Automate Sunscreen and Blinds with lua

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Automate Sunscreen and Blinds with lua

Post by remb0 »

Here is our complex script (MrFranky and I).

some key functions:
- everything can be adjust by uservariables
- script tells you when uservariables are missing
- complete logging with usefull options
- usefull notifacations (not only switched time but also reasons why the screen is up)
- nice printing to domoticz log

-safety options like: manual usage for a max period. so when you left and manual is on, system override after a x period.
- buienradar + Weatherunderground + optional own sensors

Download ... sp=sharing
here you can find: 1-Functions script, 2-Sunscreen script and Documentation of script and variables.

Wiki ...
I post it when some other users are also satisfied and can confirm there are no bugs and documentation is valid!

Please reply with bugs / improvements / ideas or questions..

Help Wanted!
Documentation is always a problem you if you want to help documenting you can edit the documentation: ... sp=sharing

Code: Select all

-- Time Sunscreen
-- Check the (weather)conditions for controlling the Suncreen.
-- Release notes:
--  *104 12-07-2015 Using user variables instead of the normal variables
--  *105 15-07-2015 Open/Closed commando variabel, Start bash shell after change
--  *106 23-07-2015 Buienradar, Layout logfile, logfile name with ~d / ~m 
-- Variable
Script		  = 'Time Sunscreen'						--
Version       = 106										--
VersionLog	  = 106										--
Version_Type  = 'Beta 01'								--
Man_or_Auto   = 'Auto'									-- Default

package.path = package.path .. ';' .. '/home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/?.lua'
My = require('MyFunc')
-- Functions
function SendANotification()
	commandArray['SendNotification']='Sunscreen ' .. NewState .. '#Sunscreen ' .. DeviceName .. ' was in state ' .. CurState .. ' new state is ' .. NewState .. ', reason for change is ' .. My.EnumClear(Reason) .. ' / '.."%Y-%m-%d;%H:%M:%S").. '#0#pushover'

function LogActions()
	if not My.File_exists(LogFile) then,"a")
	 f:write("Datum ; Tijd ; DeviceName ; Man_or_Auto ; Current State ; New state ;  Reason up ; Version #".. VersionLog .."# ; Version Type ; " ..
	         "Result_Daytime ; Result_Hour ; Result_Wind ; Result_Gust ; Result_Wu_Rain ; Result_Br_Rain ; Result_UvClose ; Result_Temperature_Close ; Result_UvOp ; Result_TemperatureOp ; Result ; "..
			 "Nu_Hour <".. TH_Hour .." ; Wu_Wind <=".. TH_Wind .. "; Wu_Gust <=".. TH_Gust .. "; Wu_Rain <=".. TH_Wu_Rain .. "; Br_Rain <=".. TH_Br_Rain .. " ; Wu_Uv <=".. TH_Uv_Close .. "/" .. TH_Uv_Open .. "; Wu_Temperature <=".. TH_Tp_Close .. "/".. TH_Tp_Open .. "; "..
			 "Uv Sim ; SwManStart ; SwManEnd ; Switch manual ; SwManDif ; Notifications ; LogAction ; SwitchTime ; SwitchDiff ; " .. 
			 LogCap01 .. ";" .. LogCap02 .. ";" .. LogCap03)
	 if string.match(c, "#" ..VersionLog .. "#") then
		print(".  Version of logfile ".. LogFile .." is not correct.")
    f:write("%Y-%m-%d;%H:%M:%S") .. ";" .. DeviceName .. ";" .. Man_or_Auto .. ";" .. CurState .. ";" .. NewState .. ";" .. My.EnumClear(Reason) ..  ";" .. Version .. ";" .. Version_Type .. ";" .. 
	          Res_Dayl .. ";" .. Res_Hour .. ";" .. Res_Wind .. ";" .. Res_Gust .. ";" .. Res_WuRain .. ";" .. Res_BrRain .. ";" .. Res_UvCl .. ";" .. Res_TpCl .. ";" .. Res_UvOp .. ";" .. Res_TpOp .. ";".. Result .. ";" .. 
			  Nu_Hour .. ";" .. Wu_Wind .. ";" .. Wu_Gust .. ";" .. Wu_Rain .. ";" .. Br_Rain .. ";".. Wu_Uv .. ";" .. Wu_Temp .. ";" .. 
			  Uv_Sim .. ";"  .. SwManStart .. ";" .. SwManEnd .. ";" .. Man_to_Auto .. ";" .. SwManDif .. ";" .. Notifications .. ";" .. LogAction .. ";" .. SwitchTime .. ";" .. SwitchDiff .. ";" .. 
			  LogAdd01 .. ";" .. LogAdd02 .. ";" .. LogAdd03)

commandArray = {}
print ("______________________________________________________________________")
print (">> ".. Script .. ".......v" .. Version .. "....." .. Version_Type)

