Fibaro Double Switch 2 don't trigger Script

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Fibaro Double Switch 2 don't trigger Script

Post by BennY »


I'm struggeling with a strange Issue. The Domoticz Device isn't triggering my Script.
The Hardware is a Fibaro Double Switch 2, wich is working fine. I get the state in Domoticz.
In Open-Zwave the created device was triggering my Script, after changing to Z-Wavejs-UI it doesn't. It is only for Switch 1, Switch 2 is triggering the Script like expected.

Code: Select all

return {
	on = {
		devices = {
			'Switch 1',
	logging = {
        level = domoticz.LOG_ERROR,
        marker = "Test"
	execute = function(domoticz, device)

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Re: Fibaro Double Switch 2 don't trigger Script

Post by boum »

check device name :
- is it unique? (did you rename the old switch with the ozw hardware?)
- check capitalization and trailing spaces too
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Re: Fibaro Double Switch 2 don't trigger Script

Post by BennY »

Sorry, I don't move from OZW. I rebuild the whole System from Scratch, cause I want to upgrade to Razberry 7 with external Antenna.

Yes the name is unique. I can control the device within the script (switch On/Off). I also tried different names like 'test' and used the idx instead of names. But the device is never triggering a script.
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Re: Fibaro Double Switch 2 don't trigger Script

Post by waltervl »

Not related but Openzwave will be renoved from Domoticz in a future release as the Openzwave project has been stopped. So please move to OpenZwave.

Related to the issue if you see the device change in the UI when you switch it manually it should trigger the script. For dzvents it is important that there is no other devices with exactly the same name. If there is another device with the same name also the idx will not work.
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Re: Fibaro Double Switch 2 don't trigger Script

Post by BennY »

Sorry for the confusion.
Long Story: I was on OZW, after including a few new Door Sensor OZW Crashes and I wasn't able to fix it. I decided to upgrade my Razberry 2 to Razberry 7 Pro and rebuild the Network with a fresh install including ZWaveJS-UI. All 109 Devices are newly included in ZWaveJS-UI. Everything is working, but the device isn't triggering any script. So now I'm on Domoticz 2024.7 with ZWaveJS-UI.

In the old Setup with OZW it works. In the new Setup with Z-WaveJS-UI it doesn't. The device name is unique (idx397, "Beleuchtung Waschküche"). It is only the first channel from the double switch, the second channel and alle other devices are triggering scripts.
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Re: Fibaro Double Switch 2 don't trigger Script

Post by waltervl »

So if you switch the switch idx 397, "Beleuchtung Waschküche" from domoticz manually there is no trigger? Or when you switch the real switch in the Waschküche? Or in both scenarios? Or how do you switch the switch?

Do you see the switch state On/Off change in Domoticz?
Do you see the switch state On/Off change in Zwave-JS-UI?
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Re: Fibaro Double Switch 2 don't trigger Script

Post by BennY »

The Room has two lights, one to see your steps, second to work.
If I press the physical Button my script is in manual mode and both lights switch on, switch off after 10 minutes.
If you walk in and motion is detected the "little" light switch on and the script is in auto-mode, after 2 minutes and still motion the working light switch on.

I can turn the light on and off in Z-WaveJS, Domoticz and physical. I always have the correct state in Z-WaveJS, Domoticz and real life.

The only issue is, that this device isn't triggering a script. Checked also HASS in Z-WaveJS-UI, there is no difference between Switch 1 and 2.
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Re: Fibaro Double Switch 2 don't trigger Script

Post by waltervl »

You give too much information now.....

If you switch the switch idx 397, "Beleuchtung Waschküche" from domoticz manually there is no trigger? Very strange if so because this is not Zwave-JS-Ui related.
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