Intergas Incomfort Heater control

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Intergas Incomfort Heater control

Post by JeroenZeist »

Recently I bought a Intergas HREco 36 Heater (CV Ketel). It is connected to a simple Honeywell Round Modulation thermostat and a Incomfort Lan2RF Gateway with Incomfort app (iOS). I wanted to control the thermostat via Domoticz so build a script.

Required hardware:
- Intergas heater with RF
- Intergas Incomfor Lan2RF gateway
- A physicl thermostat

Required virtual sensors in Domoticz:
1. Virtual temperature sensor for actual temperature measured by thermostat
2. Virtual temperature sensor for currently set temperature setpoint in the physical thermostat
3. Virtual Thermostat setpoint

The script has 3 main functions:
1. Monitor current temperature in the room where the thermostat is placed and update a virtual temperature sensor
2. Monitor whether the temperature setpoint is changed via the physical thermostat or the app and update the virtual thermostat setpoint
3. Monitor whether you have changed the virtual thermostat setpoint in Domoticz and update the physical thermostat

Both the IDX and Name of the virtual devices are required in both scripts. Please udpate the config on the top of the scripts.
Also the scripts uses a library JSON.lua. This should be placed with the scripts in the /scripts/lua folder of Domoticz.
Intergas Incomfort Lan2RF control
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Intergas Incomfort Lan2RF control
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Last edited by JeroenZeist on Monday 07 December 2015 20:25, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Intergas Incomfort Heater control

Post by batavier1980 »


I also have an Intergas boiler from 2014, in the future i want to connect it also too the domoticz system. What is your experience so far with our project.


Raspberry PI with Domoticz
RFXcom trans receiver USB 433MhzE
Action 3x wall plug 433 Mhz
KAKU AWMR-230 mini switch
2x Cresta, TFA TS34C (temp/Humidity
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Re: Intergas Incomfort Heater control

Post by JeroenZeist »

The script is working perfect and stable so far. I'm workin on monitoring whether tap water is in use etc.
But main functuonality is working.
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Re: Intergas Incomfort Heater control

Post by JeroenZeist »

I also saw your PM with the question where I bought my Lan2RF module.
However, I am not able to send PM's, no clue why.
I bought the heater and the module in one package from
Had one setup problem in the beginning and they helped me perfectly on the phone.
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Re: Intergas Incomfort Heater control

Post by batavier1980 »


How did you implement the script in to domoticz ?


Raspberry PI with Domoticz
RFXcom trans receiver USB 433MhzE
Action 3x wall plug 433 Mhz
KAKU AWMR-230 mini switch
2x Cresta, TFA TS34C (temp/Humidity
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Re: Intergas Incomfort Heater control

Post by JeroenZeist »

Create 2 virtual temperature sensors and 1 virtual thermostat device.
Put the scripts in the domoticz/var/scripts/lua folder and edit the --config---- part in both scripts, you need to change the IDX's and name of the three devices in both scripts. Keep the JSON.lua file as is. Does this help? What problems do you face?
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Re: Intergas Incomfort Heater control

Post by arjenw »


Trying to connect the LAN2RF interface in Domoticz.
Having prblems finding the right port fot this device.
Already tested ports 22, 80, 1001, 7686, 8080, 8081
2015-09-19 13:31:21.151 Error: OTGW: Error: No route to host
2015-09-19 13:31:21.151 Error: TCP: Error: No route to host

Any ideas??

Thanks for replies in advance.
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Re: Intergas Incomfort Heater control

Post by JeroenZeist »

Are you able to reach the lan2rf gateway in your browser? (just point your browser to http://IPADDRESS)

Did you set something up as OpenTherm gateway (OTGW)? Looks like that's causing the error.