-- User variables
UserVarErr     = 0
RunFast        = My.GetUserVar("SUN_RunFast") 		  	-- 5
RunSlow        = My.GetUserVar("SUN_RunSlow") 		  	-- 5
RunLast        = My.GetUserVar("SUN_RunLast")        	-- 2015-07-29 18:30:00

if (timeofday['Daytime']) then RunEveryxMin=RunFast else RunEveryxMin=RunSlow end
TDiff = My.Round(My.TimeDiff(os.time(),RunLast)/60,0)
if TDiff < RunEveryxMin then 
	print (".  Wait : ".. TDiff .. " / " .. RunEveryxMin)
	goto done
nu=tostring( ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
commandArray['Variable:SUN_RunLast'] = nu
print (".  ")
DeviceLuaMstr  = My.GetUserVar("LUA_MasterSW")		    -- LUA_MasterSW
lat			   = My.GetUserVar("Gen_Latitude") + 0 		-- 
lon			   = My.GetUserVar("Gen_Longitude") + 0		--
LogFile        = My.GetUserVar("SUN_LogFile")			-- /home/pi/log/Sunscreen.csv
DeviceName     = My.GetUserVar("SUN_DeviceName")		-- Sunscreen
DeviceManual   = My.GetUserVar("SUN_DeviceManual")		-- Sunscreen - Manual
DeviceAtHome   = My.GetUserVar("SUN_DeviceAtHome")		-- Not in use
DeviceTemp	   = My.GetUserVar("SUN_DeviceTemp")		-- 45.00;NE;0;0;23.1;23.1	In most cases this is the wind device. Temperature is on position 5
DeviceRain     = My.GetUserVar("SUN_DeviceRain")		-- 0;0.0					Weather undergMy.Round Rain device
DeviceUvme     = My.GetUserVar("SUN_DeviceUvme")		-- 0.0;0.0					Weather undergMy.Round Uv device
DeviceBuien    = My.GetUserVar("SUN_DeviceBuien")		-- 2						Buienradar (under construction) 
DeviceAddVal01 = My.GetUserVar("SUN_AddValue01")		-- Temp_Livingroom
DeviceAddVal02 = My.GetUserVar("SUN_AddValue02")		-- Temp_Bedroom
DeviceAddVal03 = My.GetUserVar("SUN_AddValue03")		-- x
InstVersion    = My.GetUserVar("SUN_InstVersion")   	-- 104
ActionClose    = My.GetUserVar("SUN_ActionClose")		-- On
ActionOpen     = My.GetUserVar("SUN_ActionOpen")		-- Off
ShAfterAction  = My.GetUserVar("SUN_ShAfterAction")		-- sudo /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/bash/
TH_Wind        = My.GetUserVar("SUN_TH_Wind") + 0		-- Treshold wind
TH_Gust        = My.GetUserVar("SUN_TH_Gust") + 0   	-- Treshold windstoten
TH_Wu_Rain        = My.GetUserVar("SUN_TH_Wu_Rain") + 0	-- Treshold regen/neerslag
TH_Br_Rain     = My.GetUserVar("SUN_TH_Br_Rain") + 0	-- Treshold regen/neerslag
TH_Uv_Close    = My.GetUserVar("SUN_TH_Uv_Close") + 0 	-- 2.5 	-- treshold voor Uv close
TH_Uv_Open     = My.GetUserVar("SUN_TH_Uv_Open") + 0	-- 1.5 	-- treshold voor Uv open   
TH_Tp_Close    = My.GetUserVar("SUN_TH_Tp_Close") + 0	-- 20  	-- treshold voor Temperature close
TH_Tp_Open     = My.GetUserVar("SUN_TH_Tp_Open") + 0	-- 19  	-- treshold voor Temperature close
TH_Hour        = My.GetUserVar("SUN_TH_Hour") + 0		-- Treshold hour
ManualTime     = My.GetUserVar("SUN_ManualTime")		-- 'D'  D=Daytime / A=All
Debugging      = My.GetUserVar("SUN_Debugging")			-- 'Y'
Man_to_Auto    = My.GetUserVar("SUN_Man_to_Auto") + 0	-- 240  Minutes manual override
SwitchTime     = My.GetUserVar("SUN_SwitchTime") + 0	-- 10
LogAction      = My.GetUserVar("SUN_LogAction")			-- 'Y' 	A=All, Y=Only on change
Notifications  = My.GetUserVar("SUN_Notifications")		-- 'Y'  Y=Yes, N=No

