lambda probe (o2 sensor)

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lambda probe (o2 sensor)

Post by bitzy »

i have a gasification wood boiler and i will like to attach an O2 sensor to it to measure the flue gases and to use the raspberry pi to control the primary and secondary air so that the burning of the wood to be the most efficient i can make it.

now the primary and secondary air are set (by feeling or by using a O2 sensor temporarily attached to the flue) and it will be the same no matter the changing conditions of the burning.

is there a known way of reading the O2 sensor with raspberry pi? (by known i meant documented - someone did it, knows and shares the parts used, software needed, scripts or anything else ...). i'm a noob around raspberry and electronics and i will not know where to start and where to poke to do this by myself.

is it worth bothering to continue digging on how to use the O2 sensor with the raspberry or take an arduino and see how to make it integrate with raspberry and domoticz?

does someone did or know about a project of this kind?
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Re: lambda probe (o2 sensor)

Post by waltervl »

I searched a little bit but did not find something.
For this I would also not use a RPI but an esp8266 or WeMos development board. Cheap and easy to program with for example ESPHome.

If you now what your sensor is giving as output (Voltage or Current (mA)) you could connect it to such a board and have the data send to Domoticz.
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Re: lambda probe (o2 sensor)

Post by waltervl »

Found this discussion in Dutch about using a bylund lambda arduino shield on a wood stove
Seems to be a kind of plug and play. An arduino is also a development board that can be programmed to do specific tasks.

The author also has made an extension to MQTT that can be used to get the dat into Domoticz (he uses Home Assistant).
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Re: lambda probe (o2 sensor)

Post by bitzy »

nobody knows how to read an O2 sensor with raspberry?
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Re: lambda probe (o2 sensor)

Post by waltervl »

Looking at the extra hardware interface (shield) that is needed to have an arduineo communicatie with the sensor you should somehow connect this interface shield with the gpio of the Raspberry. But that is not plug and play
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