS18B20 in Domoticz: name "T1", type "Temp" and subtypes "LaCrosse TX3" For the relay: name "S1", type "Light / Switch" and subtypes "Switch"
by Skydesign
Wednesday 02 January 2019 12:33
Forum: dzVents
Topic: Turning the relay on depends on the temperature
Replies: 6
Views: 1272

Turning the relay on depends on the temperature

Hello. I am asking you for help in transferring the code from arduino to Domoticz, for example dzVents. Part of the code: void loop() { ... temperature reading if (temp<20) flag20 = true; //if it drops below 20 then it remembers this fact if (temp>40) flag20 = false; //if it has grown above 40 it ...
by Skydesign
Tuesday 01 January 2019 19:15
Forum: Python
Topic: Python plugin: UPS Monitor
Replies: 108
Views: 32078

Re: Python plugin: UPS Monitor

Logread wrote: Tuesday 01 January 2019 10:32 If your UPS server reports other variables that you want to capture, the above table needs to be expanded accordingly.
Thank you, it works great
by Skydesign
Monday 31 December 2018 7:44
Forum: Python
Topic: Python plugin: UPS Monitor
Replies: 108
Views: 32078

Re: Python plugin: UPS Monitor

Hi. Thank you for the plugin. I installed a plugin that monitors UPS Power Walker with blazer_usb driver, in the terminal it displays a lot of information, eg input voltage, power, battery voltage, etc. Unfortunately, domoticz shows only a few data: UPS status mode, UPS AC ferquency, UPS Charge ...