if UserVarErr> 0 then
	print (".  Please check user variables.")
	print (".  ")
if InstV==nil then InstV=100 end
if InstV < Version then
	print (".  ")
	print (".  Registered version : " .. InstV .. " , running version : " .. Version )
	print (".  Not able to update automatically.")
	print (".  ")
	-- commandArray['Variable:SUN_InstVersion']= tostring(Version)
	goto done
if UserVarErr> 0 then goto done end

if (otherdevices[DeviceLuaMstr]) == 'Off' then
	print (".  LUA Master switch is off")
	goto done

-- Variable
if (string.len(DeviceAddVal01)) > 1 then
	LogCap01	  = DeviceAddVal01					--
	LogAdd01      = My.GetValue(otherdevices_svalues[DeviceAddVal01],1)
	LogCap01	  = "nvt"					--
	LogAdd01      = 0
if (string.len(DeviceAddVal02)) > 1 then
	LogCap02	  = DeviceAddVal02						--
	LogAdd02      = My.GetValue(otherdevices_svalues[DeviceAddVal02],1)
	LogCap02	  = "nvt"					--
	LogAdd02      = 0
if (string.len(DeviceAddVal03)) > 1 then
	LogCap03	  = DeviceAddVal03								--
	LogAdd03      = My.GetValue(otherdevices_svalues[DeviceAddVal03],1)				
	LogCap03	  = "nvt"					--
	LogAdd03      = 0

-- Retrieve values from weather devices
Wu_Dev_Temp = otherdevices_svalues[DeviceTemp]
Wu_Dev_Rain = otherdevices_svalues[DeviceRain]
Wu_Dev_UvMe = otherdevices_svalues[DeviceUvme]
Br_Dev_Rain = otherdevices_svalues[DeviceBuien]
-- Split values from devices
Wu_Wind = My.GetValue(Wu_Dev_Temp,3)
Wu_Gust = My.GetValue(Wu_Dev_Temp,4)
Wu_Temp = My.GetValue(Wu_Dev_Temp,5)
Wu_Rain = My.GetValue(Wu_Dev_Rain,2)
Wu_Uv = My.GetValue(Wu_Dev_UvMe,1) 

-- Special correction for hot days
if Wu_Uv < TH_Uv_Close and Wu_Temp >= 20 and Nu_Hour >= 7 and Nu_Hour <= 9 then 
	Wu_Uv = TH_Uv_Close 
	Uv_Sim = "01 Hot day rule" 
if Wu_Uv < TH_Uv_Close and Wu_Uv >= 0.1 and  Wu_Temp >= 20 and Nu_Hour >= 9 and Nu_Hour <= 11 then 
	Wu_Uv = TH_Uv_Close 
	Uv_Sim = "02 Hot day rule"
-- Calculate pre results
-- Redenen om niet naar beneden te gaan
RainPrediction = My.Round(My.IsItGonnaRain(15, lat, lon),1)
-- Br_Rain=My.Round(10^((RainPrediction-109)/32),1)
Br_Rain = RainPrediction

