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by Aurelio
Tuesday 05 June 2018 13:11
Forum: Python
Topic: phyton script in Events only runs once
Replies: 5
Views: 1380

Re: phyton script in Events only runs once

I went a bit deeper through all the sub modules that are called with this import and I noticed that it is actually the import of module ctypes that causes the problem. Any python Guru cares to shed his light on this? The script below has the same behaviour. import DomoticzEvents as DE import sys sys ...
by Aurelio
Monday 04 June 2018 15:59
Forum: Python
Topic: phyton script in Events only runs once
Replies: 5
Views: 1380

Re: phyton script in Events only runs once

I did some more testing with a basic script. I started with the demoscript and started adding lines until i encountered the issue. I can keep running the script until i add the "from Phidget22.Devices.VoltageOutput import *"- line. Then the script runs only once and can then no longer be executed ...
by Aurelio
Thursday 31 May 2018 11:35
Forum: Python
Topic: phyton script in Events only runs once
Replies: 5
Views: 1380

Re: phyton script in Events only runs once

Hi Moroen, i've tried both options, with on command and with script_device. Both with same results. The script only runs one time. I've enebled the full logging. Here's the log. I've set the switch to on @11:08:55.058 and the script ran. then i've activated the switch again @11:10:03.471 and nothing ...
by Aurelio
Wednesday 30 May 2018 16:04
Forum: Python
Topic: phyton script in Events only runs once
Replies: 5
Views: 1380

phyton script in Events only runs once

Hi all, i'm currently setting up a new environment for playing around with domoticz on Rpi 3B+ and some analog output-phidgets to control some led-dimmers. (Later on, i will try to make a plugin for it, maybe for several phidgets) I used the noobs installer that was provided with the kit. Install of ...