Error: zigbee: There are alreday Widget

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Error: zigbee: There are alreday Widget

Post by tulips »

Error: zigbee: There are alreday Widget(s) associated for this objet {'Version': '3', 'ZDeviceName': '
Had a ssd crash and try to get my old backup running.

Anyone know how to solve it? :?
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Re: Error: zigbee: There are alreday Widget

Post by waltervl »

What zigbee integration are you running?
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
Devices/plugins: ZigbeeforDomoticz (with Xiaomi, Ikea, Tuya devices), Nefit Easy, Midea Airco, Omnik Solar, Goodwe Solar
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Re: Error: zigbee: There are alreday Widget

Post by tulips »

ZigBeeforDomoticZ plugin Version 7.1.018
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Re: Error: zigbee: There are alreday Widget

Post by tulips »

Allot of error messages in the log
Spoiler: show
2025-01-07 19:17:56.111 Status: zigbee: [1] NEW OBJECT: 0b20 Model Name: TS0001
2025-01-07 19:17:56.111 Status: zigbee: [1] NEW OBJECT: 0b20 Manufacturer Name: _TZ3210_j4pdtz9v
2025-01-07 19:17:56.111 Error: zigbee: There are alreday Widget(s) associated for this objet {'Version': '3', 'ZDeviceName': '', 'Status': '8043', 'SQN': 'f5', 'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'0007': 3, 'fffe': 0, '0004': '_TZ3210_j4pdtz9v', '0000': 3, '0001': 83, '0005': 'TS0001', 'ffe2': 54, 'ffe4': 0, 'ffdf': '\x18\x0f/\x11\x0f/\x11'}, '0004': {}, '0005': {}, '0006': {'0000': '00'}, '0019': {}, 'e000': {}, 'Type': 'Switch'}}, 'Heartbeat': '7198', 'RIA': '1', 'LQI': 32, 'Battery': {}, 'Model': 'TS0001', 'ForceAckCommands': [], 'MacCapa': '80', 'IEEE': 'a4c1387463d0405b', 'Type': '', 'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0000', 'App Version': 83, 'Attributes List': {}, 'DeviceType': 'RFD', 'HW Version': '', 'Last Cmds': [], 'LogicalType': 'End Device', 'Manufacturer': '1141', 'Manufacturer Name': '_TZ3210_j4pdtz9v', 'NbEp': '1', 'PowerSource': 'Battery', 'ReadAttributes': {'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'TimeStamp': 1736267866, 'iSQN': {'0004': '00', '0000': '00', '0001': '00', '0005': '00', '0007': '00', 'fffe': '00'}, 'Attributes': {'0004': '00', '0000': '00', '0001': '00', '0005': '00', '0007': '00', 'fffe': '00', 'ffe2': '00', 'ffe4': '00', 'ffdf': '00'}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}, '0006': {'TimeStamp': 1736273860, 'iSQN': {}, 'Attributes': {'0000': '00'}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}}}}, 'ReceiveOnIdle': 'Off', 'Stack Version': '', 'Stamp': {'time': 1736273860.4961917, 'Time': '2025-01-07 19:17:40', 'MsgType': '8102', 'LastSeen': 1736273860}, 'ZCL Version': 3, 'Health': 'Live', 'Capability': ['Reduced-Function Device', 'Standard security', 'NwkAddr should be allocated'], 'ZCLSQN': '00', 'ZDPSQN': '03', 'ErrorManagement': 0, 'PairingInProgress': True, 'ZCL-IN-SQN': {'ef00': 'c0', '0000': 'de', '000a': 'f0'}, 'RollingLQI': [47, 47, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 36, 36, 32, 32], 'ConfigSource': 'DeviceConf', 'Param': {'PowerOnAfterOffOn': 2}, 'Epv2': {'01': {'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0000', 'ClusterIn': {'0006': {}, 'ef00': {}, '0000': {}}, 'ClusterOut': {'0019': {}, '000a': {}}}}, 'ReqEpv2': {'01': 1736237790.12027}, '_rawNodeDescriptor': '1141004200422a000080424002', 'Max Buffer Size': '42', 'Max Rx': '0042', 'Max Tx': '0042', 'macapa': '80', 'bitfield': '4002', 'server_mask': '2a00', 'descriptor_capability': '00', 'ZDeviceVersion': '0001', 'SQN_000a': 'f0', 'Tuya': {'UnknowDp_0x65_Dt_0x04': '00', 'UnknowDp_0x69_Dt_0x02': '00000010'}} in Domoticz
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Re: Error: zigbee: There are alreday Widget

Post by waltervl »

Are there devices in the device list (Menu Setup - devices) for this node TS0001 _TZ3210_j4pdtz9v, IEEE': 'a4c1387463d0405b'? Search in the device list for the IEEE iD to check. If so, delete them from Domoticz.

It seems the Domoticz database currently has more info than the plugin config.
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
Devices/plugins: ZigbeeforDomoticz (with Xiaomi, Ikea, Tuya devices), Nefit Easy, Midea Airco, Omnik Solar, Goodwe Solar
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