if (timeofday['Daytime'])   then Res_Dayl=1   else Res_Dayl=0 Reason=Reason .. "Sunrise ," end
if Nu_Hour < TH_Hour        then Res_Hour=1   else Res_Hour=0 Reason=Reason .. "Hour " .. Nu_Hour .. " ," end
if Wu_Wind <= TH_Wind       then Res_Wind=1   else Res_Wind=0 Reason=Reason .. "Wu Wind " .. Wu_Wind .. " ," end
if Wu_Gust <= TH_Gust       then Res_Gust=1   else Res_Gust=0 Reason=Reason .. "Wu Gust " .. Wu_Gust .. " ," end
if Wu_Rain <= TH_Wu_Rain    then Res_WuRain=1 else Res_WuRain=0 Reason=Reason .. "Wu Rain " .. Wu_Rain .. " ," end
if Br_Rain <= TH_Br_Rain    then Res_BrRain=1 else Res_BrRain=0 Reason=Reason .. "Br Rain " .. Br_Rain .. " ," end
-- Redenen om niet naar beneden te gaan
if Wu_Uv   >= TH_Uv_Close   then Res_UvCl=1   else Res_UvCl=0 Reascl=Reascl .. "Wu Uv Closed " .. Wu_Uv .. " ," end
if Wu_Temp >= TH_Tp_Close   then Res_TpCl=1   else Res_TpCl=0 Reascl=Reascl .. "Wu Temp Closed " .. Wu_Temp .. " ," end
-- Redenen om niet naar beneden te blijven (dus scherm omhoog)
if Wu_Uv   >= TH_Uv_Open    then Res_UvOp=1   else Res_UvOp=0 Reasop=Reasop .. "Wu Uv Open " .. Wu_Uv .. " ," end
if Wu_Temp >= TH_Tp_Open    then Res_TpOp=1   else Res_TpOp=0 Reasop=Reasop .. "Wu Temp Open " .. Wu_Temp .. " ," end
-- Print decision info in the log
if (otherdevices[DeviceName]) == 'Open' then
	print ( ".  These conditions are valid when sunscreen is Up / Open: " )
	print ( ".  These conditions are valid when sunscreen is Down / Closed: " )
if (timeofday['Daytime']) then 
	print ( ".  " .. Res_Dayl .. " - Daytime   : True" )
	print ( ".  " .. Res_Dayl .. " - Daytime   : False" )
	print ( ".  " .. Res_Hour ..   " - Wu Hour  : " .. Nu_Hour .. " <= Th : " .. TH_Hour )
	print ( ".  " .. Res_Wind ..   " - Wu Wind  : " .. Wu_Wind .. " <= Th : " .. TH_Wind )
	print ( ".  " .. Res_Gust ..   " - Wu Gust  : " .. Wu_Gust .. " <= Th : " .. TH_Gust )
	print ( ".  " .. Res_WuRain .. " - Wu Rain  : " .. Wu_Rain .. " <= Th : " .. TH_Wu_Rain )
	print ( ".  " .. Res_BrRain .. " - Br Rain  : " .. Br_Rain .. " <= Th : " .. TH_Br_Rain )
if (otherdevices[DeviceName]) == 'Open' then
	print ( ".  " .. Res_UvCl ..   " - Wu Uv-i  : " .. Wu_Uv   .. " >= Th : " .. TH_Uv_Close .. " (Up / Open)")
	print ( ".  " .. Res_TpCl ..   " - Wu Temp  : " .. Wu_Temp .. " >= Th : " .. TH_Tp_Close .. " (Up / Open)")
	Reason=Reason .. Reascl
	Result = Res_Dayl + Res_Hour + Res_Wind + Res_Gust + Res_WuRain + Res_UvCl + Res_TpCl + Res_BrRain
	print ( ".  " .. Res_UvOp ..   " - Wu Uv-i  : " .. Wu_Uv   .. " >= Th : " .. TH_Uv_Open .. " (Down / Closed)")
	print ( ".  " .. Res_TpOp ..   " - Wu Temp  : " .. Wu_Temp .. " >= Th : " .. TH_Tp_Open .. " (Down / Closed)")
	Reason=Reason .. Reasop
	Result = Res_Dayl + Res_Hour + Res_Wind + Res_Gust + Res_WuRain + Res_UvOp + Res_TpOp + Res_BrRain
	print ( ".  " .. Result .. " / 8 score.")
if (Wu_Rain<1 and Br_Rain>1) or (Br_Rain<1 and Wu_Rain>1) then 
	print ( ".  Difference between WU and Buienradar result.  WU : " .. Res_WuRain .. " Buienradar : " .. Res_BrRain)
-- Manual override for x minutes
SwManStart = otherdevices[DeviceManual]
TDiff = My.Round(My.TimeDiff(os.time(),otherdevices_lastupdate[DeviceManual])/60,0)
if (otherdevices[DeviceManual]) == 'On' then
	print (".  Last change manual state : " .. TDiff .. " minutes ago.")
	if TDiff >= Man_to_Auto then
		-- To long in manual mode, switch to auto
		print(".  Turn Manual switch off")
		commandArray[DeviceManual] = 'Off'   

	if ManualTime~="D" and Res_Dayl==0 then
		-- Outside daytime period, turn manual override off
		print(".  Turn Manual switch off, outside daytime")
		commandArray[DeviceManual] = 'Off'   

SwitchDiff = My.Round(My.TimeDiff(os.time(),otherdevices_lastupdate[DeviceName])/60,0)
-- print (".  Last change screen state : " .. SwitchDiff .. " minutes ago.")		
SwManEnd = otherdevices[DeviceManual]
SwManDif = TDiff

