Math operators and Blocking

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Location: Cherbourg - Caen | France

Re: Math operators and Blocking

Post by ebretteville »

But actually you can't use user variables or devices....
Posts: 39
Joined: Sunday 10 January 2016 14:41
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: 2.3530
Location: Cherbourg - Caen | France

Re: Math operators and Blocking

Post by ebretteville »

Mesomorf wrote: Friday 10 November 2017 6:21
ebretteville wrote: Saturday 21 October 2017 15:05 I think I got it working.
Please! Can you PM me what files you moddified in Domoticz to get open up math? I tried myself and found some references in the www folder but without success.
Thx?! ;-)
Posts: 39
Joined: Sunday 10 January 2016 14:41
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: 2.3530
Location: Cherbourg - Caen | France

Re: Math operators and Blocking

Post by ebretteville »

With loops, to be placed at /home/pi/domoticz/www/ in a file named eventsframe.html

Code: Select all

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      function opSymbol(operand) {
		case 'EQ':
		  operand = ' == ';
		case 'NEQ':
		  operand = ' ~= ';
		case 'LT':
		  operand = ' < ';
		case 'GT':
		  operand = ' > ';
		case 'LTE':
		  operand = ' <= ';
		case 'GTE':
		  operand = ' >= ';
		return operand;		     
      function parseXml(xml) {
        if ($(xml).children().length > 1) {
		  	return "err:Please make sure there is only a single block structure";
		var firstBlockType = $(xml).find("block").first().attr("type");
	    if (firstBlockType.indexOf("domoticzcontrols_if") == -1) {
	  		return "err:Please start with a control block";
	    var elseIfCount = 0;
	    if (firstBlockType == "domoticzcontrols_ifelseif")
		    var elseIfString = $(xml).find("mutation:first").attr("elseif");
		    elseIfCount = parseInt(elseIfString);
	    var json = {};
	    json.eventlogic = []
	    for (var i=0;i<elseIfCount;i++)
	    	conditionActionPair = parseXmlBlocks(xml,i);
		    var oneevent = {};
		    oneevent.conditions = conditionActionPair[0].toString();
		    oneevent.actions = conditionActionPair[1].toString();
		return json;
      function parseXmlBlocks(xml,pairId) {
      	var boolString = "";
		function GetValueText(value, variableType) {
			if (variableType.indexOf("switchvariables") >= 0) {
				var fieldA = $(value).find("field")[0];
				return "device["+$(fieldA).text()+"]";
			else if (variableType.indexOf("uservariables") >= 0) {
				var fieldA = $(value).find("field")[0];
				return "variable["+$(fieldA).text()+"]";
			else if (variableType == "temperaturevariables") {
				var fieldA = $(value).find("field")[0];
				return "temperaturedevice["+$(fieldA).text()+"]";
			else if (variableType == "humidityvariables") {
				var fieldA = $(value).find("field")[0];
				return "humiditydevice["+$(fieldA).text()+"]";
			else if (variableType == "dewpointvariables") {
				var fieldA = $(value).find("field")[0];
				return "dewpointdevice["+$(fieldA).text()+"]";
			else if (variableType == "barometervariables") {
				var fieldA = $(value).find("field")[0];
				return "barometerdevice["+$(fieldA).text()+"]";
			else if (variableType.indexOf("utilityvariables") >= 0) {
				var fieldA = $(value).find("field")[0];
				return "utilitydevice["+$(fieldA).text()+"]";
			else if (variableType.indexOf("weathervariables") >= 0) {
				var fieldA = $(value).find("field")[0];
				return "weatherdevice["+$(fieldA).text()+"]";
			else if (variableType.indexOf("zwavealarms") >= 0) {
				var fieldA = $(value).find("field")[0];
				return "zwavealarms["+$(fieldA).text()+"]";
			else {
				var fieldB = $(value).find("field")[0];
				if ($(fieldB).attr("name") == "State") {
					return '"'+$(fieldB).text()+'"'; 
				else if ($(fieldB).attr("name") == "TEXT") {
					return '"'+$(fieldB).text()+'"'; 
				else if ($(fieldB).attr("name") == "NUM") {
					return $(fieldB).text();
				return "unknown comparevariable "+variableType;
		function parseLogicCompare(thisBlock){
			var locOperand = opSymbol($($(thisBlock).children("field:first")).text());
			var valueA = $(thisBlock).children("value[name='A']")[0];
			var variableTypeA = $(valueA).children("block:first").attr("type");
			var valueB = $(thisBlock).children("value[name='B']")[0];
			var variableTypeB = $(valueB).children("block:first").attr("type");
			var varTextA=GetValueText(valueA,variableTypeA);
			var varTextB=GetValueText(valueB,variableTypeB);

