Thermostat mode and fan modes are incorrectly set as selector switches

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Thermostat mode and fan modes are incorrectly set as selector switches

Post by user4563 »

(Split into multiple posts due to attachment limit)

Hi just reporting that I have noticed that Domoticz incorrectly sets thermostat modes and thermostat fan modes to selector switches instead of correctly setting them as 'thermostat mode' and 'thermostat fan mode'. It does switch and indicate as expected but makes it confusing since it is grouped incorrectly and the android app even shows the level as a percentage:

Thermostat mode incorrectly set as a selector switch:
Screenshot 2025-01-19 171918.jpg
Screenshot 2025-01-19 171918.jpg (29.14 KiB) Viewed 76 times
Screenshot 2025-01-19 171951.jpg
Screenshot 2025-01-19 171951.jpg (69.77 KiB) Viewed 76 times
Thermostat fan mode incorrectly set as a selector switch:
Screenshot 2025-01-19 172047.jpg
Screenshot 2025-01-19 172047.jpg (28.45 KiB) Viewed 76 times
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Re: Thermostat mode and fan modes are incorrectly set as selector switches

Post by user4563 »

Screenshot 2025-01-19 172101.jpg
Screenshot 2025-01-19 172101.jpg (46.03 KiB) Viewed 75 times
They should be set as 'thermostat mode' and 'thermostat fan mode' like this:
Screenshot 2025-01-19 172140.jpg
Screenshot 2025-01-19 172140.jpg (16.37 KiB) Viewed 75 times
Screenshot 2025-01-19 172151.jpg
Screenshot 2025-01-19 172151.jpg (17.19 KiB) Viewed 75 times
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Re: Thermostat mode and fan modes are incorrectly set as selector switches

Post by user4563 »

Since it is a switch, the android app sees the selector levels as a light level:
Screenshot 2025-01-19 172455.jpg
Screenshot 2025-01-19 172455.jpg (26.02 KiB) Viewed 75 times
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Re: Thermostat mode and fan modes are incorrectly set as selector switches

Post by waltervl »

There is as far as I know no other possibility to set modes....
And what is exactly wrong? It is a switch, where do you expected else than in the switch tab?
If you want to group them use a floorplan and add the related switches and devices to a specific room.
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Re: Thermostat mode and fan modes are incorrectly set as selector switches

Post by user4563 »

Since it's really a thermostat mode and thermostat fan mode, it should be in the "Utilities" tab in Domoticz. That's the purpose of the tab grouping. Not a light switch as it is currently:
Screenshot 2025-01-24 135033.jpg
Screenshot 2025-01-24 135033.jpg (15.05 KiB) Viewed 56 times
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Re: Thermostat mode and fan modes are incorrectly set as selector switches

Post by waltervl »

For Domoticz it are switches and put into the Switch/lights tab. This is hardcoded and needs major rework to change.
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Re: Thermostat mode and fan modes are incorrectly set as selector switches

Post by user4563 »

Thank you for the info. Odd that is used to be correct - see the screenshot above where it was a thermostat mode in v2023.1 and in the "Utilities" tab.
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Re: Thermostat mode and fan modes are incorrectly set as selector switches

Post by waltervl »

Ah, I see now that the device type is "Thermostat Mode" and "Thermostat Fan Mode". I never heard of this device type. Probably related to the old OpenZwave integration.

So Indeed a good option to use these instead of the normal selector switches. I dont know if these easily can be made usable for MQTT AD devices, Dummy devices and python plugin framework.
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
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