Thanks for your reply!
(As the code examples in my initial post might be confusing, I changed the text somewhat to better clarify.)
Yes, the mentioned API definition was my guiding document, e.g. if one uses (Postman to 'get') this url:
Code: Select all
http://<your_ip_address>:<your_port>/json.htm?type=command¶m=addlogmessage&message="this message ends up in the error log"&level=4
A line appears also in the error log. Levels 1 and 2 behave also as expected.
Yet using this mqtt message does not result in a message in the error log, it appears in the status log (as does a message with level: 1 or 2):
Code: Select all
{"command": "addlogmessage", "message": "A message to the log (does not end up in error-log)", "level": 4 }
A line ends up in the status log.
(I also tried {... , "level": "error" } which has the same result)
The Wiki on MQTT ( does not mention the option to specify the 'level', so it seems to work as documented, so this is certainly not a 'bug'