			var compareString = varTextA;
			compareString += locOperand;
			compareString += varTextB; 
			return compareString;
		function parseLogicTimeOfDay(thisBlock) {
				var compareString = "";
				var locOperand = opSymbol($($(thisBlock).children("field:first")).text());
				var valueTime = $(thisBlock).children("value[name='Time']")[0];
				var timeBlock = $(valueTime).children("block:first");
				if (timeBlock.attr("type")=="logic_timevalue") {	
					var valueA = $(timeBlock).children("field[name='TEXT']")[0];			
					var hours=parseInt($(valueA).text().substr(0,2));
					var minutes=parseInt($(valueA).text().substr(3,2));
					var totalminutes=(hours*60)+minutes;
					compareString = 'timeofday '+locOperand+' '+totalminutes;
				else if (timeBlock.attr("type")=="logic_sunrisesunset") {
					var valueA = $(timeBlock).children("field[name='SunriseSunset']")[0];
					compareString = 'timeofday '+locOperand+' @'+$(valueA).text(); 
				else if (timeBlock.attr("type").indexOf("uservariables") >= 0) {
					var fieldA = $(timeBlock).find("field[name='Variable']")[0];
					var valueA = "variable["+$(fieldA).text()+"]";         
					compareString = 'timeofday '+locOperand+' tonumber(string.sub('+valueA+',1,2))*60+tonumber(string.sub('+valueA+',4,5))';
				return compareString;	
		function parseLogicWeekday(thisBlock) {
				var locOperand = opSymbol($($(thisBlock).children("field:first")).text());
				var valueA = $(thisBlock).children("field[name='Weekday']")[0];
				var compareString = 'weekday '+locOperand+' '+$(valueA).text(); 
			  	return compareString;

		function parseSecurityStatus(thisBlock) {
				var locOperand = opSymbol($($(thisBlock).children("field:first")).text());
				var valueA = $(thisBlock).children("field[name='Status']")[0];
				var compareString = 'securitystatus '+locOperand+' '+$(valueA).text(); 
			  	return compareString;
		function parseValueBlock(thisBlock,locOperand,Sequence) {
			var firstBlock = $(thisBlock).children("block:first");
			if (firstBlock.attr("type")=="logic_compare") {
				var conditionstring = parseLogicCompare(firstBlock);
			  	return conditionstring;
			else if (firstBlock.attr("type")=="logic_weekday") {
				var conditionstring = parseLogicWeekday(firstBlock);
				return conditionstring;
			else if (firstBlock.attr("type")=="logic_timeofday") {
				var conditionstring = parseLogicTimeOfDay(firstBlock);
				return conditionstring;
			else if (firstBlock.attr("type")=="logic_operation") {
				var conditionstring = parseLogicOperation(firstBlock);
				return conditionstring;
			else if (firstBlock.attr("type")=="security_status") {
      			var conditionstring = parseSecurityStatus(firstBlock);
      			return conditionstring;
    	function parseLogicOperation(thisBlock){
    		var locOperand = ' '+$($(thisBlock).children("field:first")).text().toLowerCase()+' ';
			var valueA = $(thisBlock).children("value[name='A']")[0];
			var valueB = $(thisBlock).children("value[name='B']")[0];
			var conditionA = parseValueBlock(valueA,locOperand,"A");
			var conditionB = parseValueBlock(valueB,locOperand,"B");
			var conditionstring = "("+conditionA+" "+locOperand+" "+conditionB+")";
			return conditionstring; 
	    var ifBlock = $($(xml).find("value[name='IF"+pairId+"']")[0]).children('block:first');

      	if (ifBlock.attr("type")=="logic_compare") {
      		// just the one compare, easy
      		var compareString = parseLogicCompare(ifBlock);
      		boolString += compareString;