In Domoticz I added a dummy hardware (type Dummy). For this hardware I added virtual sensors. Nothing to do with OTGW.
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Re: Intergas Incomfort Heater control

Post by TheSnitz »


Thanks for this great script but i have 2 errors and i don't know how to fix this:-(

Error: EventSystem: ...i/domoticz/scripts/lua/script_time_intergasincomfort.lua:56: attempt to perform arithmetic on field '?' (a nil value)
Error: EventSystem: ...domoticz/scripts/lua/script_device_intergasincomfort.lua:29: attempt to perform arithmetic on field '?' (a nil value)

Code: Select all

2015-09-29 19:28:00.031 LUA: Loaded IO modules
2015-09-29 19:28:00.040 LUA: Loaded JSON routines
2015-09-29 19:28:00.041 LUA: URL of heater data:
2015-09-29 19:28:00.232 LUA: {"nodenr": 124,"ch_temp_lsb": 100,"ch_temp_msb": 22,"tap_temp_lsb": 120,"tap_temp_msb": 18,"ch_pressure_lsb": 168,"ch_pressure_msb": 0,"room_temp_1_lsb": 222,"room_temp_1_msb": 8,"room_temp_set_1_lsb": 152,"room_temp_set_1_msb": 8,"room_temp_2_lsb": 255,"room_temp_2_msb": 127,"room_temp_set_2_lsb": 255,"room_temp_set_2_msb": 127,"displ_code": 126,"IO": 0,"serial_year": 14,"serial_month": 10,"serial_line": 13,"serial_sn1": 1,"serial_sn2": 98,"serial_sn3": 74 ,"room_set_ovr_1_msb": 7,"room_set_ovr_1_lsb": 208,"room_set_ovr_2_msb": 0,"room_set_ovr_2_lsb": 0,"rf_message_rssi": 26,"rfstatus_cntr": 0}
2015-09-29 19:28:00.234 LUA: lsb: 222
2015-09-29 19:28:00.234 LUA: msb: 8
2015-09-29 19:28:00.234 LUA: Current temperature: 22.7
2015-09-29 19:28:00.234 Error: EventSystem: ...i/domoticz/scripts/lua/script_time_intergasincomfort.lua:56: attempt to perform arithmetic on field '?' (a nil value)
2015-09-29 19:28:37.402 Error: EventSystem: ...domoticz/scripts/lua/script_device_intergasincomfort.lua:29: attempt to perform arithmetic on field '?' (a nil value)
I made in Domoticz the 2 virtual temp sensors and the Virtual Thermostat setpoint. The name of the sensors are the same as in the script also i give in the script the correct idx butt i still get the 2 errors.

The thermostat.tmp file is located in the /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua folder and in WinSCP i see that it has RW-R--R- rights for user PI

Please can anybody help me?
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Re: Intergas Incomfort Heater control

Post by TheSnitz »

YES :D :D :D

I Fix my problem myself :-)

After you have copieed,changed the scripts and if the scripts are running(with the error i had), then you have to manually update(adjustment) the 2 Temp sensors each with a different value. (because 0 and 0 will be a nil value :-) )

Now i have to changed the "debug option" in te script to false so my log file will be cleaner.
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Re: Intergas Incomfort Heater control

Post by TheSnitz »

Another problem occurs,

If i change the currentlyset value in my living room(by app or physical) the system works for about 2 minutes and then i get this error in the Domoticz log. Also after a time the Thermostaat value is not changing, The icon changed to red (like there is no connection) while currenttempname perfect updated ( i think it comes becauses the last seen value is not updated) .

Error: Error opening url:

If i change the Thermostaat value (name of the virtual thermostat in Domoticz) then i get no errors but after a while my calander schedule(incomfort intergas app) change the value and there is the error again.

Code: Select all

commandArray[4] = {['OpenURL']=''..idxsetthermostat..'&nvalue=0&svalue='..otherdevices_svalues[currentlyset]}
My config settings are:

Code: Select all

-- config ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
local debug = true -- false or true, true gives extra output in Domoticz log
lan2rf = '' -- ip address of the Intergas Incomfort Lan2RF gateway
tempfilename = '/home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/thermostat.tmp' -- could be anywhere as long as it is writeable

local idxt = 117 --idx of the virtual temperature sensor you need to change this to your own Device IDx
local currenttempname = "Woonkamer huidig" -- name of the virtual temperature sensor

local idxset = 119 -- idx for set temperature on the physical thermostat
local currentlyset = "Woonkamer ingesteld" -- name of the virtual set temperature on the physical thermostat

local idxsetthermostat = 120 -- idx of the virtual thermostat in Domoticz
local thermostatname = "Thermostaat" -- name of the virtual thermostat in Domoticz
Does anybody know how to fix this?
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Re: Intergas Incomfort Heater control

Post by JeroenZeist »

Sorry for the late response. Maybe you figured out already. I think I have the answer.