-- Current state Up / Open			Change to  		Down / Closed	?
if (otherdevices[DeviceName]) == 'Open' then
	CurState="Up / Open"
	if Res_Dayl + Res_Hour + Res_Wind + Res_Gust + Res_WuRain + Res_UvCl + Res_TpCl + Res_BrRain == 8 then
		if (otherdevices[DeviceManual]) == 'On' then
			print (".  Sunscreen Manual")
			Man_or_Auto = 'Manual'
			Reason=Reason .. " (Manual) , "
			if SwitchDiff <= SwitchTime then
				print (".  Recent open, wait for switchtime")
				Reason=Reason .. "Recent open , "
				-- Closed
				NewState = "Down / Closed"
				print (".  Action: Change to state : " .. NewState)
				commandArray[DeviceName] = ActionClose
				if Reason == "" then Reason = "No reason ," end
				if Notifications == 'Y' then SendANotification() end
				if LogAction == 'Y' or LogAction == 'A' then LogActions() end
				if (string.len(ShAfterAction)) > 1 then os.execute(ShAfterAction) end
		if (otherdevices[DeviceManual]) == 'On' then
			print (".  Sunscreen Manual")
			Man_or_Auto = 'Manual'
			Reason=Reason .. " (Manual) , "
		print (".  Action: None, Reason to stay in state Up / Open :")

-- Current state Down / Closed		Change to 		Up / Open		?
if (otherdevices[DeviceName]) == 'Closed' or (otherdevices[DeviceName]) == 'Stopped' then
	if (otherdevices[DeviceName]) == 'Closed' then CurState = "Down / Closed" else CurState="Stopped" end
	if Res_Dayl + Res_Hour + Res_Wind + Res_Gust + Res_WuRain + Res_UvOp + Res_TpOp + Res_BrRain < 8 then
		if (otherdevices[DeviceManual]) == 'On' then
			print (".  Sunscreen Manual")
			Man_or_Auto = 'Manual'
			Reason=Reason .. "Manual , "
				-- Open
				NewState = "Up / Open"
				print (".  Action: Change to state : " .. NewState)
				commandArray[DeviceName] = ActionOpen
				if Reason == "" then Reason = "No reason ," end
				if Notifications == 'Y' then SendANotification() end
				if LogAction == 'Y' or LogAction == 'A' then LogActions() end
				if (string.len(ShAfterAction)) > 1 then os.execute(ShAfterAction) end
		print (".  Action: None (Down / Closed)")

NewState = "Idle"
if Reason == "" then Reason = "No reason ," end
print ( ".  Reason: " .. My.EnumClear(Reason))
if LogAction=='A' then LogActions() end
print ("______________________________________________________________________")
return commandArray
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Re: Automate Sunscreen and Blinds with lua

Post by Justintime »

WOW that looks very impresive......

I am going to try this when i have time. I allready have a working script for my sunscreen.
If i understand correctly i can name the devices in the Variables screen? So no editing in the Lua script??

Just wondering?? Does this script undermine the sometimes false values of buienradar? Like if value comes back three time then its true?

Because thats still a pain in the .... My script works like....if there is rain. stay closed the rest of the day. Otheriwse it will go up and down. I have set my value on 55 on Buienradar.
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Re: Automate Sunscreen and Blinds with lua

Post by remb0 »

let me know the feedback please.
you are right everything with switches and uservariables
yes I think we tried: It runs several times and takes a average.

We use it with info from WU. but I want to buy a own weather station. because the whole summer scripts runned fine but when it doesn't it was the fault of wrong info of WU.

Justintime wrote:WOW that looks very impresive......

I am going to try this when i have time. I allready have a working script for my sunscreen.

If i understand correctly i can name the devices in the Variables screen? So no editing in the Lua script??

Just wondering?? Does this script undermine the sometimes false values of buienradar? Like if value comes back three time then its true?

Because thats still a pain in the .... My script works like....if there is rain. stay closed the rest of the day. Otheriwse it will go up and down. I have set my value on 55 on Buienradar.
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Re: Automate Sunscreen and Blinds with lua

Post by Justintime »

I have copied all the uservariables from the manual in Domoticz.

I see in the log "Error: EventSystem: /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/MyFunc.lua:57: field 'year' missing in date table"

Its related to this line in the script "ResTime = os.time{year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=hour, min=minutes, sec=seconds}"
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Re: Automate Sunscreen and Blinds with lua

Post by remb0 »

is your SUN_RunLast variable like: 2015-07-29 18:30:00

Justintime wrote:I have copied all the uservariables from the manual in Domoticz.