      	else if (ifBlock.attr("type")=="logic_operation") {
      		// nested logic operation, drill down
      		var compareString = parseLogicOperation(ifBlock);
       		boolString += compareString;
      	else if (ifBlock.attr("type")=="logic_timeofday") {
      		// nested logic operation, drill down
      		var compareString = parseLogicTimeOfDay(ifBlock);
      		boolString += compareString;
      	else if (ifBlock.attr("type")=="logic_weekday") {
      		// nested logic operation, drill down
      		var compareString = parseLogicWeekday(ifBlock);
      		boolString += compareString;
      	else if (ifBlock.attr("type")=="security_status") {
      		// nested logic operation, drill down
      		var compareString = parseSecurityStatus(ifBlock);
      		boolString += compareString;
      	var setArray = [];
      	var doBlock = $($(xml).find("statement[name='DO"+pairId+"']")[0]);
 	      $(doBlock).find('block').each (function(){ 
			if ($(this).attr('type') == 'logic_set') {
		   		var valueA = $(this).find("value[name='A']")[0];
	        	var fieldA = $(valueA).find("field")[0];
	        	var blockA = $(valueA).children("block:first");
				if (blockA.attr("type").indexOf("uservariables") >= 0) { 
					var setString = "commandArray[Variable:"+$(fieldA).text()+"]";
					var valueB = $(this).find("value[name='B']")[0];
					var fieldB = $(valueB).find("field")[0];
					var blockB = $(valueB).children("block:first");
					var variableTypeB = $(valueB).children("block:first").attr("type");
					var dtext=GetValueText(valueB,variableTypeB);
					setString += '='+dtext+''; 
				else {
					var setString = "commandArray["+$(fieldA).text()+"]";
					var valueB = $(this).find("value[name='B']")[0];
					var fieldB = $(valueB).find("field")[0];
					var blockB = $(valueB).children("block:first");
					if ((blockB.attr("type")=="logic_states") && ($(fieldB).attr("name") == "State")) {
						setString += '="'+$(fieldB).text()+'"'; 
					else if ((blockB.attr("type")=="logic_setlevel") && ($(fieldB).attr("name") == "NUM")) {
						setString += '="Set Level '+$(fieldB).text()+'"'; 
					else {
						//not handled
						//alert('A Type: ' + blockA.attr("type") + ', B Type: ' + blockB.attr("type") + ', FieldB: ' + $(fieldB).attr("name"));
					//else if ((blockB.attr("type")=="math_number") && ($(fieldB).attr("name") == "NUM")) {
					//	setString += '="'+$(fieldB).text()+'"'; 
					//	setArray.push(setString);
	      	else if ($(this).attr('type') == 'logic_setafter') {
		   		var valueA = $(this).find("value[name='A']")[0];
	        	var fieldA = $(valueA).find("field")[0];
	        	var valueC = $(this).find("value[name='C']")[0];
	        	var fieldC = $(valueC).find("field")[0];
	        	var blockA = $(valueA).children("block:first");
		        var setString = "commandArray["+$(fieldA).text()+"]";
	        	var valueB = $(this).find("value[name='B']")[0];
	        	var fieldB = $(valueB).find("field")[0];
	        	var blockB = $(valueB).children("block:first");
	        	var blockBType=blockB.attr("type");
	        	var fieldBName=$(fieldB).attr("name");
		        if ((blockBType=="logic_states") && (fieldBName == "State")) {
	        		setString += '="'+$(fieldB).text()+' AFTER '+ $(fieldC).text()+'"'; 
	        	else if ((blockBType=="logic_setlevel") && (fieldBName == "NUM")) {
	        		setString += '="Set Level '+$(fieldB).text()+' AFTER '+ $(fieldC).text()+'"'; 
		        else if ((blockBType=="math_number") && (fieldBName == "NUM")) {
					if (blockA.attr("type").indexOf("uservariables") >= 0) { 
						var setString = "commandArray[Variable:"+$(fieldA).text()+"]";
						var valueB = $(this).find("value[name='B']")[0];
						var fieldB = $(valueB).find("field")[0];
						var blockB = $(valueB).children("block:first");
						setString += '="'+$(fieldB).text()+''; 
						setString += ' AFTER '+ $(fieldC).text()+'"'; 
		        else if ((blockBType=="text") && (fieldBName == "TEXT")) {
					if (blockA.attr("type").indexOf("uservariables") >= 0) { 
						var setString = "commandArray[Variable:"+$(fieldA).text()+"]";
						var valueB = $(this).find("value[name='B']")[0];
						var fieldB = $(valueB).find("field")[0];
						var blockB = $(valueB).children("block:first");
						setString += '="'+$(fieldB).text()+'"'; 
						setString += ' AFTER '+ $(fieldC).text()+'"'; 
	      	else if ($(this).attr('type') == 'logic_setdelayed') {
		   		var valueA = $(this).find("value[name='A']")[0];
	        	var fieldA = $(valueA).find("field")[0];
	        	var valueC = $(this).find("value[name='C']")[0];
	        	var fieldC = $(valueC).find("field")[0];
	        	var blockA = $(valueA).children("block:first");
		        var setString = "commandArray["+$(fieldA).text()+"]";
	        	var valueB = $(this).find("value[name='B']")[0];
	        	var fieldB = $(valueB).find("field")[0];
	        	var blockB = $(valueB).children("block:first");
		        if ((blockB.attr("type")=="logic_states") && ($(fieldB).attr("name") == "State")) {
	        		setString += '="'+$(fieldB).text()+' FOR '+ $(fieldC).text()+'"'; 
	        	else if ((blockB.attr("type")=="logic_setlevel") && ($(fieldB).attr("name") == "NUM")) {
	        		setString += '="Set Level '+$(fieldB).text()+' FOR '+ $(fieldC).text()+'"'; 

