Search found 15 matches

by triton
Sunday 23 September 2018 22:00
Forum: Python
Topic: Python realtime Chromecast application detect script
Replies: 12
Views: 4714

Re: Python realtime Chromecast application detect script

You can probably solve this by installing the python pcapy module. According to your profile you are using an Raspberry PI, correct? trying issueing the following command, and try the script again: sudo apt install python-pcapy That should install the pcapy module required for the script. Also see ...
by triton
Thursday 12 July 2018 23:01
Forum: Installation, Compiling, Permissions, Security and Starting
Topic: Problem with ssl cert and DH param
Replies: 6
Views: 3653

Re: Problem with ssl cert and DH param

Looks like working for me, my PEM order is like this, certificate at the top, followed by the intermediates and the private key. DH params generated and added to the end of the file. I'm using 2048 bits DH params, not 4096 (4096 is perhaps a bit paranoid currently) -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE ...
by triton
Thursday 22 February 2018 13:50
Forum: dzVents
Topic: Is there a way to set a Hue light color?
Replies: 17
Views: 7701

Re: Is there a way to set a Hue light color?

I'm using a selector switch (Hue Color) with the levels matching the hue color scene (Read, Relax etc.). Code is dzVents. Uses curl to talk directly to the Hue bridge. Accept for the switch off, thats done by domoticz talking to Hue. local function hue_colors(bri,hue,sat,device) local bridge ...
by triton
Tuesday 20 February 2018 14:52
Forum: dzVents
Topic: Is there a way to set a Hue light color?
Replies: 17
Views: 7701

Re: Is there a way to set a Hue light color?

I currently use something like this: function hue_colors(bri,hue,sat,device) local bridge = '<bridge ip>' local data = '{\\"on\\":true, \\"sat\\":'..sat..', \\"bri\\":'..bri..', \\"hue\\":'..hue..'}' os.execute('curl --request PUT --data "''" http://'..bridge..'/api/<API_ID_HERE>/lights ...
by triton
Saturday 10 February 2018 23:12
Forum: dzVents
Topic: Best way to run Perl script whitin dzVents
Replies: 2
Views: 452

Re: Best way to run Perl script whitin dzVents

I don't know what your perl script does? Don't get me wrong. Depening on what the script does it may be worthwhile getting the data with lua so you can do it all from dzvents. Perhaps it possible to save the hassle working with a temp file that way.
by triton
Thursday 01 February 2018 23:19
Forum: LUA
Topic: NMAP problems
Replies: 2
Views: 730

Re: NMAP problems

Don't know if this is useful. I'm checking if my TV is on first by detecting a change in the power consumption. Second I don't know if the TV is on or the Receiver I use the tcp_connect function below to try and connect to port 80 on the tv. If i can connect the TV is on and I switch a device on ...
by triton
Friday 26 January 2018 18:21
Forum: LUA
Topic: Convert to LUA, LUA Beginner
Replies: 3
Views: 1160

Re: Convert to LUA, LUA Beginner

First steps in programming in general? What Waaren is saying is true. dzVents will be a lot more friendly then LUA. I got most of my scripts ported over to dzVents now. That however does not answer your request. I can't give any guaranties that the Lua code below will work. I just wrote it reading ...
by triton
Friday 26 January 2018 17:31
Forum: Python
Topic: Python realtime Chromecast application detect script
Replies: 12
Views: 4714

Re: Python realtime Chromecast application detect script

Yes, only status. It updates a custom text device with whatever a connected application passes as string. For example if you start casting a Netflix movie the device is updated from 'Nothing' to 'Netflix'. If you connect with Spotify it will be updated to 'Spotify'. If you disconnect from the ...
by triton
Thursday 25 January 2018 18:07
Forum: Python
Topic: Python realtime Chromecast application detect script
Replies: 12
Views: 4714

Re: Python realtime Chromecast application detect script

For those using init.d, made a quick script for that. When placed in /etc/init.d, run the following command to enable it during boot. update-rc.d chromecast_detect defaults update-rc.d chromecast_detect enable /etc/init.d/chromecast_detect #!/bin/bash ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: Domoticz ...
by triton
Sunday 14 January 2018 23:10
Forum: Python
Topic: Python realtime Chromecast application detect script
Replies: 12
Views: 4714

Python realtime Chromecast application detect script

Hello, Don't know if anybody wrote something like this already but I like to share a python script I wrote for detecting application changes for Chromecast devices and update a text device in Domoticz to match the application connected in realtime. My previous script was a python script running ...
by triton
Tuesday 09 January 2018 15:25
Forum: dzVents
Topic: .afterMin not retriggerable?
Replies: 8
Views: 1508

Re: .afterMin not retriggerable?

Works like a charm, just what I needed. Thank you for the explanation how the internals work on this.
dannybloe wrote: Tuesday 02 January 2018 17:42 What you can do is check the current state. If the device is On then you do a switchOff().afterMin(2) and otherwise you do a switchOn().forMin(2).

That should work. (famous last words).
by triton
Monday 08 January 2018 16:04
Forum: Blockly
Topic: Someonehome
Replies: 4
Views: 1006

Re: Someonehome

My first reaction would be don't switch On someonehome when On already and trigger the set temp in a separate blocky event based on the someonehome switch, check what the switch did, become On or Off.

Does that help?
by triton
Friday 05 January 2018 15:45
Forum: dzVents
Topic: updateCustomSensor() not triggering device updated state?
Replies: 3
Views: 705

Re: updateCustomSensor() not triggering device updated state?

Thanks for the update and the excellent work! Can't wait for the new stable release :)
by triton
Tuesday 19 December 2017 11:05
Forum: dzVents
Topic: updateCustomSensor() not triggering device updated state?
Replies: 3
Views: 705

updateCustomSensor() not triggering device updated state?

Hi, Slowly moving scripts over from lua to dzVents, and I must say dzVents is a charm to work with. Making it easier to do stuff. Thank you. I have a question regarding updateCustomSensor(). I don't know if it is by design. But using that function does not trigger the updated state for other scripts ...
by triton
Monday 03 April 2017 15:31
Forum: Python
Topic: pychromecast get device but not the status - Need help :(
Replies: 3
Views: 2178

Re: pychromecast get device but not the status - Need help :(

Don't know if this helps you. I've looked at pychomecast but wanted something simpler to get the casting state and discovered they use MDNS which also returns the current connected casting application. If you use a Raspberry pi install the avahi-utils and you can use: avahi-browse -rt _googlecast ...