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detect double / multiple pulse

Posted: Monday 31 August 2015 11:34
by Duggel

I have two fibaro 2x1.5K relay switch, controlling lighting in hallway upstairs, hallway downstairs and outside.
All these lights can be controlled trough domoticz and by three wall switches (pulse).

Now I was wondering if it's possible to detect a double-pulse, for instance to turn on the light upstairs by double-pressing the downstairs light-switch.
The fibaro relay has the option to detect double-pulses when option 15 (shutter control) is activated, but I have no idea how to fetch/detect this in domoticz and if the shutter option can be used this way.

Thanx for the help.

Re: detect double / multiple pulse

Posted: Thursday 02 June 2016 1:49
by stlsparky
This may help you. I found it on the vera forum. It is a solution to detect double taps and call a scene via lua ... #msg273140

Re: detect double / multiple pulse

Posted: Thursday 02 June 2016 14:13
by Duggel
Thanks, this did help me a bit. Unfortunately detecting a double pulse coming from a hardware (wired) switch doesn't seem possible.
In this example they use a hardware z-wave switch. The switch sends the signal to (in this case) Vera. Then Vera is programmed to translate the press into an action.
In my case the pulse goes directly to a Fibaro relay and only the on/off status is send to Domoticz.

In the log I can see the light is switched twice. Maybe it's possible to let a lua script read the log and respond to that, but the light conencted to the pulse switch will blink when the switch is pressed twice.