DIY cheap USB-cable to read P1 port of Dutch smart meter

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Re: DIY cheap USB-cable to read P1 port of Dutch smart meter

Post by Jeff »

Anyone ?
Jeff wrote:I've had a new gas+electricity meter installed (landys+gyr E350 DSMR 5) and hade to make a new cable for it,
While doing the initial testing with the 115200 7N1 parameters and inverted RXD i noticed that the data is not being displayed properly with this cable.

The board is correctly soldered since it worked fine with another FTDI 232 TLL232 5V cable, so i got a replacement cable and completely remade the board with a 1.5kohm resistor. Unfortunately still no proper telegram. This while the data comes trough every 10 seconds

Could this be meaning that the p1 port is bogus? or does anyone have another solution for this?

The only data that is coming trough is the following:
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Re: DIY cheap USB-cable to read P1 port of Dutch smart meter

Post by RFAH »

I've recently also the Landis + GYR 350 DSMR 5 installed.
The parameters are baudrate=115200 parity=None databits=8 stopbit=1
I've tested this with cu
The command: cu -l /dev/ttyUSB1 -s 115200 --parity=none
It should give the response "connected" and a telegram should appear.

I also found some documentation. ... inalP1.pdf
Hope this will help.
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Re: DIY cheap USB-cable to read P1 port of Dutch smart meter

Post by Draakje »

Hi All,

I have my P1 smart meter running for a couple of years now. All seems in working order.
But.. Now that I have solar panels I was expecting to see information about return of energy.

I do see the totals of kW being returned but I do not see a current (Actual ) return. it is always 0
Does this have something to do with the cable or is there some more configuration needed?

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Re: DIY cheap USB-cable to read P1 port of Dutch smart meter

Post by Jeff »

Draakje wrote:Hi All,

I have my P1 smart meter running for a couple of years now. All seems in working order.
But.. Now that I have solar panels I was expecting to see information about return of energy.

I do see the totals of kW being returned but I do not see a current (Actual ) return. it is always 0
Does this have something to do with the cable or is there some more configuration needed?

Normally when you've had solar panels installed it doesn't need any additional configuration in domoticz. However i read somewhere on the ned, Depending on how long ago this was installed it could take a little while for the returned kWh's to appear on the meter.

After some time it should look like this:

The green line is the total return counter and the other line is the actual return.
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Re: DIY cheap USB-cable to read P1 port of Dutch smart meter

Post by Draakje »

Well it does display it in the graph but the "Actual" usage is not updated.

It may just be a display issue..
Below is a screenshot made from my iPhone.
(maybe a bad example but I think you will get the idea, currentle there is not enough power generated to return some of it to the net :) )

In the screenshot the Actual return will always be 0 (it may switch between -0 and 0 )
IMG_1871.PNG (266.34 KiB) Viewed 11613 times
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Re: DIY cheap USB-cable to read P1 port of Dutch smart meter

Post by freijn »

Perhaps your meter?

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Re: DIY cheap USB-cable to read P1 port of Dutch smart meter

Post by Draakje »

yes but what to change then?
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Re: DIY cheap USB-cable to read P1 port of Dutch smart meter

Post by freijn »

You Solar is generating "only" 612 Watt.
Your house consuming 2130 Watt from the grid + 612 Watt from the Solar so 2742 Watts in total.

You are NOT returning anything in this screenshot......
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Re: DIY cheap USB-cable to read P1 port of Dutch smart meter

Post by Draakje »

ok but that is what I said.. .(Bad Example)

When my Solar is generating enough it still displays 0 Watt as consumption (I never have what you have like a -1405 Watt)

It is either a consumption or it is 0
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Re: DIY cheap USB-cable to read P1 port of Dutch smart meter

Post by freijn »

Have a look in the devices ( apparaten ) there you can see the rough vanlues you receive :

1 Slimme Meter 1 1 Power P1 Smart Meter Energy 2709832;2145763;320415;825673;0;1948
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Re: DIY cheap USB-cable to read P1 port of Dutch smart meter

Post by Draakje »

1 Electra 1 1 Electra P1 Smart Meter Energy 12272407;11858038;1372475;3106999;0;0

So I guess the information is not coming from the meter ?