Your settings say the IP address of the lan2rf interface is
On line 34 I think you also put the IP of the lan2rf interface. That should be the IP address of your domoticz installation.
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Re: Intergas Incomfort Heater control

Post by TheSnitz »

JeroenZeist wrote:Sorry for the late response. Maybe you figured out already. I think I have the answer.

Your settings say the IP address of the lan2rf interface is
On line 34 I think you also put the IP of the lan2rf interface. That should be the IP address of your domoticz installation.
Thanks for the good answer. You are right I figured it out myself :-)

I did run the LUA script on a raspberry 2 and that is where it goes wrong. The script is very heavy i think to run on a raspberry. My RFXcom did not get any records if the script is running. Also I got the message that the script is running for more then 10seconds (point still updating value's?).

I have also a Synology DS212+ and i have installed very easily Domoticz on it and now the script is running very great without any error.

Is there a possibility to run the script every 5minutes instead of every 1 minute so the machine have more time for other things and my log will be cleaner.
We all now that the intergas gateway is far from stable many time's in a month I lost connection and then I have to power it off/on again. It would be useful if we can make a alarm(email) that the connection is lost. I know there is a ping script in domoticz but that's also far from stable. It says that my phone is connected while it is off. Do you have any suggestions?

Thanks for this great script
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Re: Intergas Incomfort Heater control

Post by wimd68 »


Thank you for the script. After lot's of problems with the intergas rf module, last week i got a new one with new firmware: IC3-ICN-V1.11
But unfortunately this module also crashes a lot. I had two crashes in two days time.

So I made some changes to your time script so that I know when the module crashes.

First of all I added a virtual switch Intergas Module

Code: Select all

local idxLive = 9   -- idx of the virtual switch that shows if the intergas module is alive
local isalivename="Intergas Module"  -- name of the virutal switch 
Then in the function UpdateHeaterData I changed the os.execute statement (added -S switch) and added some lines of code:

Code: Select all

	read = os.execute('curl -s -S -o '..tempfilename..' "'..url..'"')
	if read then 
		if (otherdevices[isalivename]=='Off') then 
			print ("Intergas Module turns on") 
		if (otherdevices[isalivename]=='On') then 
			print ("Intergas Module goes down")
Then i added a notification to the Intergas Module switch so that it notifies me when the switch is off.

I'm not using some kind of presence script, because the intergas rf module does not respond at all to the ping command.
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Re: Intergas Incomfort Heater control

Post by JeroenZeist »

Thanks Wim68!
I will implement these changes and test wether I can switch off and on a 'Klik-aan-klik-uit' switch to restart the Intergas module. I need to say mine is very stable last weeks. In the beginning I had some problems with the RF connection with the heater. Had some calls with my supplier and figured out it was because the module was close to a wifi router. After I moved the module it only lost it's connection once.
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Re: Intergas Incomfort Heater control

Post by JeroenZeist »

Just incorporated the updates from Wim68. The script is now checking whether the Intergas RF module is online and setting a switch accordingly.
Please also not that I switched from running the script on a Synology to a Raspberry Pi 2 now. Therefore, I had to change line 36 in script_time_intergasincomfort.lua.
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Re: Intergas Incomfort Heater control

Post by rizo »

Hi Dear,

I also would like to start with heater control by using Domoticz on my Synology DS212+.
Unfortunately I just hung on the first step and that's tracing the IP address of my lan2rf (red unit).
can someone tell me how do I know the IP address? by using my incomfort App I am able to manage my temperature.
but can't find the IP address on this app.
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Re: Intergas Incomfort Heater control

Post by JeroenZeist »

I would use a network scanner app like Fing on the iPhone. Google for network ip scanner.
If you found it I would give the device a fixed ip via DHCP address reservation in your router.
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Re: Intergas Incomfort Heater control

Post by rizo »

Hi Jeroen,

thanks for your response on thi,
I have found the IP address by using the App you advice.
now I need to login, but I think I do need to contact the guy who install my CV kettel.
he should have the login details, once logged in I can give a permanent IP.
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Re: Intergas Incomfort Heater control

Post by rizo »

also weird to me,
\i can logout and login to the incomfort App by using username and password, but can't use these conditionals to login by using web interface.
weird isn't?
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