	      	else if ($(this).attr('type') == 'logic_setrandom') {
		   		var valueA = $(this).find("value[name='A']")[0];
	        	var fieldA = $(valueA).find("field")[0];
	        	var valueB = $(this).find("value[name='B']")[0];
	        	var fieldB = $(valueB).find("field")[0];
	        	var valueC = $(this).find("value[name='C']")[0];
	        	var fieldC = $(valueC).find("field")[0];
	        	var blockA = $(valueA).children("block:first");
		        var setString = "commandArray["+$(fieldA).text()+"]";
	        	var blockB = $(valueB).children("block:first");
		        if ((blockB.attr("type")=="logic_states") && ($(fieldB).attr("name") == "State")) {	        	
	        		setString += '="'+$(fieldB).text()+' RANDOM '+ $(fieldC).text()+'"'; 
		       	else if ((blockB.attr("type")=="logic_setlevel") && ($(fieldB).attr("name") == "NUM")) {
	        		setString += '="Set Level '+$(fieldB).text()+' RANDOM '+ $(fieldC).text()+'"'; 
		    else if ($(this).attr('type') == 'send_notification') {
		    	var subjectBlock = $(this).find("value[name='notificationTextSubject']")[0];
		    	var bodyBlock = $(this).find("value[name='notificationTextBody']")[0];
		    	var notificationBlock = $(this).children("field[name='notificationPriority']")[0];
			var soundBlock = $(this).children("field[name='notificationSound']")[0];
			var subsystemBlock = $(this).children("field[name='notificationSubsystem']")[0];
		    	var sFieldText = $(subjectBlock).find("field[name='TEXT']")[0];

			var sTT=GetValueText(subjectBlock,$(subjectBlock).children("block:first").attr("type")).replace(/\,/g, ' ');
			var bTT=GetValueText(bodyBlock,$(bodyBlock).children("block:first").attr("type")).replace(/\,/g, ' ');
		    	var pTT=$(notificationBlock).text();
			var aTT=$(soundBlock).text();
			var subTT=$(subsystemBlock).text();
		    	// message separator here cannot be # like in scripts, changed to $..
		    	// also removed commas as we need to separate commandArray later.
	        	var setString = 'commandArray["SendNotification"]="'+sTT+'$'+bTT+'$'+pTT+'$'+aTT+'$'+subTT+'"';
		    else if ($(this).attr('type') == 'send_email') {
				var subjectBlock = $(this).children("field[name='TextSubject']")[0];
				var bodyBlock = $(this).children("field[name='TextBody']")[0];
				var toBlock = $(this).children("field[name='TextTo']")[0];
				var sSubject = $(subjectBlock).text().replace(/\,/g, ' ');
		    	var sBody = $(bodyBlock).text().replace(/\,/g, ' ');
				var sTo = $(toBlock).text();
		    	// message separator here cannot be # like in scripts, changed to $..
		    	// also removed commas as we need to separate commandArray later.
	        	var setString = 'commandArray["SendEmail"]="'+sSubject+'$'+sBody+'$'+sTo+'"';
		    else if ($(this).attr('type') == 'send_sms') {
				var subjectBlock = $(this).children("field[name='TextSubject']")[0];
				var sSubject = $(subjectBlock).text().replace(/\,/g, ' ');
		    	// message separator here cannot be # like in scripts, changed to $..
		    	// also removed commas as we need to separate commandArray later.
	        	var setString = 'commandArray["SendSMS"]="'+sSubject+'"';
		    else if ($(this).attr('type') == 'start_script') {
				var pathBlock = $(this).children("field[name='TextPath']")[0];
				var sPath = $(pathBlock).text().replace(/\,/g, ' ');

				var paramBlock = $(this).children("field[name='TextParam']")[0];
				var sParam = $(paramBlock).text().replace(/\,/g, ' ');

