Must be not difficult! Adding two values??  [Solved]

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Must be not difficult! Adding two values??

Post by PeterRozenveld »

It's Sunday and my brain doesn't want anymore:

What I'm doing wrong ?
Adding two values...

Code: Select all

    on =
        devices =

    logging =
        level = domoticz.LOG_DEBUG,
        marker = 'Adding F1 en F2',

    execute = function(dz, devices)

        targetDevice = dz.devices('Tot_Fornuis') -- define as virtual custom sensor

        -- local ph1 = dz.devices.('Kookplaat_F1_(Rechts)')
        local ph1 = dz.devices('Kookplaat_F1_(Rechts)') --  Fase meting L1 Kookplaat Rechts
        local ph2 = dz.devices('Kookplaat_F3_(Links_Flexzone)') -- Fase neting L2 Links_Flexzone
        local sumForn = ph1 + ph2
        dz.log('Sum of phase1 en phase2' .. sumForn, dz.LOG_DEBUG)

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Re: Must be not difficult! Adding two values??

Post by jvdz »

What isn't working or what does the output show? Could be they are strings in which case you need to use the
tonumber() function around them to be able to add them up.
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Re: Must be not difficult! Adding two values??

Post by waltervl »

You forgot to define the value for ph1 and ph2. If your device is a Watt meter then it should be something like

Code: Select all

local ph1 = dz.devices('Kookplaat_F1_(Rechts)').actualWatt
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Re: Must be not difficult! Adding two values??

Post by PeterRozenveld »

update Usage I think is wrong somewhere!

Code: Select all

    on =
        devices =

    logging =
        level = domoticz.LOG_DEBUG,
        marker = 'Adding F1 en F2',

    execute = function(dz, devices)

        targetDevice = dz.devices('Tot_Fornuis').Usage -- define as virtual custom sensor

        -- local ph1 = dz.devices.('Kookplaat_F1_(Rechts)')
        local ph1 = dz.devices('Kookplaat_F1_(Rechts)').actualWatt --  Fase meting L1 Kookplaat Rechts
        local ph2 = dz.devices('Kookplaat_F3_(Links_Flexzone)').actualWatt -- Fase neting L2 Links_Flexzone
        local sumForn = ph1 + ph2
        dz.log('Sum of phase1 en phase2' .. sumForn, dz.LOG_DEBUG)

results this:

Code: Select all

2025-01-19 21:23:32.787 Error: dzVents: Error: (3.1.8) Adding F1 en F2: An error occurred when calling event handler 11_Afzkap_SUm
2025-01-19 21:23:32.787 Error: dzVents: Error: (3.1.8) Adding F1 en F2: ...ticz/scripts/dzVents/generated_scripts/11_Afzkap_SUm.lua:29: attempt to index a nil value (global 'targetDevice') 
I do notice, still have a lot to learn
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Re: Must be not difficult! Adding two values??

Post by waltervl »

Change targetDevice = dz.devices('Tot_Fornuis').Usage

Code: Select all

targetDevice = dz.devices('Tot_Fornuis')
But look in the dzvents wiki per device type what variables are available to see what you want to calculate.....
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Re: Must be not difficult! Adding two values??  [Solved]

Post by PeterRozenveld »

Thanks, and in particular : waltervl for the right and fine support.
Herewith the working code:
Peter Rozenveld.

Code: Select all

    on =
        devices =

    logging =
        level = domoticz.LOG_DEBUG,
        marker = 'Adding F1 en F2',

    execute = function(dz, devices)

        targetDevice = dz.devices('Tot_Fornuis') -- define as virtual custom sensor

        local ph1 = dz.devices('Kookplaat_F1_(Rechts)').actualWatt --  Fase meting L1 Kookplaat Rechts
        local ph2 = dz.devices('Kookplaat_F3_(Links_Flexzone)').actualWatt -- Fase meting L2 Links_Flexzone
        local sumForn = ph1 + ph2
        dz.log('Sum of phase1 en phase2' .. sumForn, dz.LOG_DEBUG)

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