Search found 7 matches

by jadon
Friday 13 January 2017 15:16
Forum: Z-Wave
Topic: Get info from homealarm (chuango)
Replies: 3
Views: 1846

Re: Get info from homealarm (chuango)

Chuango uses 433 protocol. I have the same (only branded as Eminent) and I would also like to know how to turn the alarm on/off. But I guess it wouldn't make it very secure if you can switch it off wireless... :) Maybe you can use the electronic lock relay for detecting if the alarm is activated ...
by jadon
Wednesday 04 January 2017 10:52
Forum: Other questions and discussions
Topic: How to check presence of Beacon ?
Replies: 371
Views: 82183

Re: How to check presence of Beacon ?

I don't know if these were already mentioned, but I can confirm these beacons are working: ... 49350.html

Very cheap :) Aprox. EUR 4,-

Edit: I added the link to the wiki page
by jadon
Wednesday 14 December 2016 16:45
Forum: Others
Topic: Xiaomi Mi Flora [Temp/Light/Moisture] BLE Sensor
Replies: 325
Views: 101108

Re: Xiaomi Mi Flora [Temp/Light/Moisture] BLE Sensor

yes! as many as you like. Does anybody has some info on how long the battery will last? The users manual promises a year, but IMHO it really depends on your using habits: i.e. if you poll the data every minute, it will suck the battery really fast. I'm using it since nov 20, so almost a month, and ...
by jadon
Sunday 20 November 2016 16:54
Forum: Others
Topic: Xiaomi Mi Flora [Temp/Light/Moisture] BLE Sensor
Replies: 325
Views: 101108

Re: Xiaomi Mi Flora [Temp/Light/Moisture] BLE Sensor

okay, so I create a dummy hardware device and called it "Flower care" Then I added three virtual sensors: Temp, Lux and Moisture I copied the script to and added some code (Python is not ...
by jadon
Saturday 19 November 2016 11:46
Forum: Others
Topic: Xiaomi Mi Flora [Temp/Light/Moisture] BLE Sensor
Replies: 325
Views: 101108

Re: Xiaomi Mi Flora [Temp/Light/Moisture] BLE Sensor

The range is quite good! I live in an old house (so no concrete walls). I have my Mi Flora in the living room and my raspberry pi 3 in the hallway. I could even connect from my laptop on the 2nd floor. Anyway, using "sudo hcitool lescan" it lists my device: pi@domoticz:~/miflora$ sudo hcitool lescan ...
by jadon
Friday 18 November 2016 12:52
Forum: Others
Topic: Xiaomi Mi Flora [Temp/Light/Moisture] BLE Sensor
Replies: 325
Views: 101108

Re: Xiaomi Mi Flora [Temp/Light/Moisture] BLE Sensor

I received my Xiaomi Mi Flora yesterday! I've only had a few minutes to play with it. Connecting with my phone was easy, as you'd expect with a bluetooth LE device. However, I downloaded the Xiaomi Home app and noticed the Flora dashboard is Chinese only :( So I couldn't tell what's what... Anyway ...
by jadon
Monday 07 November 2016 15:02
Forum: Others
Topic: Xiaomi Mi Flora [Temp/Light/Moisture] BLE Sensor
Replies: 325
Views: 101108

Re: Xiaomi Mi Flora [Temp/Light/Moisture] BLE Sensor

Just ordered the Mi Flora. When it arrives, I'll try to work something out with the github scripts :)