New iOS App for domoticz

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Re: New iOS App for domoticz

Post by mfranken »

Hi Sander,

Landscape support, Youless Gas and Selector switch support in currently in Testflight. Let me know (through the app) what you think.

safi78 wrote:
mfranken wrote:Landscape support is coming up!
Great! Looking forward to it, this is really hurting my neck ;)
mfranken wrote:The Youless does not distinguish between gas and energy, so no way to tell the difference.
If you want me to take a closer look, send me your JSON output from domoticz.
Already did that couple of months/weeks ago, somewhere here in this thread...

Thanks for the great work :)

EDIT: here it is ;) viewtopic.php?f=36&t=5052&start=100#p60065
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Re: New iOS App for domoticz

Post by michalke »

If someone could explain to me how to configure the app home page? In one post is information that you need to move your finger from top to bottom, but for me it does not work.
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Re: New iOS App for domoticz

Post by hjvingen »

michalke wrote:If someone could explain to me how to configure the app home page? In one post is information that you need to move your finger from top to bottom, but for me it does not work.
Best regards
It took me also some time to figure it out.
But it all has to do with the order in domoticz itself.
When you go to the Tab Temperature (in de the domoticz web-interface).
The first temperature is the one which appears under the house symbol. the others appear lower.
The same is with the Gas and Energy consumption. It is based on the order in the Utility Tab in the web-interface.

Hope this helps,
Good luck
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Re: New iOS App for domoticz

Post by michalke »

Thanks for quick answer. But is it chance to get something like that ( see attachment ). For now i have only inside temp below home icon and outside temp in temperature section. Is it chance to get outside temp on the left side home icon ( like in attachment )?
Best regards
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Re: New iOS App for domoticz

Post by hjvingen »

michalke wrote:Hello,
Thanks for quick answer. But is it chance to get something like that ( see attachment ). For now i have only inside temp below home icon and outside temp in temperature section. Is it chance to get outside temp on the left side home icon ( like in attachment )?
Best regards
I did only manage to get the weather prediction(from weather underground) on the left side home icon, instead of my outside sensor, maybe it was designed that way.
In my case (netherlands) the weather underground is very reliable and accurate compared with the real outside temp.

To get the weather on the top left, add from hardware weather underground (forecast io probably is also working).
You can add a weather device, which also shows up in the Temperature Tab.

Domotix shows this information in the top left.
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Re: New iOS App for domoticz

Post by mfranken »


This is described in the FAQ in the app. For fast response, use the feedback links in the app as well.

hjvingen wrote:
michalke wrote:Hello,
Thanks for quick answer. But is it chance to get something like that ( see attachment ). For now i have only inside temp below home icon and outside temp in temperature section. Is it chance to get outside temp on the left side home icon ( like in attachment )?
Best regards
I did only manage to get the weather prediction(from weather underground) on the left side home icon, instead of my outside sensor, maybe it was designed that way.
In my case (netherlands) the weather underground is very reliable and accurate compared with the real outside temp.

To get the weather on the top left, add from hardware weather underground (forecast io probably is also working).
You can add a weather device, which also shows up in the Temperature Tab.

Domotix shows this information in the top left.
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Re: New iOS App for domoticz

Post by michalke »

Thanks for reply.

Best regards
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Re: New iOS App for domoticz

Post by chrispazz »

Is it possibile to test it?

Thank you
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Re: New iOS App for domoticz

Post by Muyz »

Is Domotix still actively developed? Last update is from May.
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Re: New iOS App for domoticz

Post by digimate »

Still no updates!

Maybe the developer is kind/supportive enough to communicate with the buyers of their app to inform them about status/development?
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Re: New iOS App for domoticz

Post by bing69 »

There is a new beta!
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Re: New iOS App for domoticz

Post by rolfo »

Is there any chance for testing the app? I installed AppStore version today but I can't connect to my domoticz

EDIT: ok, I installed different app named domotix :)
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Re: New iOS App for domoticz

Post by safi78 »

Is this still maintained?

I send an email to the address meantioned in this thread, no answer whatsoever.

The app is fairly unusable to me, because it crashes instantly when I open it.
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Re: New iOS App for domoticz

Post by emma110 »

mfranken wrote: Tuesday 20 January 2015 11:13 Hi,

I am about to launch a new iPhone app for domoticz. It includes stats, today extensions, geofence and some more. I am currently testing in Apple's beta program.
I have no final name, but the working name is 'domotix'. I'd like to gather some more user feedback before launching and therefor invite you to send me a PM.
I'll invite the first 20 interested people for the 'TestFlight'. I will need your email address to invite you, the app requires iOS 8.1 and your domiticz server should be reachable by http, possibly protected by basic auth.

The app is available in EN and NL right now.


Its great job and name of app "Domotix" is also good. It will really help to user to communicate through the app.
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Re: New iOS App for domoticz

Post by bing69 »

This week I had contact with the maker because of problems, this is the answer I received. It seems clear to me!

"I'm sorry, but we no longer maintain and sell Domotix."
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