I see in the log "Error: EventSystem: /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/MyFunc.lua:57: field 'year' missing in date table"

Its related to this line in the script "ResTime = os.time{year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=hour, min=minutes, sec=seconds}"
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Re: Automate Sunscreen and Blinds with lua

Post by miko1979 »

Hello remb0, i installed your scripts, but i get the error
2016-03-21 20:55:00.890 Error: EventSystem: in Sunscreen: /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/MyFunc.lua:31: attempt to concatenate local 'Text' (a nil value) any idea what i did wrong?

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Re: Automate Sunscreen and Blinds with lua

Post by miko1979 »

Just found the problem, My temperature sensor had a space in the name, this was used in the 'SUN_AddValue01' the script can't handle spaces.

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Re: Automate Sunscreen and Blinds with lua

Post by schulpr »


Can anyone please tell me how I get the "Wind" dummy filled with the proper value? This is what I have found in the forum:
--WU wind

local sensorwind = 'WUwind'
local idxw = 294

commandArray = {}

if devicechanged[sensorwind] then
sWindDirectionDegrees, sWindDirection, sWindSpeed, sWindGust, sWindTemperature, sWindFeel = otherdevices_svalues[sensorwind]:match("([^;]+);([^;]+);([^;]+);([^;]+);([^;]+);([^;]+)")
sWindSpeed = tonumber(sWindSpeed)

commandArray = {['UpdateDevice'] = idxw .. '|0|' .. sWindSpeed} --How can I fill dummy wind hardware I created?

return commandArray
Thanks in advance for the help!

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Re: Automate Sunscreen and Blinds with lua

Post by RikkieB »


I get an error on line 65:

2016-04-16 12:22:12.259 Error: EventSystem: in Rolluik_script_uitgebreid: [string "-- Time Sunscreen ..."]:65: unexpected symbol near '5'

It concerns:

RunFast = My.GetUserVar("SUN_RunFast") 5 -- 5

Any idea?

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Re: Automate Sunscreen and Blinds with lua

Post by MaartenJB »

Hi, great script, thanks for sharing.

I've got a little addition for it to improve the speed of the buien radar part.

Code: Select all

	function My.IsItGonnaRain( minutesinfuture, lat, lon )
-- Set timeout and retry here so the script won't hang, when it's not able to connect to buienradar
	   read = os.execute('curl --retry 1 --connect-timeout 1 -s -o '..tempfilename..' "'..url..'"')  
-- Here we will only process the lines that we care about, after that break out
		  -- When a line entry has a time in the future AND is in the given range, then totalize the rainfall
		  if (difference > 0) then
		    if (difference<=minutesinfuture*60) then
			  if debug then print('Line in time range found') end
			  rain=tonumber(string.sub(tostring(line), 0, 3))
			  totalrain = totalrain+rain
			  if debug then print('Rain in timerange: '..rain) end
			  if debug then print('Total rain now: '..totalrain) end
              if debug then print('Done processing rain data') end			

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Re: Automate Sunscreen and Blinds with lua

Post by bgitmans »

I get the following error: MyFunc.lua:62: bad argument #1 to 'len' (string expected, got nil).

I already solved some errors, however I don't know where to look to solve this one.

Could you be of any help?
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Re: Automate Sunscreen and Blinds with lua

Post by jvdz »

Have you specified 2 parameters when calling My.TimeDiff(Time1,Time2) ?

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Re: Automate Sunscreen and Blinds with lua

Post by bgitmans »

I have followed the instructions on the google docs page, and created the user variables, there is no further instruction about creating specific parameters, besides this part in the code:

Code: Select all

	function My.TimeDiff(Time1,Time2)
		if string.len(Time1)>12 then Time1 = My.ConvTime(Time1) end
		if string.len(Time2)>12 then Time2 = My.ConvTime(Time2) end	
		ResTime=os.difftime (Time1,Time2)
		return ResTime
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Re: Automate Sunscreen and Blinds with lua

Post by jvdz »

So, how does the line look that uses this function?

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Re: Automate Sunscreen and Blinds with lua

Post by MichealLocus »

I didn`t see that , May be if I see that I will convey it to you . THANKS
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Re: Automate Sunscreen and Blinds with lua

Post by svenker »

Here is my LUA Code for Sunscreen.

I have an Oregon weather system (WNR88) so you need to modifiy it accordingly if you are using another source.

