Send TT=0

For OpenTherm-gateway related questions in Domoticz

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Send TT=0

Post by Softwareregi »

I'm a newby in Domoticz land, so ...... be patient

- How do I create a button that sends the command TT = 0 to the OTGW
- is it possible to have all the buttons (temp, pressure, setpoint, and so on) of the otgw on one tab and not, as now, on several tabs

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Re: Send TT=0

Post by manjh »

Looking for that tt=0 button as well John, will let you know when I find a way.

As for the second question: Create a "roomplan"for OTGW.

Setup-->more options-->plans-->roomplan

Then add all required OTGW buttons to the plan.
When done, for instance on the dahboard select the OTGW plan in the right-upper corner.
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Re: Send TT=0

Post by pjotr »

Is there a way to send the command TT=0 from Domoticz ? I want te set the temperature at 16 degrees when i leave home. When i come back home i want to set the temperature to the default temp of the thermostat program.
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Re: Send TT=0

Post by mvzut »

pjotr wrote:Is there a way to send the command TT=0 from Domoticz ? I want te set the temperature at 16 degrees when i leave home. When i come back home i want to set the temperature to the default temp of the thermostat program.
I just set the thermostat to 0, works perfectly.
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Re: Send TT=0

Post by emme »

how do you connect to the OTGW?

you can create a simple pushbutton and a script that will send the TT=0 payload to the OTGW, but I have no experience with OTGW

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Re: Send TT=0

Post by pjotr »

I am curious how you sens the TT=0 command to the OTGW from domoticz ? If it is possible with a script i can trigger this script in domoticz events.
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Send TT=0

Post by mvzut »

pjotr wrote:I am curious how you sens the TT=0 command to the OTGW from domoticz ? If it is possible with a script i can trigger this script in domoticz events.
My OTGW is connected to my Raspberry Pi with a USB-to-serial adapter. The thermostat which the OTGW plugin creates basically sends TT commands when you change its value. So I just set the value of the thermostat to something low when I leave the house, and to 0 when I come back home, effectively switching back to timer mode. I use a LUA command for this:

Code: Select all

commandArray['UpdateDevice'] = otherdevices_idx['Thermostat']..'|0|0'
But you can obviously also do this with Blockly, Python, shell scripts, whatever you prefer.
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Re: Send TT=0

Post by CaptainSlow »

Im reviving this topic with a new topic as I found out this url works perfectly fine.

Raspberry PI 3 Model B with USB stick, Domoticz Stable, OTGW LAN with ESP wifi-bridge and Isense Thermostat using the Outside Temp from Buienradar via Domoticz, Milight Ibox-2(V6)
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