				// message separator here cannot be # like in scripts, changed to $..
				// also removed commas as we need to separate commandArray later.
				var setString = 'commandArray["StartScript"]="'+sPath+'$'+sParam+'"';
		    else if ($(this).attr('type') == 'open_url') {
		    	var urlBlock = $(this).find("value[name='urlToOpen']")[0];
		    	var urlText = $(urlBlock).find("field[name='TEXT']")[0];
		    	var setString = 'commandArray["OpenURL"]="'+$(urlText).text()+'"';
			else if ($(this).attr('type') == 'writetolog') {
		    	var logBlock = $(this).find("value[name='writeToLog']")[0];
				var blockInfo = $(logBlock).children("block:first");
				var setString = "";
				if (blockInfo.attr("type")=="text") {
					var logText = $(blockInfo).find("field[name='TEXT']")[0];
					setString = 'commandArray["WriteToLogText"]="'+$(logText).text()+'"';
				else if (blockInfo.attr("type").indexOf("uservariables") >= 0) {
					var userVar = $(blockInfo).find("field[name='Variable']")[0];
					setString = 'commandArray["WriteToLogUserVariable"]="'+$(userVar).text()+'"';
				else if (blockInfo.attr("type").indexOf("switchvariables") >= 0) {
					var switchVar = $(blockInfo).find("field")[0];
					setString = 'commandArray["WriteToLogSwitch"]="'+$(switchVar).text()+'"';
				else if (blockInfo.attr("type").indexOf("variables") >= 0) {
					var deviceVar = $(blockInfo).find("field")[0];
					setString = 'commandArray["WriteToLogDeviceVariable"]="'+$(deviceVar).text()+'"';
		    else if ($(this).attr('type') == 'groupvariables') {
			   	var fieldA = $(this).find("field[name='Group']")[0];
			   	var fieldB = $(this).find("field[name='Status']")[0];
	        	var setString = "commandArray[Group:"+$(fieldA).text()+"]";
	        	setString += '="'+$(fieldB).text()+'"'; 
		    else if ($(this).attr('type') == 'scenevariables') {
			   	var fieldA = $(this).find("field[name='Scene']")[0];
			   	var fieldB = $(this).find("field[name='Status']")[0];
	        	var setString = "commandArray[Scene:"+$(fieldA).text()+"]";
	        	setString += '="'+$(fieldB).text()+'"'; 
		    else if ($(this).attr('type') == 'cameravariables') {
			   	var fieldA = $(this).find("field[name='Camera']")[0];
			   	var fieldB = $(this).find("field[name='Subject']")[0];
			   	var fieldC = $(this).find("field[name='NUM']")[0];
	        	var setString = "commandArray[SendCamera:"+$(fieldA).text()+"]";
	        	setString += '="'+ $(fieldB).text()+'" AFTER ' + $(fieldC).text().replace(/\,/g, ' '); 
		    else if ($(this).attr('type') == 'setpointvariables') {
			   	var fieldA = $(this).find("field[name='SetPoint']")[0];
			   	var fieldB = $(this).find("field[name='NUM']")[0];
	        	var setString = "commandArray[SetSetpoint:"+$(fieldA).text()+"]";
	        	setString += '="'+$(fieldB).text()+'"'; 
		  var conditionArray = [];
	      return [conditionArray,setArray];     
      function loadSelectedEvent(id) {
			  	url: "json.htm?type=events&param=load&event="+id, 
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			  	dataType: 'json',
			  	success: function(data) {
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							if (data.result[0].eventstatus == '1') {
								$("#eventActive").prop('checked', true);
							else {
							if (data.result[0].interpreter == 'Blockly') {
								var xmltemp = data.result[0].xmlstatement;
								var xml = Blockly.Xml.textToDom(xmltemp);
								Blockly.Xml.domToWorkspace( Blockly.mainWorkspace, xml );
							else {
								if (data.result[0].interpreter == 'dzVents') {
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								else {
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									$("#eventType").val(data.result[0].type).prop('disabled', false);
								editor.scrollToLine(1, true, true, function () {});
							$('#btnSave').attr("class", "btnstyle3");
							$('#btnDelete').attr("class", "btnstyle3");
				  		else { bootbox.alert("Error loading event!");}
      function delete_block() {
        var id = document.getElementById("savedEvents").value;
        if ((id!=null)&&(id!="")) {
			bootbox.confirm($.t("Are you sure to delete this Event?\n\nThis action can not be undone..."), function(result) {
				if (result==true) {
						url: "json.htm?type=events&param=delete&event="+id, 
						async: false, 
						dataType: 'json',
						success: function(data) {
							if (typeof data != 'undefined') {
								if (data.status=="OK") {
									generate_noty('alert', '<b>Event Deleted<br>'+$("#eventName").val(), 2000);
									$("#interpreter").val("Blockly").prop('disabled', false);
        else {
			bootbox.alert("Nothing selected!")
	  function load_blocks() {
		  var select = document.getElementById("savedEvents");
		  select.options.length = 0;
		  var interpreters = document.getElementById("interpreter");
		  interpreters.options.length = 0;
		  	url: "json.htm?type=events&param=list", 
		  	async: false, 
		  	dataType: 'json',
		  	success: function(data) {
				var aInterpreters = data.interpreters.split(':');
				$.each(aInterpreters, function(i,item){
					var option = document.createElement("option");
					option.text = item;
			  	if (typeof data.result != 'undefined') {
				  	$.each(data.result, function(i,item){
						var option = document.createElement("option");
						option.text =;
						option.value =; = 'red';
						if (item.eventstatus == '1') { = 'black';
						else if (item.eventstatus == '2') { = 'purple';
	function new_block() {
			var eventInterpreter = $("#interpreter").val().toLowerCase();
		$("#eventType").prop('disabled', false);
		$("#interpreter").prop('disabled', false);
		$('#btnDelete').attr("class", "btnstyle3-dis");
		if ($("#interpreter").val() == "Blockly") {
		else {
				if (eventInterpreter == "dzvents") {
					eventInterpreter = "lua";
					$("#eventType").prop('disabled', true);
				editor.getSession().setMode("ace/mode/" + eventInterpreter);
				url: "json.htm?type=events&param=new&interpreter="+$("#interpreter").val()+"&eventtype="+$("#eventType").val(), 
				async: false, 
				dataType: 'json',
				success: function(data) {
					if (typeof data.template != 'undefined') {
						editor.getSession().setMode("ace/mode/" + eventInterpreter);
      function save_block() {
      	var eventName = $("#eventName").val();
      	var eventInterpreter = $("#interpreter").val();
      	var id = "";
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	      		if (this.text == eventName) {
		      		exists = true;
		     if (exists) {
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			    if (answer){
					doSave = true;
					doSave = false;
			else {doSave = true;}
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				var editorTheme = "";
				if ($("#interpreter").val() == "Blockly") {
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					var blockXml  = Blockly.Xml.domToText( xml );
					logicArray = parseXml(xml);
					if (typeof(logicArray)=='string') {
						var answerparts = logicArray.split(':');
						if (answerparts[0]=="err") {
					else if (typeof(logicArray)=='object') {
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				else {
					logicArray = "";
					editorTheme = "&editortheme="+encodeURIComponent(editor.getTheme());
					blockXml = editor.getValue();