--Wind Extract
wind = otherdevices_svalues['Wind_Home']

a = string.sub(wind,1,string.find(wind,';',1,true)-1)
b = string.sub(wind,string.find(wind,';',1,true)+1)
winddirection = string.sub(b,1,string.find(b,';',1,true)-1)
d = string.sub(b,string.find(b,';',1,true)+1)
windspeed = string.sub(d,1,string.find(d,';',1,true)-1)
windspeed = tonumber(windspeed) / 10

f = string.sub(d,string.find(d,';',1,true)+1)
windgust = string.sub(f,1,string.find(f,';',1,true)-1)
windgust = tonumber(windgust) / 10

sWeatherRain, sWeatherRain2nd = otherdevices_svalues['Rain_Home']:match("([^;]+);([^;]+)")
sWeatherRain = tonumber(sWeatherRain) / 10

sWeatherSun, sWeatherSun2nd = otherdevices_svalues['UV_Home']:match("([^;]+);([^;]+)")
sWeatherSun = tonumber(sWeatherSun)

StNiv = tonumber(uservariables['StoreNiveau'])
StNivTime = uservariables_lastupdate['StoreNiveau']
Vacances = otherdevices['Vacances']
UvSol = sWeatherSun
Rain = sWeatherRain
if (windgust > windspeed) then Wind = windgust else Wind = windspeed end

UV_Min = 4
Wind_Mid = 2.5
Wind_Max = 4

StDehGau = tonumber(otherdevices_svalues['StorDehGau'])
StDehDro = tonumber(otherdevices_svalues['StorDehDro'])
StDehMil = tonumber(otherdevices_svalues['StorDehMil'])
StoreDehAuto = otherdevices['StoreDehAuto']

function timedifference (s)
year = string.sub(s, 1, 4)
month = string.sub(s, 6, 7)
day = string.sub(s, 9, 10)
hour = string.sub(s, 12, 13)
minutes = string.sub(s, 15, 16)
seconds = string.sub(s, 18, 19)
t1 = os.time()
t2 = os.time{year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=hour, min=minutes, sec=seconds}
difference = os.difftime (t1, t2)
return difference

time ="*t")
exacttime ="%H:%M")
seconds = tonumber("%S"))

commandArray = {}
print('Valeur des stores: Niv:' .. StNiv .. ' UvSol:' .. UvSol .. ' Rain:' .. Rain .. ' Wind:' .. Wind .. ' Sto G a D:' .. StDehGau .. ' ' .. StDehMil .. ' ' .. StDehDro .. ' Auto:' .. StoreDehAuto .. ' Vac:' .. Vacances)

if ( exacttime == "11:30"
and UvSol > UV_Min
and otherdevices['StorCuiPet'] == 'Open'
and otherdevices['Vacances'] == 'Off'
and StoreDehAuto == 'On' ) then
commandArray['StorCuiPet'] = 'Set Level 80'

if ( exacttime == "15:00"
and otherdevices['Vacances'] == 'Off'
and otherdevices['StorCuiPet'] == 'Open'
and StoreDehAuto == 'On' ) then
commandArray['StorCuiPet'] = 'Set Level 0'

if ( time.hour >= 9
and time.hour <= 14
and StNiv <= 0
and UvSol > UV_Min
and Rain == 0
and timedifference(StNivTime) > 900
and Vacances == 'Off'
and StoreDehAuto == 'On'
and Wind < Wind_Max ) then
commandArray['StorDehGau'] = 'Set Level 70'
commandArray['Variable:StoreNiveau']= tostring (1)
StNiv = 1
print('Le store de gauche descend')

if ( time.hour >= 11
and time.hour <= 18
and StNiv <= 2
and timedifference(StNivTime) > 900
and UvSol > UV_Min
and Rain == 0
and Vacances == 'Off'
and StoreDehAuto == 'On'
and Wind < Wind_Mid ) then
commandArray['Scene:Store deh 100%']='On'
commandArray['Variable:StoreNiveau']= tostring (3)
StNiv = 3
print('Les stores descendent completement')

if ( time.hour >= 11
and time.hour <= 18
and StNiv <= 1
and timedifference(StNivTime) > 900
and UvSol > UV_Min
and Rain == 0
and Vacances == 'Off'
and StoreDehAuto == 'On'
and Wind < Wind_Max ) then
commandArray['Scene:Store deh 50%']='On'
commandArray['Variable:StoreNiveau']= tostring (2)
StNiv = 2
print('Les stores descendent a 50%')

