Z-Wave fact-files [use this template]

Information about specific Z-Wave devices

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Z-Wave fact-files [use this template]

Post by Domosapiens »

To support the community and release the Dev's as much as possible from recurring questions,
I like to propose a Z-Wave fact-file section where per type of device the facts and experiences are collected.
Also in a way that we can support the open Zwave (OZW) DEv's with our operational experiences.

See my first one:
Z-Wave factfile Everspring AN158 Switch Meter Plugin
http://www.domoticz.com/forum/viewtopic ... 357#p65048

I will take care in later posts, also of:
- FIBARO System FGBS001 Universal Binary Sensor
- Philio Technology Corporation PAN04-1 Double Relay Switch 2x1.5kW with Power Measurement
- Fakro ZWS230 Window Opener
- FIBARO System FGWPE Wall Plug

The Z-Wave fact-files is a topic for working devices

For that I suggest a Subject [Z-Wave factfile <supplier><device ID><function>]

And a topic with the following content (copy/paste it to your post as guideline)
Spoiler: show

Code: Select all



f.i. Switch Meter Plugin
try to describe as complete as possible

[b]Z-Wave+ AKA GEN5[/b]
Superseded by a newer version?

if known <supplier><device ID>
(for  price comparison and re-use of xml files)

[b]Device Library from http://www.pepper1.net[/b]
This is an important site to help inclusion in Domoticz.
It shows the implemented Command Classes of the device with version numbers 
Search Google with [site:pepper1.net <your device name>]

[b]Manuals  from manuals.zwaveeurope.com and  doc.eedomus.com:[/b]
manuals.zwaveeurope.com:  Search google with [site:manuals.zwaveeurope.com  <your device name>]
doc.eedomus.com: Search google with [site:doc.eedomus.com  <your device name>]
Or other sources you have found

[b]Domoticz experience[/b]
Sample (sort your hardware in case of multiple of same devices):
[attachment=2]Everspring AN158 population.JPG[/attachment]

<tell about your experiences, polling? security?>

Show the configuration options here (see sample)
[attachment=1]Everspring AN158 configuration.JPG[/attachment]

Show your resulting devices here (see sample)
[attachment=0]Everspring AN158 devices.JPG[/attachment]

[b]zwcfg_0xaaaaaaa.xml sample:[/b]
Copy/Paste between BBCode Code format brackets from the Domoticz file zwcfg_0xaaaaaaa.xml (aaaaaa is your specific ID) the part from your Z-Wave hardware. The ID is Decimal (not the one with 0x as start). See sample below.
This helps others to check if the Inclusion went well. Only grab the part that belongs to the node you write about (between <Node> </Node> tags), [b]NOT[/b] the whole file.
[code] put content from XML file here
If you get forum errors about post being to big, please include the data as an attachment.

[give here your personal impression. Would you advise it to others?]

Hope this helps this fast growing community.
Thanks Devs!
Users, please contribute
Everspring AN158 devices.JPG
Everspring AN158 devices.JPG (55.95 KiB) Viewed 4361 times
Everspring AN158 configuration.JPG
Everspring AN158 configuration.JPG (61.25 KiB) Viewed 4361 times
Everspring AN158 population.JPG
Everspring AN158 population.JPG (62.16 KiB) Viewed 4361 times
Win Vista&7; 1#Aeon Z-Stick S2; 1#Aeotec Z-Sick Gen5, 6#Fib.FGBS001; 24#DS18B20; 8#Everspr.AN158-2; 3#Philio PAN04; 1#Philio PAN06, 1#YouLess El; 1#Fib.FGWPE; 1#ZME_RC2; 2#FAK_ZWS230, 2#Quib.ZMNHCDx, 1#Quib.ZMNHDD1, 7#EM6555
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Joined: Friday 16 October 2015 7:58
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Re: Z-Wave fact-files [use this template]

Post by Plantje »

Good initiative. Doesn't seem like a lot of people are using it.

Another thing: in your screen shots I notice device 165 is exactly showing an issue that you see a lot! The node has been seen recently and some of the devices under the node as well, but one device has not been seen for two months! The only way to get this underlying device active again is by removing it and including it again.
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