If so, does this have something to do with the cable ? or just a non function for the meter?
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Re: DIY cheap USB-cable to read P1 port of Dutch smart meter

Post by Milifax »

Draakje wrote:1 Electra 1 1 Electra P1 Smart Meter Energy 12272407;11858038;1372475;3106999;0;0

So I guess the information is not coming from the meter ?

If so, does this have something to do with the cable ? or just a non function for the meter?
Check the readings on the meterdisplay itself. Compare it with the sw readings.
Then you can rule out the cable and/or sw.
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Re: DIY cheap USB-cable to read P1 port of Dutch smart meter

Post by Draakje »

ok, many thanks
I will check this. (not now as I am at work :P)
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Re: DIY cheap USB-cable to read P1 port of Dutch smart meter

Post by freijn »


Now thinking.. does your meter count backwards? probaly not ( as it is digital ) and no values on the return field.,,.
Does you get credits for returning power to the grid??? :-(
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Re: DIY cheap USB-cable to read P1 port of Dutch smart meter

Post by Draakje »

I have a Smart Meter (so digital) and the return meters will count.
It is just the Actual meter (in domoticz) that isn't displaying information
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Re: DIY cheap USB-cable to read P1 port of Dutch smart meter

Post by Draakje »

Maybe a bit off topic but has anyone tried to use the GPIO serial (raspberry pi3) to connect to the P1 ?

I am having some trouble with it
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Re: DIY cheap USB-cable to read P1 port of Dutch smart meter

Post by Draakje »

I have a question. My Smart meter was replaced today and now I have a ISKRA AM550. Now my previous cable doesn't work
And I should probably use the inverted on it (will have to look up the schematics)

But What if I use the GPIO poort (like ttyAMA0) Do I still need to invert the signal?
Does anybody have a schematic on how to connect the the gpio to the p1 ?
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Re: DIY cheap USB-cable to read P1 port of Dutch smart meter

Post by Draakje »

Hi Guys,
I need some serious help.

I just can't get my metering to work..
I have tried everything (at least I thing I did)

I have connected my USB-Serial like post 1 of this thread suggested.. but I have absolutely no output. Nothing.
I could buy the standard P1 smart cable but I was hoping to avoid that.. But then again as I have so little result I have not much hope the smart cable will work..

The SMart meter is brand new.. Could P1 be disabled?? (I do have 5v on pin 1 (pin 6 as GND)

I have connected 5v on pin 2 (RJ12 plug) and GND on pin3 data out is pin5 Further connections as described in post 1.

I have an ISKRA MA550

What else can I do ??
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Re: DIY cheap USB-cable to read P1 port of Dutch smart meter

Post by Draakje »

No one online to answer my question?
I am pretty desperate.... :s
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Re: DIY cheap USB-cable to read P1 port of Dutch smart meter

Post by peet3kabo »

Not long busy with domoticz on a raspberry pi2.
Got some lights working on domoticz.
Now I have a P1 smart meter in my home and wanted to connect it to domoticz.
Done a lot of research on the web and on the forum and found a lot of different info and ways to connect and how to's.
By accident or good research I don't know but I actually got it working on the first go with a selfmade usb-serial to RJ11 plug.
So wanted to share my settings and hardware for those who are searching and have the same setup.

Meter is a Landis&Gyr E350 SMR5.0
Bought a usb to serial cable with a prolific chipset, pl2303 chip.
15 metres of RJ11 cable
Piece of cable with a female RJ11 plug

Removed the serial plug from the pcb and solderd the wires from the female RJ11 to the pcb in following order:
RJ11 pin 3 to Serial pin 5, this is ground
RJ11 pin 5 to Serial pin 2, this is RX
RJ11 pin 2 to Serial pin 7, this is RTS
Soldered a resistor of 1K between pin 2 and 7 on serial PCB.

Started Domoticz and added a P1 meter USB in hardware with 115200 baudrate.
Checked on devices and P1 smart meter showed up in 3 devices.
Power, voltage and gas.
Selected those and they were installed.
So luckily this was a piece of cake.


Verstuurd vanaf mijn SM-G935F met Tapatalk

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