				var isActive = 0;
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					method: 'POST',
					url: 'event_create.webem',
					headers: {
						'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'
					data: {
						name: encodeURIComponent(eventName),
						interpreter: encodeURIComponent($("#interpreter").val()),
						eventtype: encodeURIComponent($("#eventType").val()),
						xml: encodeURIComponent(blockXml),
						logicarray: encodeURIComponent(logicArray),
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					transformRequest: function (data, headersGetter) {
						var formData = new FormData();
						angular.forEach(data, function (value, key) {
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						return formData;
				.success(function (data) {
					if (typeof data != 'undefined') {
						if (data.status=="OK") {
							generate_noty('information', '<b>Event saved:<br>'+eventName, 2000);
						if (data.status=="ERR") {
							generate_noty('warning', '<b>Error while saving:<br>'+eventName, 2000);
						var selIndex = 0;
						$('#savedEvents option').each(function(){
							if (this.text == eventName)
						selIndex = 0;
						$('#interpreter option').each(function(){
							if (this.text == eventInterpreter)
				.error(function (data, status) {
					bootbox.alert("Save aborted!")
				var pdata="name="+encodeURIComponent(eventName)+"&interpreter="+encodeURIComponent($("#interpreter").val())+"&eventtype="+encodeURIComponent($("#eventType").val())+"&xml="+encodeURIComponent(blockXml)+"&logicarray="+encodeURIComponent(logicArray)+"&eventid="+id+"&eventstatus="+isActive+editorTheme;
				$.post("event_create.webem", pdata, function(data) {
					if (typeof data != 'undefined') {
						if (data.status=="OK") {
							generate_noty('information', '<b>Event saved:<br>'+eventName, 2000);
						if (data.status=="ERR") {
							generate_noty('warning', '<b>Error while saving:<br>'+eventName, 2000);
						var selIndex = 0;
						$('#savedEvents option').each(function(){
							if (this.text == eventName)
						selIndex = 0;
						$('#interpreter option').each(function(){
							if (this.text == eventInterpreter)
					url : "json.htm?type=events&param=create&name="+encodeURIComponent(eventName)+"&interpreter="+encodeURIComponent($("#interpreter").val())+"&eventtype="+encodeURIComponent($("#eventType").val())+"&xml="+encodeURIComponent(blockXml)+"&logicarray="+encodeURIComponent(logicArray)+"&eventid="+id+"&eventstatus="+isActive+editorTheme, 
					async: false, 
					dataType: 'json',
					success: function(data) {
						if (typeof data != 'undefined') {
							if (data.status=="OK") {
								generate_noty('information', '<b>Event saved:<br>'+eventName, 2000);
							if (data.status=="ERR") {
								generate_noty('warning', '<b>Error while saving:<br>'+eventName, 2000);
							var selIndex = 0;
							$('#savedEvents option').each(function(){
								if (this.text == eventName)
							selIndex = 0;
							$('#interpreter option').each(function(){
								if (this.text == eventInterpreter)
			else {
				bootbox.alert("Save aborted!")
      	else {
			bootbox.alert('no event name entered!');

