I 'm getting deeper into crontab .
And there i found what I'm looking for an automatic backup function .
Have found the document , copy and paste from the wiki I manage just yet .

What I would like is that the backup is written to a hdd in the network .
I have 3 RPi with domoticz , it seems to me something to put them , all 3 in1 folder each with its own name . This seems safer , since I still have a power failure , and that the RPi hate , is my experience .

Can anyone help me. ?
The location of the folder : \ ET9X00 \ Hard Disk \ Domoticz backup
This hdd is always on , but in the sleep function , is that a problem?
If I only :
0 4 *** sudo ~ / domoticz / scripts / domoticz_backup.sh
Use the crontab, put the backup on the sd of the RPI , and my question is.
What should I put in the cron to place the backup to a network location
And what can I change the cron to backup the files as backup1, 2 and 3. [ from the 3 different RPi ]
Thank you . !
Edit ..
Now when I look good, I see the file ~ / domoticz / scripts / domoticz_backup.sh
Not in that folder ?
Do I have to create that file ?
And what have to be in that file?