Quickly connected the receiver to my Arduino and pointed my TV remote (Samsung) at it... it seems to work:
Code: Select all
send: 2-2-0-0 s=3,c=0,t=3,pt=0,l=0,sg=0,st=ok:
Decoded NECx: Value:E0E040BF (32 bits)
Raw samples(68): Gap:54250
Head: m4400 s4500
0:m500 s1700 1:m550 s1700 2:m500 s1700 3:m500 s600
4:m500 s650 5:m500 s600 6:m500 s600 7:m500 s600
8:m500 s1750 9:m500 s1700 10:m500 s1700 11:m500 s600
12:m500 s650 13:m500 s600 14:m500 s600 15:m500 s600
16:m500 s600 17:m500 s1750 18:m500 s600 19:m500 s600
20:m500 s600 21:m450 s650 22:m550 s600 23:m500 s600
24:m500 s1700 25:m500 s600 26:m500 s1750 27:m500 s1700
28:m500 s1750 29:m500 s1700 30:m500 s1700 31:m500 s1750
Mark min:450 max:550
Space min:600 max:1750
send: 2-2-0-0 s=3,c=1,t=24,pt=0,l=8,sg=0,st=ok:e0e040bf
Decoded Unknown: Value:0 (0 bits)
Raw samples(68): Gap:46650
Head: m4400 s4500
0:m400 s1800 1:m450 s1750 2:m450 s1800 3:m400 s700
4:m500 s600 5:m450 s650 6:m500 s600 7:m450 s700
8:m500 s1700 9:m450 s1750 10:m500 s1750 11:m400 s700
12:m500 s600 13:m500 s600 14:m500 s650 15:m400 s700
16:m500 s600 17:m450 s1750 18:m500 s600 19:m500 s650
20:m400 s700 21:m500 s600 22:m450 s650 23:m500 s600
24:m450 s1800 25:m400 s700 26:m500 s1700 27:m500 s1750
28:m500 s1700 29:m500 s1700 30:m500 s1750 31:m500 s1700
Mark min:400 max:500
Space min:600 max:1800
send: 2-2-0-0 s=3,c=1,t=24,pt=0,l=8,sg=0,st=ok:00000000

Haven't tried the sending part yet, don't know how to use that.
But now the question: can this be linked to Domoticz? It would be cool to 'learn' switches to an IR-command just like with the RFXCOM....
Will this become the killer device for already existing IR blasters?
Let me know if i can help in any way...