	  function show_states() {
	    	url : "json.htm?type=events&param=currentstates", 
	      	async: false, 
	      	dataType: 'json',
	      	success: function(data) {
		    	if (typeof data != 'undefined') {
					if (data.status=="OK") {
						var devicestates = "<div style='overflow:scroll; overflow-x: hidden; height: 400px;'><table><thead><tr><th align='left' style='padding-right: 80px;'>Idx</th><th align='left' style='padding-right: 80px;'>Name</th><th align='left' style='padding-right: 80px;'>Current state</th><th align='left' style='padding-right: 80px;'>Last updated</th><th align='left' style='padding-right: 10px;'>sValues</th></tr></thead><tbody>";
						if (typeof data.result != 'undefined') {
							$.each(data.result, function(i,item){
								if ( != "Unknown") {
									var oneitem = '<tr><td> '' </td><td> '' </td><td> '+item.value +' </td><td> '+item.lastupdate+' </td><td> '+item.svalues+'</td></tr>'; 
									devicestates += oneitem;
						devicestates += "</tbody></table></div>";
							text: devicestates,
							type: 'information',
							modal: true,
							buttons: [
							{addClass: 'btn btn-primary', text: 'Ok', onClick: function($noty) 
				  	else {
						bootbox.alert("Error getting current states, Is the Eventsystem Enabled?");
	function block_export() {  

	function block_import() {  

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	function ResizeBlockyWindow()
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			 url: "json.htm?type=command&param=getlanguage",
			 async: false, 
			 dataType: 'json',
			 success: function(data) {
				if (typeof data.language != 'undefined') {
				else {
			 error: function(){

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			   	<block type="switchvariablesGL"></block>
			   	<block type="switchvariablesMR"></block>
			   	<block type="switchvariablesSZ"></block>
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			   	<block type="utilityvariablesMR"></block>
			   	<block type="utilityvariablesSZ"></block>
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				<td style="width:250px" valign="top">
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					<select name="interpreter" id="interpreter" class="ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" onchange="new_block();" style="width: 12em; padding: .2em; margin-top: 0.4em;">	
						<option selected="selected">Blockly</option>
					<select name="eventType" id="eventType" class="ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" style="width: 12em; padding: .2em;">
					  <option selected="selected">All</option>
					<label for="eventActive">Event active:</label>
					<input type="checkbox" id="eventActive" name="eventActive"/>
					<a class="btnstyle3-dis" id="btnSave" href="javascript:save_block()">Save</a>
					<a class="btnstyle3" href="javascript:new_block()">New</a>
					<label for="savedEvents">Saved events:</label><br>
					<select size="20" width="100%" style="width: 100%" id="savedEvents" name="savedEvents" onchange="loadSelectedEvent(this.value);"></select>
					<a class="btnstyle3-dis" id="btnDelete" style="width: 80%" href="javascript:delete_block()">Delete selected</a></br>
					<a class="btnstyle3" style="width: 80%; margin-top: 0.4em;" href="javascript:show_states()">Show current states</a>
					<div id="blockId" style="display:none;"/>


