Domoticz Touchscreen Console
Posted: Sunday 01 November 2015 15:01
I want my Domoticz to be controlled even when no phone or PC is available.
(for instance if my daugther (11) or family want's to control the lights or heater when we're not at home)
So I came up with the idea to use a RaspberryPi and the RaspberryPi 7" Touchscreen in a nice frame, and put it on our bookshelf.
Because of the touchscreen, I wanted it to be fully operational without a mouse or keyboard and only single purpose for Domoticz.
This is why I configured the Pi in Kiosk Mode and at reboot it will automatically present the Domoticz Interface.
During boot I didn't want to see all the bootlogging garbage, but a nice Domoticz logo.
This is how I configured the RaspberryPi to achieve these goals:
Install & Basic Configuration
Install the latest Debian Jessie Image
Config Network (WiFi)
Open Terminal:
Within raspi-config do the following steps:
Expand drive
Overclock (Pi2B) - (I'm using a Raspberry Pi 2B - Choose your own preferred Speed)
GPU Memory (256Mb)
Install Dependencies & Scripts
Open Terminal:
Replace the IP & Port with your Domoticz IP & Port
Make scripts executable and auto reboot at midnight
Add Line : 0 0 * * * /sbin/reboot
Prevent screen to go into blank mode (When the screen blanks, it wont come up anymore)
Add Lines:
@xset s off
@xset -dpms
@xset s noblank
@sh /home/pi/
Add line beneath : [SeatDefaults]
xserver-command=X -s 0 dpms
The screen is upsidedown in the frame, so it needs to be rotated
Add line : lcd_rotate=2
Redirect the logging and disable the raspberry logo
Add : quiet loglevel=3 vga=current logo.nologo
Change : console=tty3
Configure the screensaver
When the Domoticz page is presented, press F11 to exit Full Screen and configure the screensaver trough Startmenu -> Preferences -> xscreensaver
Now the keyboard can be unplugged.
This is the result:
(for instance if my daugther (11) or family want's to control the lights or heater when we're not at home)
So I came up with the idea to use a RaspberryPi and the RaspberryPi 7" Touchscreen in a nice frame, and put it on our bookshelf.
Because of the touchscreen, I wanted it to be fully operational without a mouse or keyboard and only single purpose for Domoticz.
This is why I configured the Pi in Kiosk Mode and at reboot it will automatically present the Domoticz Interface.
During boot I didn't want to see all the bootlogging garbage, but a nice Domoticz logo.
This is how I configured the RaspberryPi to achieve these goals:
Install & Basic Configuration
Install the latest Debian Jessie Image
Config Network (WiFi)
Open Terminal:
Code: Select all
sudo raspi-config
Expand drive
Overclock (Pi2B) - (I'm using a Raspberry Pi 2B - Choose your own preferred Speed)
GPU Memory (256Mb)
Code: Select all
Open Terminal:
Code: Select all
sudo su
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade
apt-get -y install xscreensaver
apt-get -y install xautomation
apt-get -y install fbi
apt-get -y install mc
apt-get -y install locate
cd /etc/init.d/
cd /etc/
cd /home/pi/
nano /home/pi/
Make scripts executable and auto reboot at midnight
Code: Select all
chmod a+x /home/pi/
chmod a+x /etc/init.d/aaaasplash
insserv /etc/init.d/aaaasplash
crontab -e
Prevent screen to go into blank mode (When the screen blanks, it wont come up anymore)
Code: Select all
nano /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
@xset s off
@xset -dpms
@xset s noblank
@sh /home/pi/
Code: Select all
nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
xserver-command=X -s 0 dpms
The screen is upsidedown in the frame, so it needs to be rotated
Code: Select all
nano /boot/config.txt
Redirect the logging and disable the raspberry logo
Code: Select all
nano /boot/cmdline.txt
Change : console=tty3
Code: Select all
When the Domoticz page is presented, press F11 to exit Full Screen and configure the screensaver trough Startmenu -> Preferences -> xscreensaver
Now the keyboard can be unplugged.
This is the result: