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Domoticz Touchscreen Console

Posted: Sunday 01 November 2015 15:01
by Luppie
I want my Domoticz to be controlled even when no phone or PC is available.
(for instance if my daugther (11) or family want's to control the lights or heater when we're not at home)
So I came up with the idea to use a RaspberryPi and the RaspberryPi 7" Touchscreen in a nice frame, and put it on our bookshelf.

ImageImage Image Image

Because of the touchscreen, I wanted it to be fully operational without a mouse or keyboard and only single purpose for Domoticz.
This is why I configured the Pi in Kiosk Mode and at reboot it will automatically present the Domoticz Interface.
During boot I didn't want to see all the bootlogging garbage, but a nice Domoticz logo.

This is how I configured the RaspberryPi to achieve these goals:

Install & Basic Configuration
Install the latest Debian Jessie Image
Config Network (WiFi)

Open Terminal:

Code: Select all

sudo raspi-config
Within raspi-config do the following steps:
Expand drive
Overclock (Pi2B) - (I'm using a Raspberry Pi 2B - Choose your own preferred Speed)
GPU Memory (256Mb)

Code: Select all

Install Dependencies & Scripts
Open Terminal:

Code: Select all

sudo su
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade
apt-get -y install xscreensaver
apt-get -y install xautomation
apt-get -y install fbi
apt-get -y install mc
apt-get -y install locate

cd /etc/init.d/
cd /etc/
cd /home/pi/

nano /home/pi/
Replace the IP & Port with your Domoticz IP & Port

Make scripts executable and auto reboot at midnight

Code: Select all

chmod a+x /home/pi/
chmod a+x /etc/init.d/aaaasplash
insserv /etc/init.d/aaaasplash

crontab -e
Add Line : 0 0 * * * /sbin/reboot

Prevent screen to go into blank mode (When the screen blanks, it wont come up anymore)

Code: Select all

nano  /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
Add Lines:
@xset s off
@xset -dpms
@xset s noblank
@sh /home/pi/

Code: Select all

nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
Add line beneath : [SeatDefaults]
xserver-command=X -s 0 dpms

The screen is upsidedown in the frame, so it needs to be rotated

Code: Select all

nano /boot/config.txt
Add line : lcd_rotate=2

Redirect the logging and disable the raspberry logo

Code: Select all

nano /boot/cmdline.txt
Add : quiet loglevel=3 vga=current logo.nologo
Change : console=tty3

Code: Select all

Configure the screensaver
When the Domoticz page is presented, press F11 to exit Full Screen and configure the screensaver trough Startmenu -> Preferences -> xscreensaver
Now the keyboard can be unplugged.

This is the result:

Re: Domoticz Touchscreen Console

Posted: Sunday 01 November 2015 15:17
by jjnj
Nice that you did this!
But why didn't you just buy a cheap tablet?

Re: Domoticz Touchscreen Console

Posted: Sunday 01 November 2015 15:21
by Luppie
Before I used Domoticz, I used pilight.

With pilight I used a cheap Chinese Tablet that was mounted to the wall:

With Domoticz I noticed that this cheap tablet wasn't performing as I wanted to. When I want to switch a light I first needed to refresh the webpage and it was loading terrible slow.
Also when I switched something on an other device the tablet didn't update it's status.

Re: Domoticz Touchscreen Console

Posted: Sunday 01 November 2015 15:53
by gizmocuz
Nicely done !!
now i wish for a small RPi, so we can mount it on the screen and on the wall directly ;)

Re: Domoticz Touchscreen Console

Posted: Sunday 08 November 2015 18:39
by MikeF
Hi Luppie,

Just built this - works well, although the reduced screen resolution means that some title bars get overwritten with the values - would be good if these could wrap.

However, I ran into some issues installing the splash screen. There are some inconsistencies in your code snippets: in the wget command, it's spelt with 3 a's, and downloaded into /etc/, whereas the chmod and inserv spell with 4 a's and refer to /etc/init.d/; also, the script is looking for the .png file in /etc/. In the end, I put both files in both locations!!

Re: Domoticz Touchscreen Console

Posted: Sunday 08 November 2015 21:19
by Luppie
Thanks MikeF,

I've edit my post and corrected the errors. It should be correct now.

Re: Domoticz Touchscreen Console

Posted: Tuesday 17 November 2015 8:50
by deennoo

i want to thank you, reading your project give me an idea :

Run domoticz directly on Android Tablet, who will be put on a wall.

And it's done !

It's run on Acer A1-810 with root modification

Using Linux deploy -> install debian wheezy
linux deploy.JPG
linux deploy.JPG (84.93 KiB) Viewed 37763 times
After this Flowwing domoticz guide to compile it from source for Linux using terminal or ssh client
ssh client on android.JPG
ssh client on android.JPG (145.4 KiB) Viewed 37763 times
and it works like a charme !
domodroid.JPG (68.53 KiB) Viewed 37763 times
Device are driven by RFlink with ESP8266 ser2net, this allow to use RFlink with Lan gateway material.

Re: Domoticz Touchscreen Console

Posted: Wednesday 16 December 2015 13:46
by rockensmathieu

I have a Rpi2, official touchscreen 7", power supply 2A, memory card 32 Gb, Dongle Wifi D-Link DWA-121, RFXCom and many temperature sensors, switchs. I want to see temperatures, graphs, in all rooms on my touchscreen (like your post)
The problem is, i'm novice in linux.

Could you tell me the procedure step by step with many details ?

I have already mount my RPI2 on my touchscreen, the display is ok.

Which OS use ? Raspbian Jessie ? And how install RFXCOM ? And dongle wifi D-Link DWA121 ?

Is it possible with this tutorial : ... i_SD_Image ?

Thank you very very much

Rockens M.

Domoticz Touchscreen Console

Posted: Wednesday 16 December 2015 15:19
by geezerrr
I like!! +1

I almost did the same.. Close to finish (plaster work is drying now)

Re: Domoticz Touchscreen Console

Posted: Thursday 24 December 2015 12:04
by roblom
gizmocuz wrote:Nicely done !!
now i wish for a small RPi, so we can mount it on the screen and on the wall directly ;)
Your prayers are heard :D


Domoticz Touchscreen Console

Posted: Sunday 17 January 2016 15:40
by geezerrr
I've finished today my touchscreen project Image thought I share it with you guys.
What's left is making a nice front page,
Anyone have some tips how to?
ImageUploadedByTapatalk1453041624.797844.jpg (245.24 KiB) Viewed 35911 times
ImageUploadedByTapatalk1453041534.719151.jpg (317.39 KiB) Viewed 35911 times
ImageUploadedByTapatalk1453041505.856713.jpg (268.34 KiB) Viewed 35911 times

Re: Domoticz Touchscreen Console

Posted: Sunday 17 January 2016 21:46
by jannl
Check the forum. There are some nice examples

Re: Domoticz Touchscreen Console

Posted: Sunday 17 January 2016 22:45
by pvm
Nice frame

Re: Domoticz Touchscreen Console

Posted: Sunday 17 January 2016 22:47
by geezerrr
Thnx, made it myself out of wood, in my dads workshop

Re: Domoticz Touchscreen Console

Posted: Sunday 17 January 2016 22:48
by geezerrr
jannl wrote:Check the forum. There are some nice examples
I know, need to spend some time to figure out how to.

Re: Domoticz Touchscreen Console

Posted: Sunday 15 May 2016 17:27
by luckysession
Hey guys,

works fine for me, one failure in your discription in my opinion... to config autostart: nano /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE/autostart

And why doesn´t start in fullscreen mode? Any help? ... updatet:

Code: Select all


epiphany-browser &
sleep 10
DISPLAY=:0 echo key F11 | xte

and fullscreen work for me :)

thank you!

Re: Domoticz Touchscreen Console

Posted: Tuesday 17 May 2016 21:55
by mbliek
You can also use in the script. Then there is no need to edit the script...
It works for me

Re: Domoticz Touchscreen Console

Posted: Monday 25 July 2016 23:29
by Muyz
Nice project; thanks for sharing! I just finished building the console. What I notice is that the buttons on switches (Timers, Notifications) consume a lot of space. These buttons are not visible in the pictures posted by the TS. Can these be removed somehow?

Re: Domoticz Touchscreen Console

Posted: Monday 25 July 2016 23:51
by trixwood
That reminds me, I wanted something similar behind a mirror.

Found this :-) ... -the-world

Re: Domoticz Touchscreen Console

Posted: Wednesday 27 July 2016 17:43
by emme
I'm really interested in this, I honestly think that luppie and geezerrr project are the bes ever!

On September I think I would try the 7" touch LCD and wallmount a soluution with luppie solution.

I have just 3 newbie questions:
Screensaver: can I setup a picture show screensaver so I use it as a picture frame?
Power: how many A does the LCD and rb needs? I've planned a 1.2A USB socket... would it be enough?!
DPMS: is this still an issue? can it be workarounded with a GPIO switch or a remote WOL command?