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Re: Math operators and Blocking

Post by pvm »

Are these fuctional?
Can upgrading the complete blockly code also fix the 'else' issue (not really functioning as and else statement)
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Re: Math operators and Blocking

Post by Mesomorf »

pvm wrote: Wednesday 06 December 2017 20:38 Are these fuctional?
Tried the Math function. Made simple test to add a "1 + 1" value to variable, but it is not updating the variable. So no, it is not functional.
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Joined: Saturday 30 December 2017 20:20
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
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Re: Math operators and Blocking

Post by wuschels »

ebretteville you are my sunshine !
That is exactly what i am looking for a long time.
i've tried to implement the original google code, but i was not succesful.
in January i will try it with your file.
is there somthing else to do....?
1x Pi1 (PiHole)
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Location: Cherbourg - Caen | France

Re: Math operators and Blocking

Post by ebretteville »

Don't know, blockly is from my point of view no really well documented. I can't find a complete list of available blocks. Also tried to do an avarage with some sensors values but it says average of list so it's ok for what i want to do but I can't find the list block. Also for @Mesomorf maybe you have to use the write to log block and write to the idx the result of the operation.
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Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: stable

Re: Math operators and Blocking

Post by wuschels »

Blockly ist documented at:
There is a Online-Guide where you can test your blockly-scripts.
It is also possible to make your own blocks, but it is not so easy....
I managed to implement "Loops", "Math" and "Variables" into domoticz.
It seems to work, but i do have problems with "variables". It seem that blockly-variables are not compatible with domitcz-user-variables..
1x Pi1 (PiHole)
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Re: Math operators and Blocking

Post by Xztraz »

In the long run a full blockly->lua editor would be awesome. Start with blockly and if more advanced stuff is needed. Just switch the code to lua and continue there. Great way to learn coding.
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Domoticz version: V3.8153

Re: Math operators and Blocking

Post by JoergZ »

I downloaded toolbox.xml and eventsframe.html to /home/pi/domoticz/www/ and restartet domoticz. But nothing changed. There is no Math library or something else new block at the blockly editor. What have I to do, to use math?
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Location: Cherbourg - Caen | France

Re: Math operators and Blocking

Post by ebretteville »

viewtopic.php?p=175156&sid=826759ff4357 ... 8a#p160576
With loops, to be placed at /home/pi/domoticz/www/ in a file named eventsframe.html
Attached file has been updated
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Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: V3.8153

Re: Math operators and Blocking

Post by JoergZ »

Please, no repetitions, use some other descriptive words. I don't understand. A loop is a programming element. But what is the context to the path of the files toolbox.xml and eventsframe.html.
Posts: 39
Joined: Sunday 10 January 2016 14:41
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
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Location: Cherbourg - Caen | France

Re: Math operators and Blocking

Post by ebretteville »

Forget toolbox.xml and place eventsframe in the location described in my last message. That will do the trick

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Re: Math operators and Blocking

Post by salopette »

Hello, where does the file have to be changed that I get the math?
The file is also no longer found?
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Re: Math operators and Blocking

Post by ebretteville »

Read my previous message and get the file in my first post that I updated

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Re: Math operators and Blocking

Post by Captayne »

Does ebrettvilles toolbox.eml and eventsframe.htm. work for everybody?
I have tried it but with no effect. The linked html file has gone from the location. Please update it.

Is there another location for math in blockly for domoticz?
Possibly one with better documentation about installation and usage?
Thank you all.
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Re: Math operators and Blocking

Post by Captayne »

Can someone post the lastest eventsframe.html?
Thank you soo much!
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Re: Math operators and Blocking

Post by ebretteville »

Will do it later, I'm in the train

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Re: Math operators and Blocking

Post by salopette »

Hello ebretteville, is there an update ???
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Re: Math operators and Blocking

Post by ebretteville »

I found this on my hard drive, don't know if it's the last version. Sorry. I also noticed that the events module has been updated recently. At least in the latest beta version. So use it at your own risk and backup the previous file before.
Rename it with an html ext
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