if ( StNiv > 0
and StoreDehAuto == 'On'
and( UvSol < UV_Min
or Rain > 0
or Wind > Wind_Max ) ) then
commandArray['Scene:Remonter Store']='On'
commandArray['Variable:StoreNiveau']= tostring (0)
StNiv = 0
print('Les stores remontent car pluie, vent ou plus du soleil')

if ( StNiv == 3
and Wind > Wind_Mid ) then
commandArray['Scene:Store deh 50%']='On'
commandArray['Variable:StoreNiveau']= tostring (2)
StNiv = 2
print('Les stores remontent a 50%')

if ( exacttime == "15:00" and StDehGau > 5 and StoreDehAuto == 'On') then
commandArray['StorDehGau'] = 'Set Level 1'
print('15h00, le store de gauche remonte')

if (Rain > 0) and (StNiv > 0) and StoreDehAuto == 'On' then
if (timedifference(otherdevices_lastupdate['WaterOut']) < timedifference(uservariables_lastupdate['StoreNiveau'])) then
commandArray['Scene:Remonter Store']='On'
commandArray['Variable:StoreNiveau']= tostring (0)
StNiv = 0
print('Les stores remontent car detecteur pluie est ON')

if ( exacttime == "21:00"
and Vacances == 'Off'
and StoreDehAuto == 'On'
and seconds < 15
and StNiv > 0
and ( StDehMil > 15 or StDehDro > 15) ) then
commandArray['Scene:Remonter Store']='On'
print('21h00, les stores remontent')
StNiv = -1
commandArray['Variable:StoreNiveau']= tostring (-1)

if (timeofday['Nighttime'] == true and (StNiv > 0) ) then
commandArray['Scene:Remonter Store']='On'
print('C est la nuit, les stores remontent de toute maniere')
commandArray['Variable:StoreNiveau']= tostring (0)
StNiv = 0

return commandArray
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Re: Automate Sunscreen and Blinds with lua

Post by EdwinK »

@Remb0's script seems to work for me, because all of a sudden the screen started to lower it self. Just the logging doesn't seems to work, yet.
------ Start internal script: SunScreen:, trigger: every minute
2018-05-29 10:57:00.598 dzVents: Debug: Sunscreen: : Processing device-adapter for Sunscreen - Manual: Switch device adapter
2018-05-29 10:57:00.599 dzVents: Debug: Sunscreen: : Processing device-adapter for Zonwering: Switch device adapter
2018-05-29 10:57:00.599 dzVents: Debug: Sunscreen: : Checking sensor: wind
2018-05-29 10:57:00.599 dzVents: Debug: Sunscreen: : Checking sensor: temperature
2018-05-29 10:57:00.599 dzVents: Debug: Sunscreen: : Checking sensor: rain
2018-05-29 10:57:00.599 dzVents: Debug: Sunscreen: : Checking sensor: lux
2018-05-29 10:57:00.600 dzVents: Debug: Sunscreen: : Processing device-adapter for rainExpected: Percentage device adapter
2018-05-29 10:57:00.600 dzVents: Debug: Sunscreen: : Checking sensor: rainExpected
2018-05-29 10:57:00.600 dzVents: Debug: Sunscreen: : Sensor not active skipping: uv
2018-05-29 10:57:00.600 dzVents: Debug: Sunscreen: : Constructed timed-command: On
2018-05-29 10:57:00.600 dzVents: Info: Sunscreen: : Sun is shining, all thresholds OK, lowering sunscreen
2018-05-29 10:57:00.600 dzVents: Info: Sunscreen: : ------ Finished SunScreen
Running latest BETA on a Pi-3 | Toon® Thermostat (rooted) | Hue | Tuya | IKEA tradfri | Dashticz V3 on Lenovo Huawei Tablet | Conbee
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Re: Automate Sunscreen and Blinds with lua

Post by EdwinK »

2018-05-31 13:28:00.522 dzVents: Error (2.4.6): Sunscreen: : An error occured when calling event handler SunScreen
2018-05-31 13:28:00.522 dzVents: Error (2.4.6): Sunscreen: : ...domoticz/scripts/dzVents/generated_scripts/SunScreen.lua:28: attempt to compare number with nil
2018-05-31 13:28:00.522 dzVents: Info: Sunscreen: : ------ Finished SunScreen
Running latest BETA on a Pi-3 | Toon® Thermostat (rooted) | Hue | Tuya | IKEA tradfri | Dashticz V3 on Lenovo Huawei Tablet | Conbee
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Re: Automate Sunscreen and Blinds with lua

Post by dressie »


Is this script still up and running? If so, is there a new version?
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